Mori Kogoro hugged the two girls as if he was hugging the whole world, a satisfied smile slowly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 0041 Foggy dog ​​kills? ?

This night, he slept extremely peacefully. Kogoro Mori didn't wake up until after nine o'clock in the morning, and the sky outside had already cleared up.

Sensing that his two big hands were where they shouldn't be, Mori Kogoro's face was full of helplessness. He was used to his two hands that never obeyed at night.

Kogoro Mori saw that the eyes of the two girls were tightly closed, and they were still awake, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Both hands moved together, one was slowly pulled out from the chest, and the other was slowly pulled out from the trousers, both sides felt slippery and extraordinary, every step was like walking on thin ice, every step was smooth.

Suddenly, the voice of fat monk Tun Nian came from outside the door: "Three pilgrims, breakfast is ready, you can come out to eat."

Mori Kogoro shook his hands immediately, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually felt the bodies of the two women in his arms tremble too, and he didn't dare to move anymore.

"Maori detective? Maori detective?"

It can't go on like this any longer, cut the mess with a sharp knife, Kogoro Mori quickly pulled out his hands, and took advantage of the situation to make a stretching posture, so that the two girls could have a reason to wake up.

Fortunately, the two girls didn't wake up, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the quilt has been covered, covering all his movements.

The fat monk outside, Tun Nian, continued to ask persistently, "Detective Maori?"

Mori Kogoro replied impatiently: "Okay, I understand, don't shout anymore!"

At this time, the two girls in the same futon were both woken up, opened their eyes sleepily, stretched in unison, and then said hello to Mori Kogoro.

After the three of them washed up, they followed the fat monk Tun Nian through the corridor.

The rain stopped, the sky cleared up again, and the entire Fuyun Mountain became extremely beautiful again. Under the blue sky, the cool mountain breeze swept in with fresh air. From time to time, a few pieces of the sky were knocked down last night and today The dried cherry blossoms are as beautiful as a picture scroll, which makes people feel full of energy. This is really a good place for spiritual practice.

However, the fat monk looked like he was in a yawn, and complained from time to time: "The girl who slept with you last night screamed too loudly. It scared me so much in the middle of the night that I lay on the bed for a long time. Didn't fall back asleep."

Xiaolan couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, she also had her share of credit for this cry!

Mu Nian and Xiu Nian in the dining hall were also yawning, it seemed that all the monks in the temple slept well yesterday.

After Mori Kogoro sat down, Koizumi Hongzi also walked in, but the culprit looked refreshed, and he was still sighing: "The air here is really good."

It's just that Koizumi Hongzi stared coldly when he saw Mori Kogoro.

Obviously, after going back to calmly think about it last night, she found that she was taken advantage of by Mori Kogoro again. Although the advantage was delivered to her door by herself, it was Mori Kogoro's fault in a woman's logic.

Kuan Nian also came in, and a group of people sat on the cushions and waited for Master Tianyong to be presided over. According to the etiquette of the neon, if Master Tianyong did not show up, they could not eat.

After waiting for a while, Xiaolan couldn't help asking, "Where's the host?"

The fat monk Tun Nian couldn't help touching his forehead: "I called Master just now, but no one answered in his room, so I went to call Mr. Mao Li and the others. Why haven't they come yet? Isn't Master always waking up early?" ?”

Kuan Nian couldn't help but said, "It's strange, I just entered Master's room, and no one else was in the room."

The sallow-faced Mu Nian couldn't sit still: "Let's look for it, the master is getting old, we don't know where you fell down, brother Kuan Nian, let's go find the master!"

Kuan Nian said: "Pilgrims can enjoy breakfast by themselves, you don't have to wait for us, according to Master's wishes, Xiu Nian, send the four pilgrims down the mountain after eating!"

Xiu Nian nodded, and Mu Nian and Kuan Nian walked out of the dining hall.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help frowning: "What's the matter? Are you trying to drive people away after eating? I haven't found Wutengu yet!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but glanced at Koizumi Hongko. With the courage of yesterday, he dared to say such a thing. It's really foggy when Tengu appears. I don't know if this guy will be scared to the ground.

The fat monk Tun Nian hurriedly "hush" and said: "Benefactor, don't talk about Wu Tiangou. If you really provoke it, it will be the same as two years ago, and it will kill you."

Huiyuan had a speechless expression: This guy is really poisoned, he seems to have been completely brainwashed, and he completely believes that such a thing exists.

Koizumi Hongzi stared at Tun Nian with wine-red eyes, and asked, "What happened two years ago, let's hear it!"

Fat monk Tunian saw Koizumi Hongzi's pretty face looking at him seriously, and he couldn't help showing his brother Zhu's face. He was about to tell the story of the murder that happened before, but was stopped by Xiu Nian with a pockmarked face.

"Brother, didn't the master say that you can't say it?"

Tun Nian just gave up, Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help pouting, and then started to eat with chopsticks.

Mori Kogoro didn't care what they said, and ate delicious food by himself. The fat monk's cooking skills are really good.

When it was almost time to eat, suddenly there was a shout of Kuan Nian from outside.

The faces of the people in the dining hall immediately changed, and a group of people quickly got up and rushed towards the direction of the shouting.

It was the room used to punish monks before. Kuan Nian was looking up, while Mu Nian collapsed on the ground, looking extremely terrified, and muttered: "Wu Tiangou, Wu Tiangou!"

Everyone quickly entered the room, and immediately saw a dead body hanging from the [-]-meter-high beam. It was Master Tianyong, the abbot of Shanni Temple, and a big hole was opened in the lower left corner of the wall beside it.

Seeing this, Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help taking out a crystal ball from her bag, and then began to look at the crystal ball carefully. After a while, she put the crystal ball back into the bag in disappointment: "What are you doing! There is nothing at all. !"

Mori Kogoro immediately opened his mouth and said: "Xiaolan, hurry up and call the police. As for you, no one is allowed to enter this room?"

After saying that, Kogoro Mori began to investigate the scene, and Hongko Koizumi looked at Kogoro Mori with interest.

Mori Kogoro ignored Koizumi Hongko's gaze. Although he was familiar with the plot, he learned how to behave after being tricked many times. All the clues had to be searched again, sorted out and reasoned again before he was willing to submit it to the system with confidence.

Mori Kogoro touched the wall. The painted wall had no cracks at all. Then he squatted down, touched the corner of the wall, and nodded in satisfaction.

He leaned out along the big hole in the lower left corner of the wall, and saw only a few big stones scattered outside, and the other stones disappeared.

Mori Kogoro then climbed up the stairs, and then came to the place where he and Xiaolan took pictures yesterday, that is, the place where the waterfall passed by the fence, and this happened to be where the skylight in the punishment hut was. He was hanged on the beam of the house, his eyes and tongue were protruding, and he died in a miserable way.

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