No one answered in the temple, so Xiaolan said again: "Sorry to bother you, is anyone there?"

Just as Xiaolan was about to ask for the third time, an old voice came from behind.

"I've already said that interviews are not accepted here, you reporters don't bother me anymore, okay?" A bald monk in a coir raincoat appeared behind Mao Li and his group.

Xiaolan was obviously taken aback, she turned around quickly, and couldn't help being a little scared when she saw this strange-looking old monk.

This old monk had a hooked nose and two beards that were ten centimeters long on his face, making him look like a ghost.

Seeing the old monk, Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered what plot he was about to encounter, and explained: "We are not reporters here to interview, but passengers passing by, but the car broke down halfway, so I want to ask Can you temporarily stay in your temple for one night!"

"Oh, stay for one night, so the three benefactors are pilgrims!" The old monk suddenly changed his face, and said with a philistine face: "We haven't been a pilgrim in Nishan Temple for a long time. Well, if you calculate it this way, the cost of accommodation and meals will be [-] yen for adults and [-] yen for children!"

Although the price was a bit expensive, Mori Kogoro didn't take it seriously at all, so he readily agreed.

Seeing Kogoro Mori agreeing so readily, the old monk secretly regretted it, and would have asked for a higher price if he had known about it.

The old monk walked into the Nishan Temple, and then shouted: "Come out to entertain guests!"

Immediately, four young monks with different looks rushed out of the room. These guys are really good. They pretended not to hear Xiaolan's call just now, but they all came out as soon as the old monk spoke.

"Let me introduce the four monks practicing in this temple!" The old monk introduced one by one to Mori Kogoro and his party.

Among them, the most handsome one is the monk who has practiced the longest in this temple, called Kuan Nian;

He has a huge appetite, and the fattest man named Tun Nian is in charge of the food in the temple;

The monk with a withered face and a body like a telegraph pole is named Mu Nian, who is in charge of all the woodworking in the temple;

And the guy who is the smallest, with a pockmarked face, likes to read, and has a brighter mind is called Xiu Nian.

And the old monk who looks like a monster is called Master Tianyong, and he is the host of this temple.

After the introduction, Master Tianyong was about to command four people to entertain the pilgrims. At this moment, a woman holding an umbrella came in. She was wearing red shorts and a white top. Koizumi Hongzi who was naked.

As soon as Koizumi Hongzi saw Mouri Kogoro, anger appeared on his face.

And Kogoro Mori pretended to meet Hongzi Koizumi for the second time, and he couldn't help but said, "Student Koizumi, I didn't expect that we were destined. You just helped solve the case at Ninety-Nine House yesterday, and today you are in this mountain again." We met in the temple, so we are really destined!"

Koizumi Hongzi gritted his teeth and said: "It's fate, it's really fate. You escaped me on the top of the mountain just now, but I didn't expect to meet you here. You are dead."

Mori Kogoro pretended to be surprised and said: "Student Koizumi, are you mistaken? We just met yesterday. I don't understand what you are talking about now. Besides, Mr. Koizumi, you said that you were killed by me on the top of the mountain just now." I ran away, could it be that you are the one who threw a stone at my foot."

Koizumi Kogoro was at a loss for words, just sneered at Mori Kogoro, and then ignored him.

She turned her head to look at Master Tianyong, and said, "Did you see any monsters running into this temple?"

"Monster?" Master Tianyong looked puzzled.

Koizumi Hongzi said, "It's a terrifying monster that likes to appear in rainy and dark times, and specializes in absorbing people's souls. Please let me know if you find anything."

Hearing this, the expressions of all the monks in the temple changed drastically.

Master Tianyong said: "Could it be that you are looking for a terrifying monster like Wutiangou, then we have never encountered it before!"

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but have a weird look on his face. The expressions of the people in this temple have already told him that they also seem to know the legend of Wutiangu. It's interesting. After searching for so long, they finally found some clues.

Koizumi Hongzi put away the umbrella, and then said to Master Tianyong: "In that case, I will stay here temporarily tonight, no problem!"

"Oh, of course there is no problem, but what about the cost?" Master Tianyong looked like a financial fan.

"You don't need to worry about the cost." After saying that, Koizumi Hongzi broke away from the crowd and walked forward.

Chapter 0038 Overnight

Master Tianyong said: "Mu Nian, Tun Nian, you two go to prepare dinner tonight, Kuan Nian, Xiu Nian, you can accompany the pilgrims to visit the temple!"


After saying that, the old monk turned around and walked to his room.

Kuan Nian quickly caught up with Koizumi Hongzi in front, while Xiu Nian respectfully followed Mao Li and his party, guiding the three of them.

Mori Kogoro and others followed Xiu Nian to visit the temple, and soon they caught up with Koizumi Hongzi in front of him.

Koizumi Hongzi looked proud, looking at the Buddha statue in the middle with disdain.

When she saw Mori Kogoro coming over, she couldn't help but snorted coldly, and felt even more irritable.

The most hateful thing is that after being taken advantage of by someone, that person still doesn't know, and looks ignorant and ignorant.

Seeing the inexplicable expression on Mori Kogoro's face, Koizumi Hongzi felt angry, but right now it's more important to deal with Wutiangu, so let him go first, and when he returns to Tokyo, he can ask the housekeeper for that thing, and then he can get it all together. Vent the hatred in my heart!

Xiaolan looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said in a low voice: "Dad, what's the matter with this female high school student, she seems to be hostile to us, look, she's staring at me again!"

Huiyuan couldn't help but said: "Who knows? Maybe it's my aunt coming!" Speaking of this, Huiyuan couldn't help but think that being a child is good, at least it won't add the buff that reduces blood every month.

Xiao Lan immediately scolded: "Hui Yuan, you are a child, how could you understand this, did you show up too?"

When Huiyuan heard this, his eyes almost rolled to the sky: "Please, that one has to be at least eleven or twelve years old to start puberty, how could I have it, but the teacher at the school taught it!"

"But it's too early to teach this!" Xiaolan looked puzzled. She didn't teach this in Didan Elementary School before, at least it was when she was in junior high school.

Koizumi Hongzi, who had extraordinary hearing ability, kept twitching veins on his forehead when he heard these words, and stared at Huiyuan: "You just came to be an aunt!"

Her big wine red eyes glared at the three of them fiercely, then turned and left, Kuan Nian quickly followed.

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