Finally the dinner was over, Mori Kogoro withdrew his ten fingers, he wiped his fingers with a napkin, looked at Yukiko who was sitting as low as ooze, and couldn't help but secretly smiled.

However, Mori Kogoro also sincerely admires Yukiko's master acting skills. All the reactions just now can be explained, and the performance is extremely smooth and natural, which did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

At this time, Hiromi Suuchi came over and said, "Yukiko, help me to light a fire and boil hot water together."

Mori Kogoro said, "Youkiko must be feeling a little unwell, so let me go with you!"

"Yukiko, are you okay?" Suzui Hiromi asked.

Yukiko waved her hand to tell the two to leave quickly.

Suzuchi Hiromi then ordered: "Keiko, please help clean up the hot pot and the table, and then pour tea for everyone."

"Hi!" Kyoko Kouchi nodded.

Kogoro Mori and Hiromi Suuchi came to the back courtyard. Hiromi Suuchi had just seen the intimate feeding between Kogoro Mori and Yukiko, and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only sigh. I can only feel a little more sympathy for Kudo Yusaku who is far away in the United States.

The bathroom is very close to the ancient well, and Hiromi Suuchi smiled and said, "Just now my stepmother called to say that she bought new firewood and put it by the wall. Mr. Mori, please help move some to the bottom of the stove."

"No problem." Mori Kogoro embraced it casually, spread out his arms, and the mountain-like firewood was picked up at once, and then he carried it from the wall to the stove.

Hiromi couldn't help but be amazed, she had never seen anyone who could carry so much firewood at one go, she couldn't help feeling a little lost when she looked at Kogoro Mori's strong body.

"Miss Hiromi, is that enough?"

"Enough, enough! It's so surprising, I understand Yukiko a little bit now!" Suzui Hiromi realized, and hurried forward to light the firewood.

Soon, the flames started to blaze. Mori Kogoro stood on tiptoe and saw that there were two old-fashioned Japanese bathtubs inside. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect such an old-fashioned bathtub to be used here."

There are two bathtubs here, one is for bathing and the other is for soaking in the bath. You usually have to wash your body with the water in the bath tub before entering the big bathtub for a bath.

"Yeah, Dad misses the old days, everything has to be the same as before, and this house hasn't changed much." Hiromi Suzui explained while adding firewood.

Chapter 0008 Yukiko 4

Hiromi Suuchi, who was boiling water outside the yard, asked, "Mori-kun, help me see if the water inside is hot?"

Mori Kogoro in the bathroom touched the water in the two bathtubs: "The water temperature is okay."

"Maori-kun, let's go back to drink tea, and ask Uncle Yifang to take a bath by the way."

Soon the two returned to the room, Mori Kogoro sat back in his seat, looked at the ruddy and energetic Yukiko beside him, and thought to himself that the resilience of the woman was really amazing.

His left hand reached under the kotatsu again, gently stroking the smooth and tender legs, Yukiko's body couldn't help shaking again.

Mori Kogoro didn't do anything else this time, he just played with Yukiko's beautiful legs.

"Uncle Yifang, the water has been boiled, you can go take a bath." Hiromi Suzui said to the old fat uncle.

Suuai Yifang's face remained gloomy, and he said in Portuguese: "Got it, Carlos, watch them for me, remember, don't talk to this man, don't answer anything he asks you! "

Carlos nodded, his eyes fixed on everyone.

Everyone saw that the bodyguards were like this. Although they were upset, they could only sit there obediently.

This is also the case in the neon bath. After the hot water is boiled, the elders are usually washed first, and then the younger ones are sorted one by one.


At about nine o'clock, Suuai Yifang took his clothes and went out to take a shower.

At this time, the phone rang again, and the voice of Machiko Suuchi at the hotel venue came from inside.

"Hiromi, how's it going? Have you used those firewood?"

"Well, it's used. Uncle Yifang is taking a shower."

"Oh, I'm still at the hotel meeting place, and I won't be back until about eleven o'clock, please keep the water temperature until then."


After that, she hung up the phone, and Hiromi shook her head: "Mom must be having a good time, and she didn't come back so late."

Mori Kogoro smiled, he naturally knew what was going on, it seems that this incident should not change much.

Of course, it is impossible to stop it. It is normal for people to kill people who kill people.

With this time, it’s better to get along with Yukiko. Mori Kogoro turned his head, watched Yukiko drinking tea with a normal face, and glanced at Mouri Kogoro with big eyes. She was completely immune to the fiery hands on her legs up.

You Xizi leaned over, and Tankou whispered softly: "You are dead, wait until this incident is over to see how I repay you!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "You Xizi, what big talk are you talking about, one more time, if you don't beg for mercy in advance now, I'm afraid you will be dealt with badly."

"Thick, thick..."

You Xizi smirked: "Mori-kun, I don't remember why once or twice."

"You guy."

"Cheating is a girl's privilege, don't you know? Learn more."

Yukiko patted Mori Kogoro's cheek with her small hand, and the elf-like face smiled, full of complacency.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Suuchi family couldn't help but wonder: Are these two guys here to help with the investigation or to fall in love.

They all felt a little overwhelmed, and they were fed too much dog food!

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