It was also the beginning of falling into Qingzi's gentle hometown, and it was out of control.

This night, Kogoro Mori worked very hard, like a bee, picking quilts one by one, and was busy until almost four o'clock in the morning.

But for example, Zhenchun and Yuanzi couldn't wake up because of the sleeping charm stuck on their bodies.

As for the other girls, they were either pretending to be asleep, or cooperating, or wanting to refuse and welcome, the situation was different.

On the second day, it was past ten o'clock in the morning on Saturday.

Mori Kogoro, who was in a deep sleep, woke up when he heard the call, and saw Xiaolan's pretty face that was either angry or happy.

"Dad, the sun is drying your ass, get up soon, a woman came down below, and you said you asked her to be the housekeeper, what's going on?"

Xiaolan narrowed her eyes, and the murderous look instantly aroused Kogoro Mouri's spirit.

He woke up in an instant, took his daughter's hand and explained: "It's not that Dad watches you clean up the house, cooking is too hard!"

"Now that the size of the house has doubled, and there are so many people living there, seeing you working in the kitchen for so long every day, my father feels very distressed, so he asked someone to help you!"

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Lan was quite satisfied, but the suspicion in her eyes did not disappear completely.

"Really? That girl looks very cute. Dad must have some evil plans for her, right?"

"How is it possible, am I like that?"

Xiaolan inspected him carefully, then nodded: "Like!"

Kogoro Maoli immediately put on a look of lovelessness: "Now even you don't believe me, so what's the point of my life!" After saying this, he buried himself in Xiaolan's arms and cried bitterly. appearance.

Chapter 0162 Angry Little Lolita

Wow!Hey enough!

After waking up in the morning, facial cleanser is the perfect match.

The little angel's face blushed instantly, and the little soft hand even patted Kogoro Mouri on the head.

"Daba, stop messing around, it's so annoying that you didn't stop in the middle of the night last night."

Then Kogoro Moori raised his head and said with a smirk: "I see you obviously like it very much, but you girl got up by yourself last night."

The girl covered her mouth with her little hand: "Don't say it, there are people outside!"

"Hmph, I don't care about you big pervert, hurry up and eat."

Saying this, the little angel got up and walked out.

Mori Kogoro, who was disturbed by such a disturbance, was in great spirits immediately, and got up vigorously.

As soon as he walked out of the living room, he saw a group of girls on the sofa.

Most of the girls still had a little sleepiness on their faces, which was entirely Kogoro Mori's masterpiece last night.

When they saw Kogoro, their cheeks turned red involuntarily.

Only Yuanzi and Zhenchun, who slept soundly last night, didn't react at all, but looked at the surrounding people slightly in a daze.

Strange!I always feel like I missed something!

Looking at the harem he built, the ring is fat, the swallows are thin, and the flowers are blooming. Mori Kogoro is also full of achievements.

He greeted the girls, and went into the bathroom to wash up.

After tidying up his image a bit, he picked up the bread on the dining table casually, and planned to go downstairs to see Yingzi.

When I was in the stairwell, I happened to meet little Loli Marie who was going up.

It's just that the little blond-haired loli didn't give him a good look, and she didn't say hello when she passed him.

"Mary! Mary!"

Little Loli completely ignored Kogoro Mori's call, and walked quickly into the house on the third floor with short legs.

Too bad, could it be that Zhenchun told Mary all about beating Xiuyi yesterday?

Miserable, it seems that she needs to be coaxed.

At this moment, another little loli Huihara came out of the office, and Kogoro Mori picked it up.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong with your aunt Mary, why did you ignore her in the morning? Did Zhenchun tell her something?"

Haibara reacted in an instant, his blue eyes were full of smiles, and his little hand couldn't help tugging Moori Kogoro's ear.

"Uncle, you are too bad, you have no credit at all. Last night, you coaxed Aunt Mary to go home and took medicine. She recovered, but you didn't come to her again."

"It caused her to hide in my room last night and dare not see anyone. Of course she is angry with you."

It turned out to be like this, I thought it was about Xiuyi!

She didn't expect that what she said about teasing Mary casually in the revolving restaurant would be remembered by her!

But there was no other way, there were so many girls in the living room last night, and they were woken up one after another, Kogoro Mori really couldn't get away!It's so hard for a man!

Especially a man with so many women, it's so hard!

Seeing Kogoro Mori's frown, Little Loli stretched out her soft hand to smooth it out.

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