He carried Ayumi to the coffee table, and Zhibao immediately said, "Give me the baby!"

Saying this, she hugged Ayumi, and she really guarded against Kogoro like a tiger.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but wryly smiled, and sat between Zhenchun and Mingmei.

As soon as he sat down, he put his big hands on the legs of the two girls, Zhenchun's body froze immediately, his little face turned red instantly, and his heart beat faster.

This girl subconsciously glanced in the direction of her mother, and then began to adjust her breathing!

Mary, on the other hand, seemed to be concentrating on the chess game.

Last night, she originally planned to go to Xingshi to inquire about her crimes, but she suffered an unreasonable disaster, was severely punished, and then became a rich woman out of nowhere.

The plot was developing too fast, which made her a little overwhelmed, so she has calmed down now.

And Mingmei's eyes seemed to have some slight resentment, she was disappointed for a while that Kogoro didn't come home last night.

However, seeing him sitting beside her now made her somewhat satisfied.

His little hand turned around to hold Kogoro Mouri's big hand, interlocking his ten fingers.

In fact, each of these four girls has their own thoughts and wants to tell Kogoro, but even if everyone is there, they are too embarrassed to say it.Mori Kogoro just quietly played chess with them.

It's just that Zhenchun was too shy, and Kogoro Mori sat beside him, his little face slowly turned red as if gradually dyed.

Then the mouth and nose breathed together, and the blush was suppressed.

And Mary didn't seem to notice the abnormality of the daughter next to her, and she didn't respond to it, which was also expected by Kogoro Mori.At this moment, the little loli Ayumi seemed to have noticed something unusual, and looked at the three people opposite with her big black eyes.

Then his head immediately turned down, and he couldn't help but said: "Uncle, why are you sneaking under the hand of sister Zhenchun?"

Tong Yan Wuji, as soon as these words came out, Mary's face froze, and her little hands crushed the dice!

And Zhenchun even had a panicked look on his face, and immediately lowered his head, as if he didn't tell himself.

Originally, the delicate balance was maintained, but Ayumi's words revealed the truth like the truth-telling child in the emperor's new clothes.

He also pushed the truth to Mary, forcing Mary to express her opinion!

His green eyes looked over with anger.

Chapter 0038 - Everyone!

Mori Kogoro completely ignored Mary, and turned to Ayumi with a gentle smile: "No, Ayumi was wrong!"

Seeing this, Little Loli looked down again to confirm.

The little silkworm frowned, and said seriously: "Uncle, Ayumi read that right, Uncle's big hand is still there!"

The smile on Mori Kogoro's face grew stronger, he let go of the big hand that was tightly clasped with Minmei, and his five fingers circled to come in front of Ayumi.Its voice has also become meaningful, containing a unique rhythm.

"Uncle is right. Ayumi is indeed wrong. The reason is that Ayumi is too tired from playing today."

"Look at Uncle's palm, what is it now?"


"Yes, five, four, three, two, _!" With a snap of the fingers, the hypnotism was cast immediately!

Little Lolita rolled her eyelids, and then slowly fell down on the table, being hypnotized by Mori Kogoro just like that.

Everyone else looked bewildered.

Only Shiho, who knew Kogoro Mori very well, saw the deep eyes of Kogoro Mori, and immediately felt palpitations: No way?

And Mori Kogoro still had a gentle smile on his face, slowly got up, and came to the side of little Loli Marie.

His big hand gently opened Mary's little fleshy hand, took out the crushed dice inside, and said gently: "Next time, you can't do this in front of the children, it will scare her."

Mary was a little uncertain about what Mori Kogoro wanted to do, and her blue eyes were a little flustered.

But immediately afterwards, Qi's green eyes widened suddenly: Mmm!Why did Kogoro touch my gunshot wound healing position again? What is she doing?The flustered Mary immediately struggled, while Zhen Chun was a little stunned.

Mori Kogoro smiled at the little girl Zhenchun and said: "Zhenchun, watch carefully, uncle is going to teach Mary the art of war, I will teach you later!"

Hearing this, little Loli Marie's eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at Zhenchun in disbelief.

Immediately, she struggled vigorously, wanting to open her mouth to exclaim.

It's a pity it's useless!

His mouth was blocked all of a sudden, and he couldn't say anything.

But Zhibao couldn't help but patted himself on the forehead, with an expression that I knew.

Zhenchun's heart suddenly became confused. Seeing this scene, he swallowed a few times of saliva, and wanted to get up and run away.

On the other hand, Ming Mei, who was smiling softly, gently held his little hand, and smiled encouragingly.

Immediately Mingmei got up, went to the entrance and locked the door.

And Shiho also got up, carried the sleeping little loli Haibara into his room, and let her fall asleep peacefully.

Immediately afterwards, Shiho also took away the flying chess and the small table on the blanket.

Immediately afterwards, the Miyano sisters also sat back on the carpet, looking eager to learn, as if they wanted to make up for this lesson on the art of warfare!Seeing the appearance of her two nieces, Mary didn't know what was going on.

Its short hands and legs struggled more and more weakly, and there was only a constant whining sound.

Zhibao on the side couldn't help asking, "Do you want to feed Mary the antidote?"

Um! ! !

Mary's eyes widened in an instant, and she felt that there seemed to be little devil horns growing on Shiho's forehead.

Mori Kogoro waved his hands and said, "No, Mary has grown older last night, so she can't always take temporary antidote." But Mingmei beside him couldn't help but hum softly: "It turns out That’s right, it’s too cunning to recover secretly, no way…”

After saying this, Mingmei wanted to go forward, but when she rolled her eyes, she turned to pull Zhenchun.

Soon, the accompanying music sounded in the living room, and Mingmei and Zhenchun competed for the microphone, revealing their beautiful singing voice!

And Eri, who was in the next room, was scolding Ran.

"Lan, why are you hiding everything from your mother? You clearly know what happened in Singapore, and you didn't say anything when you came back."

"Auntie Tomoko cried like that just now, and you saw it too, why can't you bear it?"

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "I don't want this kind of thing to happen either. I have tried my best to prevent it, but there is no way. Alas, it will be fine if Auntie Tomoko is more careful?"

Yingli's Danfeng eyes widened: "Be more careful, can this be solved by being more considerate?"

Xiaolan hugged Yingli's arm and acted coquettishly: "Mom has a big heart, there will be absolutely no problem."

"Don't change the subject, and don't be fussy."

Yingli couldn't help but slapped Xiaolan's little hand away, and she was really on guard against her own daughter.

"What's even more irritating is that you know about that little mourner at home, right? The guy who can grow and shrink, you know about her, why don't you tell me."

"You didn't hear how she was angry with me just now. Except for Yingzi, I was the last person in the family who knew about it. It's unreasonable!" Seeing her mother's chest heaving with anger, Xiaolan immediately pretended to be obedient. , skillfully dumped the pot.

"It was my father's request. My father said that Hui Yuan's identity is very special. If one more person knows about it, it will be more dangerous, so let's not reveal it.

. "

"Besides, I treat her like an ordinary little girl."

Ordinary little girl?Ordinary little girl?

Yingli frowned: "She has already crawled on your father's bed, and she is still an ordinary little girl."

Hearing this, Xiaolan immediately put on a shocked expression, widened her eyes, and covered her mouth.

On the other side - You Xizi, who was watching the show, burst out laughing with a 'puchi'.

There is no way, Yukiko, who has master acting skills, can tell at a glance that Xiaolan is acting. The acting is terrible, and Eri seems to be hidden like this, which is so interesting.

Yingli's eyes flickered coldly: "That woman is not simple, she has been lurking for so long before revealing her secrets, her thoughts are too gloomy."

You Xizi complained silently beside her: You are too slow!

"Hmph, wait for Kogoro to come back. Really, I do things for me every day. The matter of Xiaolu and Ritsuko just stopped yesterday, and today they made so many things."

"Ah, the case in my firm is about to be postponed again."

"Damn it, Kogoro, I will never let you go easily this time."

Eri is seriously swearing, while next door, Mori Kogoro is teaching the art of war seriously.

Chapter 0039

In the living room, the voice kept echoing, but it was blocked by the small enchantment and did not spread outside.

Otherwise, Eri and the others next door might be able to hear this voice.

But little Loli Marie looked exhausted.

Mary felt that her body was flooded with countless small electric currents, and her body was still trembling slightly, and she couldn't even lift her hands and feet.The short blond hair on the top of the head is a little fried and fluffy, heading towards the lion's head.

She looked as if she had just been salvaged from the water, she looked so pitiful!

Just now, the little Lolita learned the lightning-like technique, and her whole body was so electrified that she was in a daze at the moment.

However, she forced herself to concentrate on looking in the direction of Zhenchun, and couldn't help making a nasal sound.

It's just because Zhenchun is studying Fenglinshanhuo Art of War with a nervous face at the moment.

Aggression is like fire! ! !

Zhenchun frowned tightly!

Even though she had learned it two days ago, she was a beginner after all, so she still didn't quite get used to it.

The little girl's forehead soon broke into fine sweat, and her body felt extremely hot, with fire elements filling her whole body.

His little face turned red like a burning cloud, as if he had a fever!

Seeing this scene, Mary immediately shook her head and closed her eyes unbearably.

Soon she opened her eyes again, and her green pupils were full of complex expressions.

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