Signature is a pink lip print.

Kogoro Mouri immediately knew who sent it when he saw the pink lip print, but looking at Xiaolan who was obviously angry, he could only say: "This should be sent by the fanatic fan in my fan support group." Come on, you also know that I have many fans, some of them have imagined that I have been with them, this is also normal!"

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, Xiaolan's face gradually lost her anger, and she couldn't help pouting: "Really, these fans are too much, and all the letters are sent here!"

Haibara still looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously, she seemed to feel that the matter was not that simple.

Volume [-] Frozen Quest

Chapter 0001 Goodbye Yukiko

Mori Kogoro went down to the office on the second floor after eating. He really didn't have a good rest yesterday and almost stayed up all night.

At this moment, he just covered his head with the newspaper and lay down on the office chair to catch up on sleep.

After an hour or two, Kogoro Mouri heard the sound of Xiaolan leading Huiyuan down.

"Dad, I want to visit the injured doctor with Hui Yuan and Conan, and I also want to take these two children to the Metropolitan Police Department to record a statement. Dad, do you want to go together?" Xiaolan asked.Seeing that Mori Kogoro seemed to be asleep, he didn't want to disturb him anymore.

Xiaolan led Huiyuan downstairs, and Conan followed behind.

The three stopped a taxi downstairs and rushed to Dr. Ali's house.

Kogoro Mori watched them go away, so he got up quickly, crumpled up the newspapers on his body and threw it away. He walked out of the Mori Detective Agency, changed the office to a resting state, and then turned and went to the third floor.

He specially went to the third floor to take a shower, reorganized himself, and then walked out of the room energetically, went downstairs, and reached out to hail a taxi.

Kogoro Mori could recognize who came from that letter just by looking at the lip print. This is a letter from Yukiko Fujimine.

Mori Kogoro got into the taxi and said to the driver, "Please drive to the Sakura Hotel next to Mihua University."

Sakura Hotel is the lingering love nest of Kogoro Mori and Yukiko Fujimine. For four years in college, Kogoro Mori studied at Mika University, and his real girlfriend, Eri, studied at Tokyo University. There is a long distance between the two universities, so Yukiko So I often come to Mihua University to look for Kogoro Mouri.

Young men and women naturally have to do some embarrassing things. Mori Kogoro still remembers that this was still called Sakura Hotel. After more than [-] years, it was demolished and rebuilt into Sakura Hotel, which became extremely magnificent.

Mori Kogoro still remembered that the exclusive room for the two was room 707, which was Yukiko's birthday.

I didn't expect to call Yukiko to come back during the New Year, but she didn't come back, but she suddenly appeared today, and Kogoro Mori was naturally very pleasantly surprised.

Soon the taxi stopped at the downstairs of the Sakura Hotel, and Mori Kogoro walked out to the front desk of the hotel.

"Hi, may I ask if someone has stayed in room 707 of the hotel?" A gentle voice came from Mori Kogoro.

The stunned front desk lady came back to her senses after being pulled by the consul on the side. She quickly buried her head in helping to find it, typing on the keyboard.

This can only be blamed on the fact that Mori Kogoro is so handsome when he is dressed up. He is dressed in a blue suit, capable hair, firm face, deep eyes, sculptural facial features, and exudes the temperament of an uncle. The handsome man blushed.

Mori Kogoro turned around and straightened his sleeves, glanced at the sofa in the hotel lobby on the right, and several women shyly turned their eyes away.

"Sorry, room 707 is already occupied. If you want to stay, you have to choose another room." The front desk lady looked eagerly at Kogoro Mori, wanting to check in for him.

Mori Kogoro smiled and waved his hands: "No, I can't stay, I'm just looking for someone." After that, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

Yuxiko who was disguised on the sofa murmured to herself: This guy, really, is he even dressed up like this to attract others?But really handsome!

Seeing Kogoro Mori going to take the elevator, she hastily put down a magazine in front of him. In the astonished eyes of everyone, she took off the wig, sunglasses, scarf, and windbreaker one by one, and instantly A man transformed into a delicate and beautiful woman.

There was a mischievous smile on Yuxiko's face: "Mori-kun, you can go to the upper room and accept my big gift obediently!"

As long as the door of 707 is pushed open, there will be a shot of powder that can shoot Kogoro Mori colorfully in an instant.

Yukiko stood up quickly, wanting to go upstairs to see for herself the miserable state of Mori Kogoro being tricked by her mechanism.

Yukiko took another elevator and went up to the seventh floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Yukiko walked out immediately, was pulled by a pair of big hands, and fell into a familiar embrace, it was Moori Kogoro who had been lying in wait for a long time.

"Ah, really, why did you see through it again!" You Xizi pursed her lips, looking extremely playful and cute.

Mori Kogoro looked at Yukiko in his arms. She was wearing a dark red tight-fitting leather jacket, outlining a hot and enchanting figure. Under the brown curly hair was a delicate little face with light makeup on it. She was so beautiful .

Mori Kogoro said, "Long time no see, Yukiko."

You Xizi couldn't help raising her hands and began to count: "How long has it been? Since the last time we met at Mihua Hotel, it has only been eighty-four days, which is not enough time for me to shoot a new movie!"

Mori Kogoro saw that Yukiko remembered the time when the two separated clearly, so he couldn't help but move his eyes slightly, hugged her into his arms with big hands, sniffed the smell of perfume on her body, and said seriously: "I miss you so much Ah, Yukiko."

Hearing this, Xizi couldn't help but her face was touched, she stretched out her hands to wrap her arms around Mouri Kogoro's chest and waist, and said softly, "Xiaogoro, I miss you too!"

The two hugged each other by the elevator for a long time, Yu Xizi broke away, she was full of disbelief: "How did you see through my disguise?"

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly: "I just took a look. In the hall below, it doesn't matter that a big man didn't notice me at all, but there is something wrong with the fashion magazine he is holding in his hand. Take a closer look. , the hand holding the magazine is not a man's hand at all."

Mori Kogoro took Yukiko's hands and rubbed them lightly: "It just so happens that Yukiko's big hands are already deeply engraved in my mind. I knew that guy was you at a glance, but there are too many people below, so I will attract you." Just come up!"

Mori Kogoro kept looking at Yukiko, not concealing the enthusiasm in it at all, interlocking his ten fingers directly with Yukiko's, and then slapped her palm, making a slapping sound: "Youkiko, you invite me here That's it, why don't we talk in the room!"

You Xizi quickly pulled out her hands, and said arrogantly: "No, you bastard, you've been thinking about those things all day long."

"I'm back this time for business. Let's go, you and I will go back to my hometown to deal with a commission." Yukiko dragged Mori Kogoro, and pulled him into the elevator, which immediately frightened.

After getting out of the elevator, Yukiko put on her sunglasses again, put her arm around Kogoro Mouri's arm, and kept rubbing against Kogoro Moori with the lump of soft flesh in front of her.

Like a proud white swan, she walked out of the hotel with Kogoro Mori in her arms, leaving the women in the hotel and the receptionist staring at him with dismay, and Kogoro Mori, according to Yukiko's request, was calling Xiaogoro on the phone. orchid.

Chapter 0002 Yukiko the Drag Racing

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