"Huh?" The two women immediately looked confused.

Soon, the three girls returned to their rooms on the forty-eighth floor. Xiaolan, Lianhua, Sumi, Hongzi, and Fusang were sitting in rows. In front of them was a high-definition LCD TV.

Meanwhile, Lai Sheng Ai, who was still a little sluggish, was sitting at the front, controlling the unmanned aircraft monitor in his hand.

The date screen of Mori Kogoro and Sonoko was broadcast live on the LCD screen.

Yuanzi never imagined that there would be so many people watching her first date, and she obviously didn't tell anyone.

But this is also the bitter fruit she planted herself, who made her hate so much last night, everyone is waiting to see the good show.

"Wow, white carriage, how can there be such a business at night, it's too foul!" Someone was obviously jealous.

"The recovery efficiency of this city is too high. The road behind will be cleaned up!"

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, watch carefully!"

Chapter 0079 Sonoko's Date

The white carriage walked slowly in the night market, surrounded by pedestrians.

At night, the city seems to start to come back to its old life!

Exquisite small bungalows, rows of green tents, and red lanterns with the charm of Huaguo are hung everywhere, all of which are uneven, somewhat like the lights of thousands of families.There are strings of small lanterns hanging on the stalls, dragons and phoenixes carved on the archway, and the aroma of seafood barbecue in the air from time to time, which is full of Southeast Asian style!Sonoko's amber-like pupils were shining brightly, and he watched the scene with a glance, feeling full of novelty, hugging Kogoro Mori's body and shouting loudly.His small hand was holding Kogoro Mori's big hand, and the corners of his lips were raised unconsciously.

What Yuanzi didn't know was that such a bustling night market scene was actually just an illusion!

Most of the street scenes that the carriage passed by were extras hired by Mori Kogoro, purely to enhance the atmosphere.

The women who saw this scene through the drone monitor looked at each other in blank dismay. Except for this street, the surrounding places were all dark and deserted.

Xiao Ai couldn't help but said: "As expected of an uncle, I found such a lively place.

At this time, Zhenchun couldn't help but exclaimed: "What is this, flower boat, why is there such a thing?"

A yacht suddenly appeared on the screen, leaning against the pier.

The most outrageous thing is that countless flowers are arranged on the yacht, embellishing it like a flower boat.

Zhenchun immediately pursed her lips, there is no harm without contrast.

I had nothing last night, so I was tricked by my uncle. Now seeing Yuanzi's dating posture, the jealous jar instantly fell out.

Don't say it's pure, how many people's reaction is not far from it!

"Uncle, are we here yet? Why are you blindfolded? Where do you want to take me!"

Mori Kogoro held Sonoko's little hand and led her onto the wooden bridge paved with petals, and then took off her blindfold.

The beautiful yacht came into view, and the little girl immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed, her eyes were full of surprise, then she turned around and embraced Kogoro Mouri, as if she was about to cry.


The smell of lemons lingers in the room!

But then, the screen image became unstable for a while, and a starling curiously grabbed the camera and flew away.

The live broadcast screen fell into darkness for an instant, and the girls in the room immediately started yelling.

"Xiao Ai, do you have any other spare drones, hurry up and catch up!"

Love in the next life has a troubled look on her face: "No, this is already a spare."

"Then what should we do, let's go and see!" Mira was still a little eager to try.

But it was quickly stopped by Xiaolan: "Let's forget it, let her go on the date that Yuanzi has been thinking about." At the critical moment, Xiaolan still supported her best friend.

Mira couldn't help rubbing Xiaolan's soft shoulders: "I can't tell, Xiaolan is quite generous!"

Xiaolan gave her a white look, then got up and beckoned the girls to leave.

The monitor in Kogoro Mori's mind was relieved to see all the girls going back to their rooms.

The Java starling just now was driven by him with the beast control technique.

Ling and the others are almost done seeing this, they really overturned the jar of vinegar, and it must be themselves who are unlucky when they go back.

Holding Sonoko's soft shoulders, Mori Kogoro finally returned all his attention to the pretty girl in front of him.

"Silly girl, why are you crying, it's time for us to board the boat."

Yuanzi, who was obviously moved, said stiffly: "I didn't cry, the sand got in my eyes!"

"Okay, I'm not crying, it's sand. Uncle is here to blow it on for you."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro cupped Sonoko's pretty face, and slowly moved his lips closer.

But he didn't breathe, instead he kissed Sonoko's eyes lightly.

The little girl closed her eyes subconsciously, and the kiss fell on her eyelids.

When she realized what Mori Kogoro had done, her whole face instantly turned red, extremely bright.

"There is no sand here!"

Mori Kogoro picked up Sonoko, who was stunned, and boarded the ship along the stairs.

As soon as the two got on board, the three-storey yacht started spontaneously and wandered towards the middle of the river.

Sonoko regained consciousness and found herself sitting on the white dining table.

Candlelight dinner, delicious food, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, pouring red wine into the wine glass, and sitting opposite a gentlemanly uncle, this is completely a dream

face scene!

The little girl couldn't help but pinched her thigh, feeling the pain, she became silly again.

Mori Kogoro smelled the red wine in the glass, and couldn't help but smile strangely: "It's really the bottle that was added last night, Sonoko, you are too obedient!"

And Sonoko's amber eyes were fixed on the wine glass, as if expecting him to drink it.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but knocked his head, and then poured red wine on the river.

The little girl immediately looked disappointed, and couldn't help pursing her lips.

"You can't be so unconfident, tonight, Yuanzi, you are my red wine!"

After all, with a wave of his big hand, he threw the wine bottle he just opened into the lake.

The little girl's earlobe was dyed red, it seemed that the power of these love words was too powerful to kill her.

And his eyes followed the wine bottle to the lake, and then he was taken aback.

I don’t know when this Singapore lake has countless boats, or flower boats, or boats with colorful lights, making the originally empty lake very lively.

Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why are there so many boats? It's so lively, is there any activity?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled, took Sonoko's hand and came to the side of the boat.

Just as the little girl stood up, she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "How can there be light under the water?"

Looking down from the sky, under the water on the left and right of the yacht, there are countless faint blue fluorescent lights flowing, which are extremely dazzling. There are countless jellyfish!The whole picture is as beautiful as a boy's pie, and the dark lake suddenly becomes extremely romantic.

Then, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky, and the whole world brightened up.

Sonoko looked at this scene in disbelief, his big eyes filled with mist at some point, and his little hands were still tightly clutching the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes.Mori Kogoro pinched his cheek, made a smiling face, and then pecked lightly: "Don't cry, just smile."

After saying this, he turned the garden to the dark river bank, and said softly, "Today, I will let Clarke Quay light up for you alone in the garden!" lights up in succession.

Exquisite buildings, neon lights of various colors, squares of colors, red, pink, yellow and green are interlaced, reflecting them like diamonds


Sonoko couldn't bear it any longer, pulled Kogoro Mori's tie with his little hand, pulled it down, and then leaned forward to kiss him.

Chapter 0080 Yuanzi and Dad are together!

A small enchantment enveloped the yacht, people outside couldn't see inside, but people inside could see the scene outside.

The moving and gorgeous music sounds on this yacht, which is so in tune with everything around!

It's a pity that no one wants to eat the delicious food carefully prepared by Mori Kogoro.

All the ingredients, cups and plates were scattered on the floor, and the sauce was spilled all over the floor.

Even though Sonoko had imagined the day when her love would be consummated countless times in her mind, when it came, she was still extremely shocked.

She opened her mouth, her body was so stiff that she couldn't move, she couldn't speak, she was almost speechless!

The amber eyes trembled, reflecting the fireworks in the sky and Kogoro Mori in front of him.

Crystal clear teardrops hung, she looked sideways at the Clarke Quay lit up for herself, even the corners of her eyes were smiling, Yuanzi only felt that this life was enough!His fingernails are dug into Kogoro Mori's arm, but he still doesn't know it!

After calming down for a long time, Yuanzi spoke in a low voice with a crying voice, as if confiding some little secret, her face was full of girlish shyness, extremely emotional!

"Uncle, I love you so much!"

Mori Kogoro laughed, wrapped his arms around Sonoko's soft shoulders, and responded softly: "Uncle has always known, Sonoko, uncle loves you too!" After saying this, he leaned over and kissed the teardrops on Sonoko's cheek, The Fenglinshanhuo Art of War is deployed!

The invisible witch power permeated the surroundings, and the river was manipulated to bloom like a fountain, lightly passing through the yacht, or swaying on the garden.

Under the gorgeous fireworks, it seems that there is a light rain.

Sonoko couldn't help but screamed, but his little hand held Kogoro Mori tightly.

"Uncle, it's raining, let's go inside!"

"It seems not!"

Mori Kogoro turned his body slightly, and Sonoko saw the vision again.

Waterspouts rose from the calm lake surface, stretching towards the sky, emitting blue fluorescent light.

If you take a closer look, you can see countless fluorescent jellyfish swimming in it, embellishing the waterspout like a dream.

Numerous dragons absorbed water and surrounded the yacht, but the yacht was still extremely stable without the slightest bump.

The little girl's eyes widened, the sky full of fireworks, thousands of flower boats, the dazzling pier, and the dreamlike blue water flow, with her uncle still by her side, this picture is simply unrealistic to the extreme!

She couldn't help but said stupidly: "Uncle, I must be dreaming. If it's a dream, don't let me wake up so quickly."

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