Mori Kogoro knew that this trip would not be easy. He patted himself on the lower back, full of energy and sufficient bullets, and would be able to withstand fierce battles.

Chapter 0006 Yukiko 2

Mori Kogoro and Yukiko sat down next to each other, and everyone else in the house came over one by one.

In the end, the old fat man appeared in the room with Carlos in his house. When he saw the hot pot, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "It's really good. If you eat hot pot today, don't worry."

"I don't have to ask Carlos to test the drug every day."

Hiromi couldn't help but frown and said, "Uncle!"

"Carulos, sit down too!" The old fat man talked to Carlos in Portuguese, and they both sat down.

At this time, Maori Kogoro also spoke in Portuguese: "Your name is Carlos, are you a mixed race of Brazilians and Neon people?"

Heitan-headed Carlos immediately said with a look of surprise: "You can also speak Portuguese."

The face of the old fat man at the side immediately changed drastically: "Carulos, don't talk to him, the people here are not good people!"

Heitantou was full of reluctance: "But..."

Kogoro Mori smiled, and stopped talking, the old fat man looked at Kogoro Mori, his eyes full of fear.

Everyone in the room looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

"Mr. Mori, do you speak Portuguese?" Hiromi Suuchi looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

"Oh, I've learned a few greetings, and I just said hello to this bodyguard!" Mori Kogoro said modestly, not wanting to reveal himself.

Everyone looked at Shunei Yifang, who was facing a formidable enemy, and couldn't help but be skeptical.

You Xizi on the side quickly poked her head over, and said in a low voice, "You can fool others, but you can't fool me. Greetings in Portuguese are not like that at all. When did you learn Portuguese?"

"You can just flip through the books, isn't it difficult?"

It's really not difficult. Mori Kogoro's IQ is over [-] points. These foreign languages ​​are really easy to read after reading books. Now reading books is no longer fun for Mori Kogoro.

Without the fun of exploration, it is just stuffing knowledge into the head, too mechanical, too boring, and no fun at all.

The same is true for literature. Any foreshadowing, inverse comparison, and dark lines are clear at a glance. If there are no surprises and waves, there will be no interest.

So Moori Kogoro stopped reading after reading all the books in the Mihua Library.

However, all the books in the Mihua library are stored in his mind and can be retrieved at any time.With his current knowledge, it can be said that he knows astronomy and geography. Except for some languages ​​that are too remote, he is proficient in more than [-] foreign languages, which is enough to deal with [-]% of the human beings on this earth.

"Bragging, it's fine if you don't want to say it." You Xizi wrinkled her nose and turned around, picked up her chopsticks and started eating.


At this moment, around eight o'clock, the phone in the room rang.

Hiromi Suuchi hurried over to answer: "Mom...yes, it's a bit inconvenient to take a shower today...Mom, what's wrong with you?...Oh, ok..."

Hiromi Suzui hung up the phone and said, "It seems that she found a new boyfriend at the party, and she was getting close to other men while calling!"

The yellow-haired younger brother Suzui Yoshiyuki frowned and said: "This guy is really good. Dad has only been away for more than a month, and she found a boyfriend again."

"Okay, stop talking, let's eat!"

Everyone sat on the mats, put their feet into the kotatsu table, and began to eat.

Because the table is huge, everyone sits in twos, Shuka and his wife, Yoshiyuki and his wife, Suuchi Gifu and Carlos, and Mori Kogoro and Yukiko, all of them accidentally knocked their feet together.

Mori Kogoro put mushrooms from the hot pot, and fish in Yukiko's bowl. These are the things that Yukiko likes to eat, and Yukiko accepts them with peace of mind.

Seeing this scene, Hiromi Suzuchi couldn't help shaking her head, and dared to say that the two of them are okay!

It is also very suitable to eat hot pot in the early spring weather. It is very satisfying to eat to keep the body warm.

Just as Yukiko was enjoying her meal, she suddenly noticed that there was an extra hand on the jeans underneath her. She couldn't help shaking, and turned to look at Kogoro Mori, only to see him raising his eyebrows.

Yukiko and Mori Kogoro had already changed into casual clothes, and the dusty clothes just now had been taken off and put into the washing machine to start washing.

At this moment, Yukiko was wearing a dark red shirt, a pair of ripped jeans underneath, and a red ribbon hanging around her neck, which made her elf-like face extremely beautiful.

Kogoro Mori's big hand was on Yukiko's jeans at the moment, grabbing Yukiko's beautiful elastic leg.

Because Yukiko was sitting cross-legged, Mori Kogoro's left hand followed the curve of her calf to Yukiko's jade feet, playfully scratched the soles of her feet, and counted the crystal clear toes.

You Xizi, who was biting the meatball, couldn't help laughing, and the meatball fell off.

Mori Kogoro immediately caught the meatball in mid-air with his chopsticks, and then put it back into Yukiko's bowl: "It's so strange that you can still laugh while biting the meatball without being careful."

Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they saw Kogoro Mori's quick reaction.

Yukiko glared at Kogoro Mori, but Kogoro Mori didn't care at all.

His left hand was extremely nimble, and he began to climb up, and soon came to Yuxiko's thigh. It happened that there was a big opening in the jeans here, and his left hand slipped in and grabbed Yuxiko's thigh.

Yukiko's face immediately turned red, and she couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mouri!

Hiromi Suuchi seemed to be aware of Yukiko's abnormality, and couldn't help asking: "Yukiko, what's wrong with you, your face is so red? You're about to cry."

At this time, Youxizi's master-level acting skills were immediately brought into play. She opened her small mouth and kept fanning the wind, picked up the hot sauce on the side and said, "It's really too spicy, it makes my face flush. almost cry."

"It's okay, it's better to be spicy, it's good for your health!" Mori Kogoro smiled and moved his hot sauce to Yukiko.

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