What attracted Conan's attention the most was a pocket watch on the body of the deceased. The surface of the pocket watch had been cracked, and the hands on it had stopped moving. The time stopped at [-]:[-].

Hui Yuan outside the door couldn't help asking, "Uncle, what's going on inside?"

"If someone is dead, Xiao Ai should not come in, go and be with You Xizi and her."

Chapter 0059 – Qun Lao Si Ji

It didn't take long for police officer Megure to lead the team.

Even though the crime scene was destroyed by Mori Kogoro, Officer Megure didn't say much.

Instead, he had a smile on his face, as if he was relying on Mori Kogoro to solve the case.

In the corridor, the forensic officer said: "The police department, it has been found out that the crack on the pocket watch was caused by the dagger at the deceased's heart."

"It should be that when the murderer was assassinating, he was blocked by a pocket watch and then stabbed into the heart to die."

Hearing this, Police Officer Mu Mu said: "It seems that the time of the incident should be at [-]:[-], and there are only you people in the backstage of this theater. Please tell us what you were doing at that time." .”

Soon, the suspects of Xiaolan and You Xizi who were resting in the rest room were all ruled out, and they never left after entering the rest room.Even if you leave, you're just looking for Conan the Kid!

The suspicion of the three staff members Tsukuba Mei, Furui Kiho, and Amagi Kosuke was also ruled out. They stayed in the same workshop.In addition, the upright President Hideki Tsukinogi just happened to go to the workplace to give some orders, so the suspicion was also ruled out.

Immediately afterwards, the suspicion of Mori Kogoro and Fushae was also ruled out.

It's just that when Fu Shahui said the alibi, Xiaolan couldn't help but hum softly.

And Yuanzi murmured in a low voice: "Fox spirit, you are shameless."

Even You Xizi was a little annoyed: "I thought it was such an important thing to talk about alone, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of entrustment!"

There's no way, Fusha's image has completely changed, her hair seems to have been permed.

In addition, the flesh-colored silk skirt on Fusha Ehara's leg was also torn to pieces, making it impossible to wear it at all.

I had to take it off and put it away, revealing a pair of white and slender legs.

Once the clothes are changed, it becomes very obvious, and it can't hide from the eyes of all the old Siji!

Fusha has excellent ears, so she naturally heard these words.

The third in command of the dignified organization, the female killer who killed countless people, was so ashamed that her face turned red with embarrassment, and she didn't dare to look at them.

Hey, no, what is Xiaolan humming?

It's just that when she changed her mind, she didn't think about it, so she ignored it!

Therefore, the suspects are only those who are alone in the rest room.

They are the theater manager and the man in the brown suit - Yusaku Umori!

The president of the event company, a young man with yellow hair—— Naoya Kakuta!

There is also the former manager of the theater, an old man over [-] years old - Mokichi Reizumi!

The three failed to prove that they were not present, so they were suspected.

But the owner of this Hishida Theater, a middle-aged woman, Hishida Junko.

She didn't show up, and she didn't know where she went.

Police officer Mu Mu couldn't help complaining: "Really, my theater has killed people, but the boss hasn't shown up yet, how careless I am about this theater!"

The current manager said: "Officer, that's not the case. The boss has always been very concerned about the theater. It must be delayed by something."

Police officer Mu Mu turned his head and looked at Mouri Kogoro: "Brother Maoli, what did you find? Have you found out the modus operandi?"

Mori Kogoro naturally knew the technique, nodded, but didn't speak.

He turned to look in the direction of Uchida Asami and Tsukuba Mei, both of whom looked thoughtful.

Mori Kogoro said softly: "Give the young people some opportunities to exercise!"

Immediately greeted: "Miss Uchida, did you find anything?"

He also introduced to Police Officer Mu Mu: "Don't underestimate her, this is a member of the reasoning club of Dongda University. She won an award for mystery novels, and she is very smart."

Hearing this, Asami Uchida humbly said: "Mori-kun is too famous, writing a novel is different from a real case."

"However, I do know how this secret room is made. In fact, it's not a secret room. Such a big gap is too operable!"

Officer Megure immediately asked curiously, and Uchida Asami began to reason.

"Look at the marks on the carpet where a chair has been scratched. The murderer should have stabbed Mr. Zhu Yuejian to death on the seat, and then dragged the chair and the corpse on it, and slowly moved to the door."

"Then when there was no one in the corridor, he sneaked out, holding a stick in his hand to support the corner of the chair to keep the chair suspended."

"Then the stick was pulled away, and the body and the seat fell down against the gate."

"Take the stick out of the door that's only a few centimeters open, and that's what happened."

"So, the most likely prisoner is that he has a cane in his hand, and he had a conflict with Mr. Inokoshi just now, old Mr. Lengquan Moji!" Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at Lengquan Moji.

Wearing a black hat and gloves, he swayed and sighed.

"I knew there was no way to hide what I did with this crutch."

"It's just that the person I killed was not him, but someone else!" Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Police officer Mu Mu immediately scolded: "Who did you kill?"

The theater manager on the side couldn't help but change his face slightly: "Could it be the boss?"

"Besides that woman, who else?"

Police officer Mu Mu immediately asked, "Where is the body?"

"Over there in the parking lot. I followed her to the fourth floor and wanted to have a good talk with her."

"But she was busy answering the phone, and didn't talk to me until she reached the iron stairs outside."

"But it's said inside and out that I'm just out for money, relying on the old to sell the old to fight against her, and even scolding me for being an old bone, it's useless."

"It was the hard work of me and her father to maintain the theater and bring her up. She didn't respect me at all."

"I couldn't get angry, so I poked her with a crutch. I didn't intend to kill anyone. Who made her so thin and fell out of the iron railing, and she became like this."

"However, I really didn't kill Ichiro Inogoshi."

After listening to what the old man said, Officer Megure immediately asked Officer Chiba to lead a team to investigate.

As a result, as what Lengizumi Mokichi said, the boss Junko Hishida hit the ground with a pool of blood on his head, and he was already hopeless.

This old fellow was smart, and he surrendered himself first.

Given that he is over seventy years old, the judge will most likely sentence him to serve his sentence outside of prison at his discretion, at most they will send someone to supervise him.

Chapter 0060 Xiaolan's sense of superiority

At this time, Conan the Little Devil found a piece of magazine paper at the bay window of the crime scene, which he hadn't seen when he climbed in before.Conan couldn't help but said: "Uncle, there's an extra piece of magazine paper over there, and it's still pressed with a stone."

"Could it be that someone entered the scene while we were calling the police?"

"What?" Police officer Mumu hurried in to check, and found that there was indeed, so he took out the paper and showed it to Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro glanced at it, then looked away.

"It's nothing, it's some people's prank, and it's an interference item in the case."

"It seems that some people think this case is too simple and want to make it more difficult!"

Hearing this, Uchida Asami couldn't help pondering.

But Tsukuba Mei's eyes flashed brightly, and she couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, you didn't even glance at the magazine, and you said it was an interference item, isn't it too arbitrary?"

"Do you know who did the prank?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "As a detective, it's natural to see all directions and listen to all directions, and it's natural to notice some subtle movements."

Tsukuba Mei asked: "Are you not afraid of any clues on that paper?"

Kogoro Mori gently rubbed Mei Tsukuba's small head with his big hands: "Although you are my fan and you like reasoning very much, real reasoning is not like this, you have to practice more."

"I already know who the murderer is, so I don't need to care about the rest of the clues."

Hearing this, Mei Tsukuba's eyes became more and more complicated!

Horikoshi Yumi couldn't help but said, "Kogoro, stop playing charades and tell me who the murderer is!"

"Brother Maori!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Mori Kogoro could only speak.

"OK! OK! I say!"

"There is no trace of a fight in this rest room. The murderer was killed by one blow. He first precisely pierced the pocket watch, then slashed through the watch glass and pierced the deceased's heart."

"This requires a lot of strength and control. Of all the people on the field, except for me, I'm afraid there is only one person who has this condition."

"Besides, have you heard the sound of '塌啦', '塌啦'?"

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, none of them heard the voice's reaction.

"Okay, it's okay if you didn't hear it, Mr. Tsukinogi, please take a few steps!"

The upright president of the security company immediately laughed dryly: "Detective Maori, what are you talking about? I have an alibi." "At [-]:[-], I am with these staff members. Can they Testify for me."

The two staff members, a man and a woman, nodded.

"It's weird because you're together. How can you, the president of a company, hang out with two staff members? This kind of behavior is very abnormal and very deliberate."

"And the [-]:[-] alibi is useless at all. We only suspected that the time of the incident was [-]:[-] when we saw the stopped pocket watch."

"But in fact, the time can be changed by simply turning the pocket watch, so that is not the time of the incident at all."

"So Mr. Tsukinogi, let's take two steps. For the sake of killing Mr. Inokoshiken, it's not too much to take two steps?"

President Tsukinogi was already sweating on his forehead at this moment: "Detective Maori, I really doubt your professionalism now."

"I was invited to give you a speech to cheer you on, and you doubt me."

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