Then on the way back to the room, he saw Sono by the window looking at a place with his chin in his hands, and Kogoro Mori was instantly attracted.

Yuanzi didn't wear a headband anymore, and her messy Liu Hai and her delicate face complemented each other perfectly, and her overall temperament improved a lot!

There seems to be a trace of regret and sadness in his amber eyes, which are quite different from the cheerful temperament before, but they are so pitiful.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but stepped forward, hugged Sonoko's slender waist from behind, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, why is Sonoko like this?"

His index finger couldn't help poking Yuanzi's nose.

Xiao Nizi looked surprised, and Xiao Ruan couldn't help leaning over, pointing her finger in a direction.

"Uncle, what a pity, Clarke Quay has been destroyed. I wanted to go there to see it."

Chapter 0076

Clarke Quay is another landmark of Singapore, where there are dozens of bars, restaurants, and shops, and it is very lively every day.

At night, countless signboard lights are turned on, and this place becomes the brightest place in the dark night.

As long as the boats row along the Singapore River, it will be like being in a sea of ​​joyful celebrations, and it will always be so hot!

There you can see the most charming night view in Singapore, and it is also a place where many tourists want to check in.

Sonoko wants to take a boat with Mori Kogoro and enjoy the pier together!

This was the backup plan she thought of after the strategy plan failed last night, but it was a pity that it was also destroyed by this torrent.

Most of the bars and restaurants near the lake have been soaked by flood water, and none of them can operate.

Kogoro Mori looked at the messy pier in the distance, where many merchants were cleaning up, and frowned slightly.

It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's not impossible for Yuanzi to see the night lights of Clarke Quay!

At this time, Yuanzi's little hand gently held Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and he couldn't help but whispered: "Uncle, I kept the red wine last night very well, and I can drink it anytime!"

As soon as these words came out, the little girl lowered her head shyly again, and could almost feel the heat emanating from her face.

It really makes people angry!

Mori Kogoro laughed badly, leaned forward lightly, resting his chin on his right shoulder: "Oh, is that why Sonoko wants uncle to drink?"

"Not at all!"

"Then uncle won't drink!"

Hearing this, Yuanzi's cheeks puffed up instantly, like an angry little hamster.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help pecking his cheek lightly: "I'm teasing you!"

Yuanzi's expression of pretending to be angry was instantly pierced, and he looked shy again.

The girl has mustered up her courage to say such things on her own initiative.

Uh, although Sonoko has always been so proactive, she can't let her down.

Mori Kogoro turned his big hand to hold his small hand, turned his head, and kissed his pink lips.

After a passionate kiss, Sonoko was completely powerless.

Mori Kogoro whispered into his ear: "At seven o'clock tonight, take the red wine and go downstairs. Uncle will take you to a place. Remember, don't tell anyone."

Xiao Nizi nodded in a daze, and she didn't realize it until Kogoro Moori walked away.

Dating!It's a date invited by my uncle!Solo date for two!

She immediately turned around, which was something she was looking forward to.

Every time I want to ask my uncle, there is always a light bulb. Today must be successful.

Sonoko trotted towards his room with brisk steps, ready to pick out a beautiful dress to cope with everything tonight.

As soon as Yuanzi stepped into his room with his front foot, Mira's figure appeared at the corner of the corridor on his back foot, with an excited face, as if he had heard gossip.

Mira also went back to the room and shared with Qingzi the information she had inadvertently overheard. For a while, the news spread wildly on the mobile phone.

And Mori Kogoro went to look for Chikage, and said that he would be responsible for Chikage and Xiaolei's affairs, so naturally he couldn't leave the stall!At this moment, Qianying was reprimanding Kaidou in the room again. Qianying, who was full of aura, was so powerful that he almost had a pointer in his hand.

Kuaidou knelt on the floor and thought about it.

"What's the matter, did Kaito piss you off again?" Mori Kogoro put his arms around Chikage's slender waist as soon as he entered the room.

He didn't even bother to answer Kaito's disguise and called out his name directly.

"Isn't it because you taught well that they all started to commit crimes? Say, did you get those pirates out of here?"

When Kaito was dealing with those pirates, Chikage just happened to see him. Seeing his son killing people, Chikage naturally couldn't accept it.

Kaito, who was kneeling by the wall, immediately looked at Kogoro Mori resentfully.

After being brainwashed on the helicopter, he did it out of nowhere.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "I think it's a big deal, Chikage, you are too kind, you are dealing with pirates." "Besides, Kaito is also a defensive counterattack. , he only has card pistols, and it’s normal if he can’t hold his hand, isn’t it like this?”

Hearing this, Kaito nodded wildly in agreement.

"You still dare to nod!"

With a flick of her almond-shaped eyes, Qianying threw the roll of hotel brochures on the table and smashed it on Kaito's forehead.

"Uh!" But then his movements froze, he turned his head sideways, and looked at Mori Kogoro in embarrassment.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his lips, and then he said, "Kaito, you go out first, your mother is too stubborn, let uncle come and have a chat with her."

Hearing this, the little brat got up quickly, opened the window and jumped out.

"Uncle Mao Li, thank you this time, thank you so much!"

As soon as her son left, Qianying softened her whole body, and she gave him a white look with her beautiful eyes: "If you teach like this, Kaito will learn to be bad."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "How is it possible, this world is like this, admiring innocence and kindness does not mean blindly being innocent and kind."

"Kids like Kaito have a common problem. They are less courageous in their actions and more indecisive."

"You're still young, so it doesn't matter. If you're old, you won't be able to take care of him, and you'll definitely suffer a lot!"

Qianying snorted softly: "I can't tell you, I won't tell you, why did you come to me, why don't you go to accompany your best son?"

Mori Kogoro embraced her slender waist cheekily again, and put her on the sofa: "Look at what you said, can I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Upon hearing this, Qianying became angry and immediately jealous rampant.

"You are the emperor, how can you have such free time, why don't you go and accompany Mira and Qingzi?"

"Oh, by the way, the little girl who was eaten by you last night, don't go tenderly, is there a little secretary waiting for you to pamper her?"

"Those little girls, they're all very juicy, but I'm an old aunt!"

Who said no, I thought I was traveling abroad alone, but I didn't expect to bring so many women around.

He didn't come to help when he went to steal the Fist of Cyan Blue, and he would be angry if he changed it.

Mori Kogoro immediately hugged her tightly, and began to talk sweetly: "Who dares to say that you are old and blind?"

"This is called the prime of life. When a woman is the most beautiful, how can those little girls compare to you? This is called the beauty of a big woman. She is so gorgeous!" Talking to people, talking nonsense to the devil, this is already a basic skill up.

"We big women have to be arrogant, don't get angry with those young people, don't you think so!"

Qiankage still looked angry, pinched Kogoro Mori's ears with his fingers, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to ask questions.

"Okay, let's not talk about other things, let's talk about my apprentice, what's the matter with Xiao Ai?"

Chapter 0077 Uncle compensates you at night

"Xiao Ai, what's the matter with Xiao Ai?" Mori Kogoro started to play dumb again.

This big man is really familiar with making innocent expressions, and all his acting talents are used on this.

It's a pity that Qianying is not a little girl, so she is not so easy to be fooled, so she twisted her prime fingers lightly.

"You still pretend to be stupid with me, let me tell you, she told me everything about you."

"Now tell the truth, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist!"

lie to me! ! !

That girl just threw herself into the trap just now, and she is sleeping peacefully in her room at this moment, how could she blew herself up!

Chikage, Chikage, you are so naive!

Mori Kogoro continued to play dumb: "What's the matter? Chikage, what are you trying to say!"

A gleam of coldness flashed across Qianying's eyes, and then he chuckled: "I'm afraid you don't know, I slept with Xiaolei and Xiaoai last night."

"Xiao Ai usually likes to talk in her sleep, but last night she called out your name."

"There are, um, a lot of modal particles with a lot of punctuation marks in the middle, this. You still want to deny it!"

Hearing this, a drop of cold sweat ran down Mouri Kogoro's ears.

Damn, I was cautious enough last night, I didn't go to find Xiao Ai and the others, I didn't expect her to be exposed in her sleep, and it just turned over like this!

Mori Kogoro laughed, and explained with a guilty conscience: "This, this, Chikage, I didn't mean to hide this from you, but I just don't know how to tell you."

Qianying's purple eyes instantly widened, and she immediately pushed him away and stood up.

"Okay, it's true, you admit it, you two really have an affair!"

"Xiao Wulang, you bastard, you are still a child!"

"It's not small, it's not small, it's an adult, and its buttocks can give birth. Hey, no, Qianying, you lied to me."

No matter how unwise Mori Kogoro was, he knew he had been tricked, and accidentally slipped the tongue.

At this moment, Qianying ran away in an instant, grabbing back with both hands, and the two kunai that had been opened were revealed.

Mori Kogoro's voice was a little weak: "Qianying, what do you want?"

"Last time, I didn't bother with you about Qingzi. I also looked up to that child since I was a child, and you gave me trouble."

"Even Xiao Ai is like this now, Xiao Wulang, take your life for me."

"Murder my husband!"

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