Mori Kogoro looked at the clock, it was almost six o'clock.

"It's getting late, we've had enough exercise today, let's all take a shower and go home!"

The girls naturally had no objections, so they surrounded Kogoro Mori and headed towards the bathroom.

A group of yingyingyanyan girls entered the women's shower room, while Mori Kogoro went to the men's shower room alone.

But soon, a girl ran over quickly from the female shower room.

Standing under the shower head, Mori Kogoro let countless jets of cold water wash over his body, washing away all the dryness and heat in his body, and felt very comfortable.

Life is always so easy and comfortable!

Men's baths are usually simple and rough, and within five minutes, he is done.

Kogoro Mori, who had regained his refreshment, tied a towel and headed towards the locker room, wiping his hair with the towel in his hand.

But as soon as he entered the men's locker room, he felt a delicate body hugging him from behind.

After a little perception of the size against his back, Mori Kogoro recognized it instantly, it must be Sonoko.

He chuckled and said, "What's the matter? Yuanzi, this is an area for men only, why did you come here?"

Sonoko didn't answer, but her hot little red face was involuntarily pressed against Mouri Kogoro's broad back.

The little girl can feel the elasticity of that muscle, and she can't help but feel very satisfied!

However, Kogoro Moori couldn't help but turned around, and pressed his small hand on his forehead: "I don't have a fever, why are you behaving strangely?"

Uh! ! !

Sonoko looked down and saw Kogoro Mori's big chest muscles, eight-pack abs that were as neat as chocolate, and two mermaid lines on the left and right.

This shocking scene made the little girl gasp, her eyes glazed over.

Looking at Sonoko who had fallen into the slut state again, Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of smiles, and he rubbed his small head with his big hand: "Is it really that beautiful?"

The little girl didn't answer, but her actions were already an answer.

The little soft hand couldn't help grabbing Kogoro Mouri's chest muscles!

Chapter 0188 I want to make an appointment with my uncle

Seeing Yuanzi behave like this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Is it easy to touch?"

Xiao Nizi subconsciously nodded her head, her little head frantically nodding like garlic.

Her pretty face was blushing, and her eyes were filled with excitement, as if she would faint at any moment.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro narrowed his deep eyes, and said with a light smile, "It's fair, let me try yours!"

Saying this, his right hand made a movement similar to Yuanzi's, as if it was engraved, and when he pinched it, he couldn't help but chuckled with satisfaction: "It's not bad, it seems that I have worked hard at ordinary times!"

The little girl froze as if struck by lightning!

The naked eyes could see the hot air escaping from this girl's little head, that heat, that temperature, almost distorted the void!

But even so, Yuanzi didn't take half a step back!

It's just that the big amber eyes stared blankly at Mori Kogoro.

After a long time, she realized as if she had just woken up from a dream, and her body limp like a beautiful snake fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms. She couldn't help but said, "Uncle is really necrotic!"

But even so, Yuanzi's little hands were reluctant to let go.

If she doesn't let go, Kogoro Mori naturally has no reason to let go!

Mori Kogoro wrapped his slender waist with his left hand and pulled him to sit on the bench in the locker room.

Sonoko sat on his lap, very intimate.

Smelling the sweet fragrance from the girl, his big hands didn't stop, but asked gently: "Okay, avoid the eyes and ears of everyone, and come to the locker room to find me, what's the matter?"

It was the second time that he was so close to Kogoro Mori, and Sonoko's eyes soon filled with mist.

His whole heart and body were throbbing for Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Mori could easily hear and perceive the sound of the fawn's heartbeat!

The little girl was in a daze, but when she heard the question, she remembered what she was doing here, so she tried her best to restrain herself and spoke intermittently.

"Uncle is so bad that he did such a thing in the gym!"

Sonoko's small head was slightly close to Mori Kogoro's ear, as if afraid of being overheard, he kept his voice very low.

"I've seen it all. I saw everything that happened on the treadmill, in the barbell area, on the soft bench, and by the window just now through the surveillance camera!"

The girl's breath was not steady when she spoke, and she breathed into her ears from time to time.

Mori Kogoro showed a shocked and annoyed expression at the right time: "How could it be?"

But in fact, he had already discovered the surveillance and Yuanzi who was watching after the surveillance.

The Red Queen could have easily destroyed the route and erased the video data.

But after learning that it was Sonoko, Mori Kogoro let her peep, just to see her reaction.

Yuanzi's little red face was full of smug smiles: "This is a shocking secret, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

"Uncle is really too bad to do such a rebellious thing."

"If Aunt Yingli finds out, do you think there will be a world war? Hehe, I have all the video materials just now in my hand."

Mori Kogoro's acting skills are completely explosive, his eyes are full of panic, and even the slight trembling of the corners of his mouth is a joke.

"No, Sonoko, you can't tell Eri about this, you have to help uncle keep it a secret!"

But even if he was acting, it didn't delay his work at all!

Hearing this, the little girl bit her lower lip and smiled slyly.

Sure enough, editing the video is useful, this is Wang Zha!

The kiss photo before was completely useless, threatening Xiaolan to create opportunities for herself and her uncle.

Xiao Lan made good promises, but she never kept them!

What else can be pushed to Mira!

snort!Scum girl, I still have to do it myself!

With wishful thinking in mind, Sonoko put his arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and said with a smile, "Uncle, you can keep it secret for me, but what reward do I have!"

"Reward, what reward do you want?"

See you at the picture!

Yuanzi's eyes sparkled, "I want you to break up with my mother and stay with me from now on, and don't mess with my sister!"

Sure enough, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Mori Kogoro immediately freed his left hand, patted Sonoko's buttocks hard, and said firmly, "No, change it!"

The little girl pouted instantly, and couldn't help threatening: "But I have a video, and..."


Mori Kogoro glanced sideways, his eyes were full of threats, and his momentum was extremely strong, and his left hand was also raised.

Yuanzi's body became weak in an instant, and he calmed down very naturally, and muttered: "If you can't do it, you can't do it, what is so fierce!"

The little girl rested her chin on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, squinted her eyes and began to think.

It's just that her expression is obviously greedy for Kogoro Mori's embrace and intimate interaction with him, and she doesn't want to get up at all.

Naturally, Kogoro Moori has no objection, holding the gentle girl in his arms, pushing and pulling, is naturally very comfortable.

After a long time, Yuanzi in his arms trembled all over, opened his eyes, and said softly, "Uncle, I thought of it!"


"It's okay if you want me to keep it secret. I can never mention what happened today."

"But you have to promise me that as long as I ask you out, come out with me 'alone' unconditionally, at least three times, three times unconditionally!"

After making appointments alone three times, she couldn't believe that she couldn't take down Uncle Mao Li.

I have made so many strategy plans before, but because there are light bulbs every time, I didn’t succeed, but my mother took the lead. "As long as you promise me, I can delete all those videos and photos."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows and said, "So this is a date invitation?"

Yuanzi nodded firmly: "Yes, it's a date invitation, I want to date my uncle!"

Kogoro Moori rubbed Sonoko's little head with his warm hands: "Fool, you usually ask your uncle out, and your uncle will go out with you, but he came to threaten me today, hehe, that's too bad!"

After saying this, his big hand started to beat Yuanzi again.

The slapping sound kept ringing out, and Yuanzi felt a burst of pain, and Yuanzi instantly had a bitter expression.

What a shame, so my Wang Zang weapon was exchanged for something useless?Why am I so stupid!

Damn it, it's all my uncle's fault, who tricked me into being tricked by beautiful men. I could have used this weapon to kick my mother and sister out of the game!

No, I have to make enough money!

The little girl who was beaten by the fat opened her hands on Kogoro Mori's chocolate-shaped eight-pack abs, really looking pained and happy.

Chapter 0189 Dad's Sao Routine

After the fat beating, Sonoko snuggled into Kogoro Mouri's arms and couldn't get up.

Mori Kogoro looked down, and Sonoko pursed his lips with narrowed eyes, but there were still tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seemingly aware of Mori Kogoro's gaze, Sonoko said in a nasal voice: "Uncle is so bad, he's pinching me!"

"Really? I don't believe it, let me see!"

Hearing this, Xiao Nizi turned her head shyly, but said nothing, with a tacit approval.

Mori Kogoro didn't hesitate at the moment, he raised his big hand and began to observe carefully.

I just pinched it too much, and it was really red and swollen.

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