The old woman obviously had bad ears, so she answered irrelevant questions, Xiaolan couldn't help but chuckled when she saw this scene.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Sorry to bother you!"

Fortunately, an uncle cleaner at the side helped and said: "No one has come to check in yet. You should be the first guests. The key to the room is hung here. You can choose freely." He pointed to the key hanging on the wall.

The uncle then said: "Guests, there is no one in the hot spring pool right now. This is a rare opportunity!" After finishing speaking, the uncle blinked at Kogoro Mouri, obviously misunderstanding the relationship between Kogoro Mouri and Xiaolan. Relationship.

When the old woman saw that the uncle on the side had spoken, she stopped talking, and a kind smile appeared on her face.

Mori Kogoro checked the time, and it was a quarter past nine in the morning. He couldn't help but said, "Xiao Lan, it seems that we came too early, go get the room key, let's put our things away first."

Xiaolan directly chose the key to a double room, and then the two walked to the room on the second floor, room 208.

The double room is very clean, the walls are grass green, the floor is made of wood, the bathroom is on the left of the small passage into the house, the inlaid wardrobe is on the right, and then there are two white beds, and the hanging TV is on the opposite side of the bed. There are low tables and chairs, and then there are windows.

After entering the room, Xiaolan came to the window, pointed to the green hills outside and exclaimed happily: "Wow, it's so beautiful, the scenery here is really good!"

Mori Kogoro threw his backpack on the bed, and then walked over, Aoyama hurried, really not bad.

When Mori Kogoro turned around, he saw Xiaolan lifting up her dress, showing two slender legs, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but panic: "Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

Xiaolan grabbed the bathrobe provided by the hotel beside her, shook it, and said, "Change the bathrobe, the uncle just said that there is no one in the hot spring pool, such a good opportunity, let's go to the hot spring!"

While speaking, Xiaolan took off the whole white dress, and she showed her domineering figure in only underwear. She then put her hands behind her and began to take off the pink underwear.

Mori Kogoro turned around quickly and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The sound of changing clothes came from the side.

Xiaolan sat on the bed after stripping naked. She unwrapped the plastic wrapping of the bathrobe, and then took the discarded wrapping plastic paper to look for the trash can in the room.

"It's so strange, where did the trash can go? Why didn't I see it!" She even walked to Kogoro Mouri's side and looked at the window, but she still couldn't find it. Finally, Xiaolan saw it in the passage between the two beds. Without the trash can, she quickly climbed onto the bed, bent over and threw the plastic paper away.

Then Xiaolan stood up on the bed, unfolded the bathrobe, and stretched out her hand to draw.

"It seems a bit too big." Xiaolan jumped off the bed, and Mouri Kogoro gasped.

Xiaolan also seemed to hear the voice, and her little face became a little rosy.

She then tore open the packaging of another bathrobe on the table, and then wrote, then nodded in satisfaction, and then put it on.

After the chattering sound of changing clothes, Xiaolan had already changed into her bathrobe, and then quickly said, "Hurry up and change into your bathrobe too, let's go to the hot spring!"

Kogoro Mori stood there without any reaction, Xiao Lan directly grabbed Kogoro Mori's arm, exerted strange force, and pulled him back.

Mori Kogoro, who couldn't resist Xiaolan, could only shake his head with a wry smile, and then walked towards the unraveled bathrobe.

And Xiaolan looked at the scenery outside with great interest, but soon her face also turned red, and after taking a look, she looked away again, and then couldn't help but look at the glass of the window.

Mori Kogoro quickly put on his yukata.

Xiaolan turned around and put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and said cheerfully, "Let's go, let's soak in the hot spring."

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the window glass. The cleaners in this hotel are so real, the glass is wiped so clean that it is completely reflective.


In Maori's house, Conan opened the door, and he walked in from the outside with his schoolbag on his back, with a smug smile on his face: "If you want to leave me and go to the hot springs for vacation, how can there be such a good thing, camping on Tuesday It’s just so disappointing to have left me behind and want to do it now.”

The reason why Conan wanted to go so much was purely because he heard the word hot spring hotel.

So yesterday he went to Aso Honesty's private clinic and asked Dr. Aso to help him forge a medical certificate, and then asked Aso Honesty not to tell Mori Kogoro.

Dr. Aso's personality became very good after taking revenge, and Conan kept asking, so he finally agreed to help.

So today Conan went to school and used this certificate to ask for leave from Teacher Xiaolin. Then he returned to the third floor of Maori's house and began to search for the trash in the living room. He hadn't seen the letter before. address, only this stupid method can be used.

"I remember that Uncle Maori didn't take it with him in the morning. The letter must have been left at home, either thrown away or placed in the room."

Conan, who rummaged through the trash can to no avail, ended up with dirty hands. After washing his hands, he opened the door and entered Kogoro Mori's room. Soon he saw the invitation letter from the classmate association on the table.

Conan looked at the address above, with a smug smile on his face, then immediately turned around and ran outside.

Sister Xiaolan, wait for me, I'm coming soon, you will be very surprised to see me!

There was a lewd smile on Conan's face, he didn't know what was going on in his little head.


Going out from the back door of the hotel, the hot air kept rising. After Xiaolan pulled Mori Kogoro into a hot spring room, she immediately locked the door.Maori looked around, and after confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, he walked into the hot spring pool.

Mori Kogoro had a white towel on his head, and a bath towel tied around his waist. With his back against the black boulder, he was enjoying the warm hot spring comfortably.

On the other side, Xiao Lan was wrapped in a bath towel, her little face was slightly red, and she was wiping her little face with a towel in her hand.

Chapter 0050 Travel 2

Xiaolan stretched out her hands, stretched her waist comfortably, and said, "Sure enough, soaking in hot springs is the most comfortable!"

Mori Kogoro took the towel off his head, opened his eyes, and immediately saw Xiaolan approaching his side, holding the towel in her hand, and said, "Dad, let me rub your back for you!"

Moli Kogoro frowned, and was about to refuse, but Xiaolan pouted and said, "Dad clearly said it's okay!"

After Xiaolan said that, how could Mori Kogoro refuse, he could only turn around obediently, showing his strong back.

The towel in Xiaolan's hand was filled with shower gel, and she immediately started to rub Mouri Kogoro's back. The strength here was unexpectedly very suitable.

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