Step up efforts to persuade Tomoko to come back.

Originally, Kogoro Mori wanted to avoid the limelight by camping, but a homicide happened there and everyone came back.At this moment, he didn't dare to go up to the third floor to touch Tomoko, so he stayed with Ayumi and Haibara at the office on the second floor.

As for Rumi Wakasa, he answered the phone and went back.

Ayumi lay in Mori Kogoro's arms, closed her eyes, seemed to feel very comfortable, and almost fell asleep.

There was also a gurgling sound from its mouth.

When Huiyuan saw the scene in front of him, his ice blue eyes narrowed slightly.

She just felt that her position was taken, and she was a little upset.

It's just that a lot of things happened in the forest just now, and Hui Yuan's short legs were a little weak at the moment, so he didn't dare to provoke his uncle, so he obediently read the newspaper from the sidelines.

However, as soon as she saw Mori Kogoro's big hand was a bit irregular, her short legs in leather shoes would kick it.

Mori Kogoro didn't care too much, his mind was always on Tomoko's side.

On the third floor, Eri gave Yukiko a look, and the two girls walked towards the kitchen.

The two women each took a glass of water and drank heavily, which relieved a little.

Yingli still couldn't accept it, and couldn't help but said: "Tsk, how can you say that Kogoro can do this, it's too much."

You Xizi shook his head and said: "Actually, I have already seen that, that girl Yuanzi's offensive is so fierce, she will definitely succeed."

"I had expected this situation a long time ago, but I just didn't expect that there would be an extra Ayako."

"Actually, it's nothing. There are many such things in history. The key is to see if the person involved can accept it."

Hearing this, Yingli rolled his eyes: "Just spoil him, I found out that if you hadn't started it back then. After returning to China and being obedient to him, Kogoro would not have let himself go to this place. degree."

Of course You Xizi didn't accept this statement: "Who said that? No way. My position is obviously the same as yours."

"It's Kogoro who's getting more and more over the top. You can say that it's just a garden, but why even Ayako?"

"But you said the three of them went up together, which one is more powerful?"

Yingli couldn't help but patted Yukiko on the head: "Hey, what are you thinking, talking serious, and talking about it is crooked. You are so curious, you can ask Kogoro yourself when he comes back!"

"Actually, they maintain this kind of relationship in private. As long as it doesn't get exposed and it affects Kogoro's reputation, it's fine." Hearing these words, You Xizi looked at Yingli with a strange expression, and couldn't help but pinch his little one. Face.

"Listen, are these words spoken by a fair and strict barrister?"

"Eri, you still say that I dote on Kogoro, don't you do the same yourself?"

"However, I'm a little curious. If Kogoro does something more egregious, will you tolerate him?"

Yingli's face changed instantly, and Danfeng's eyes were slightly fixed, staring at Yukiko, and couldn't help asking.

"Yukiko, do you know something?"

With a smirk on the corner of You Xizi's mouth, he said softly: "Some things are confusing to the authorities, but clear to the bystanders!"

As soon as these words came out, Eri's heartbeat slowed down a beat, and her body became a little stiff.

"What, what? Yukiko, we are good sisters. If you know something, you shouldn't hide it from me!" Even though he said this, looking at Yingli's eyes, there was clearly some resistance, as if he didn't want to hear her continue. .It's a pity that You Xizi didn't get what she wanted after all.

With an evil smile on her face, she slowly approached his ear, and then whispered softly.

"Luo, Lolicon!"

After hearing Yukiko's words, although it was different from what she expected, Eri was still surprised and immediately exclaimed.You Xizi quickly covered her mouth: "Why are you yelling so loudly, she couldn't be more angry when my friend heard it."

Eri blushed, and her eyes were full of anger.

At this moment, fairness and justice have returned to her!

She was trembling with anger, and couldn't help shouting softly: "Xiao Wulang dared to do such a thing, he must not be allowed to go on like this."

"By the way, he still went camping with the children today, no, I have to find him now."

You Xizi immediately reached out and grabbed her: "Hey, hey, why are you so anxious, you should listen to me first!"

"What else can I say, You Xizi, You Xizi, how can you indulge him in such a thing."

Yukiko quickly pulled Eri back, and started talking again in her ear.

"What, rejuvenation, You Xizi, you have been drugged with ecstasy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Eri doesn't know anything about the ATPX drug.

Yukiko struggled to explain, and Eri was skeptical.

It wasn't until Yukiko uttered Haibara's name that Eri was stunned, and suddenly his face was filled with disbelief.

Numerous images flashed back in memory.

Eri remembered Haibara's unabashed hostility when he first met her.

Also, Huiyuan has a mature temperament like a kid, and I have never seen her have any childish behavior.

Also, I once went to the Cupido Hotel with Xiaolan to catch an adulterer, and the person who went in was obviously a mature beauty, but the only thing I found in the bathroom was the little loli Huihara.

One memory after another was connected in series, and Yingli's small mouth gradually opened wide, and he couldn't help letting out a long breath.

"It turned out to be like this. I said why this child has never been able to get close to me. It turns out that she is a woman."

"Whoa, whoa, haha!!!"

Eri kept feeling emotional, couldn't help but took a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp before reluctantly accepting it.

"So this little brat, quietly with Kogoro in front of us, fooling us for fools, right?" You Xizi chuckled lightly: "No, it's fooling you for fools, I'm not a fool .”

"After all, I'm much smarter than Eri, and I discovered the truth early on."

"I've never been fooled."

Hearing this, Eri felt even more annoyed, and couldn't help but hum softly.

And Kogoro Mori, who was on the sofa in the office on the second floor, watched the conversation between the two girls, and couldn't help but look at Huiyuan beside him with pity.Poor Xiao Ai, she was sold like this.

0034 Housekeeper Sakurako

And next to the living room on the third floor, in Eri's room, Xiaolan hid in and eavesdropped on Tomoko's conversation.

Her mobile phone was connected to Yuanzi, and she kept telling her about the situation here.

Good girlfriends are nothing more than that!

At Suzuki's house, the two sisters, who knew that their mother was not at home, stopped kneeling.

After all, I knelt for so long last night, and my legs are still a little sore!

But the two sisters showed no regrets on their faces, and Ayako seemed more like a big stone had been lifted from her heart.

They were discussing like little devils, thinking about how to force their mother to accept this established reality.

In the office on the second floor, Huiyuan saw that his uncle's big hands were getting more and more strange.

She pulled up Ayumi who was pretending to be asleep, scolded Hentai severely, and ran upstairs with Ayumi who was blushing.

Only then did Kogoro Mori come back to his senses, his mind had been paying attention to the situation upstairs, and it was normal for him to accidentally touch something wrong.Tomoko upstairs had finished venting, and his mood gradually stabilized.

Under Fujiko's nonsense, the situation gradually improved, and Mori Kogoro gradually breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the door of the office opened!

Wearing a white cap, white loose top and brown shorts, Sakurako Yonehara came in with a basin and a towel.

With this outfit, she is obviously going to start cleaning up the house, so she is really capable.

Sakurako was still a little dazed when she saw Mori Kogoro: "Hey, didn't Mori-kun say to go camping? Why did you come back so early?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "There was a murder case at the campsite, and the children didn't dare to stay anymore, so they came back."

"It turned out to be like this. It's really unfortunate. It seems that Maori-kun is also a person who is haunted by the god of death. There are murder cases wherever he goes."

"It's the same when you go to Singapore, and it's the same when you come back to go camping!"

Hearing this complaint, Mori Kogoro couldn't help giving Yonehara Sakura a white look.

"How about I take you back to the shrine and give you back what you lost?"

The extremely superstitious Yingzi shook her head immediately, not daring to answer any more, and began to work seriously instead.

It's also strange, since Yingzi moved to Maori's house, she hasn't been murdered very much, it seems that her aura of death has disappeared.

These thoughts kept flashing through his mind, and Kogoro Mori's eyes fell on Sakurako who was cleaning the cabinet.

Seeing Yingzi constantly standing on tiptoe, her beautiful legs stretched more and more slender, as if they were shiny, very eye-catching.

But she was a little short after all, and she still couldn't wipe the top of the cabinet.

Seeing this scene, the smile in Mori Kogoro's eyes was very obvious.

He walked forward, but Yingzi seemed to be very alert. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned around and leaned his back against the cabinet.

He clasped his hands in front of his chest again, in a defensive posture, and his little face turned slightly red at some point.

"Daba, huh, I went to ask Miss Jun Hui, and she said that I have never been cursed at all, and you made it up to lie to me before."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily, glanced at the stool he was holding in his right hand, and couldn't help but said, "I just saw that you were struggling to wipe, so I just handed you the stool. Where did you think?"

Yingzi's face instantly turned red: I misunderstood, what a shame!

Without saying a word, she took the stool, turned around and stepped on it, and began to wipe the top of the cabinet with a towel.

Obviously Moori Kogoro told her that she didn't need to do this kind of work, and the house has a self-cleaning function, Yingzi just didn't believe it.

This girl always felt that she was paid such a generous salary by Kogoro Mori, and felt sorry for not doing something.

You can wipe it with a towel and it's still as clean as ever!

And Mori Kogoro folded his arms and stood behind him to supervise his work, his eyes became more and more strange.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and walked to the gate of the office, and locked the gate directly to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

Hearing the 'click' sound of the lock, Yingzi's heartbeat suddenly slowed down a beat.

But she didn't dare to turn her head to look at it, and she wiped the cabinet mechanically with her little hand, and she didn't dare to come down and move it a little bit.

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