Seemingly aware of the strange atmosphere, Mori Kogoro hesitated for a moment and still raised his thumb: "Very beautiful, with a perfect figure, the chest is very straight, and there are two curves of abdominal muscles in the lower abdomen!"

Yumi got angry again when she heard this: "Who told you to describe it, hum, I won't play ball anymore, I want to drink now, you drink with me!"

Mori Kogoro, who knew he was wrong, naturally couldn't refuse Yumi. He threw the table tennis racket on the table, and then brought a box of beer to the side and put it on the table.

Both of them sat on the table tennis table on the same side, and could clearly hear the creaking sound of the table.

The two pigeons opened a bottle of beer, and after clinking glasses, they drank.

"Ah..." Yumi laughed after taking a big sip of beer, "Sure enough, drinking beer after exercising is perfect."

Mori Kogoro took a sip of beer, and felt that his mood improved a lot. When he looked sideways, he saw that Yumi on the left hadn't rearranged the yukata, and there was still a greasy white color in the collar of the yukata. .

Is this intentional?Are you seducing me?

Yumi's face was a little strange, and she said: "You said that Noriko is really, she found so many men, and even looked for them among our old classmates. It's all right now, something happened while she was playing, and she enjoyed it. What's the use of having so many men?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help frowning, Yumi shouldn't be able to make fun of the dead, especially if the dead is her good friend.

Yumi turned to look at Mouri Kogoro: "Kogoro, is the lace news published in the newspaper true? Do you have many girlfriends?"

Kogoro Mori looked at his old classmate of more than ten years, and didn't want to lie to her: "It's half true and half false, many of them are for my popularity, but some of them are really my girlfriends!"

Yumi laughed when she heard this, and her smile was a little exaggerated: "Hehe, Kogoro, you don't even make drafts when you brag, I don't believe it, I'm pretty pretty, too, and you haven't agreed after chasing you for so many years. Even if I separated from Eri, I didn't even have a chance."

"Ah Chun said that he was ruined by Ji Zi for sixteen years, and I was ruined by you for sixteen years. Now I have become a thirty-six-year-old girl. I haven't even had a man. I don't want to get married. There is no hope!" Yumi's face became very sad!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being moved when he heard this, and fell silent.

Yumi went on to say: "Sometimes I envy Ji Zi, although she is more romantic, but there is also a man who is willing to wait for her for so many years, and even became crazy for her, and dying in the hands of Ah Chun should be regarded as Die well!"

The words Yumi said became more and more strange, and she looked at Maori Kogoro with a strange gaze: "Or, Kogoro, you will die by my hands too!"

Seeing this appearance, Yumi couldn't help frowning.

It turned out that the one who was most stimulated by this murder case was not Xiaolan, Kazushi, or Yukio, but Yumi Horikoshi, who had the same hopeless love with Ajun.

Ah Chun fell in love with Ji Zi deeply for sixteen years, and in the end it turned into a terrible possessive desire, and even went crazy to kill because of it.

Yumi has loved Kogoro deeply for sixteen years, but has never received any response. After witnessing today's murder, Yumi even became a little abnormal in her mental state, speaking like a mental patient.

For this kind of patients, a simple and rude injection is enough!

Mori Kogoro put a big hand directly around Yumi's waist, bit her earlobe, and said viciously: "If you want to die, you will die in my hands!"

Chapter 0062 table tennis table

After saying that, Mori Kogoro bit Yumi Horikoshi's slightly opened mouth.

The drunken blurred color in Yumei's eyes gradually dissipated, and the pupils kept shrinking, as if she couldn't believe it, but as the deep kiss continued, a hint of blurred color appeared in her eyes again.

Mori Kogoro's fiery big hand directly penetrated into the yukata, grasping a mass of slippery softness, which seemed to be still covered with sweat, while the other hand grasped down his round, white thigh.

Sure enough, the neon bathrobe is extremely humane clothing, and the wide neckline is almost unobstructed.

Horikoshi Yumi was pushed onto the table tennis table, her big wavy hair stuck to the net, she had clearly returned to normal at this moment, no longer the weird appearance just now, her delicate little face was full of shyness.

I have to say that seeing a girlish shyness on the face of a woman exuding the charm of a mature woman is simply fascinating.

Horikoshi Yumi seemed a little panicked. She had never seen such a battle and said repeatedly: "Kogoro, don't be like this. I'm sweating all over now. Let me take a bath first?"

Mori Kogoro kissed Horikoshi Yumi's pretty face again, his eyes could not hide the heat, and he said, "I don't mind at all."

While speaking, he tore off Yumi's belt, and then flipped up the bathrobe, revealing a seductive body inside. The sweat was dripping on it, and it hadn't dried yet. The light reflected the light, and this body looked Incomparably shiny!

Mori Kogoro couldn't hold back any longer, he jumped on it, his clothes billowing, and soon, there was a tooth-piercing sound on the ping-pong table.


It was so loud in this dark hotel.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


At the beginning of dawn, after six o'clock in the morning, the morning sun shone on Mori Kogoro's body. His vigorous, tough, masculine body was full of scars, all of which were scratches, bite marks, and hickey marks of women.

At this moment, he was soaking alone in the open-air hot spring pool. He stood up from the bottom of the water, with a towel on his head, and let out a long breath of foul air.

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, at thirty it is like a wolf and at forty it is like a tiger.

To deal with these two kinds of women, Mori Kogoro is of course no problem, but what if it is a combination of these two kinds of women!Coupled with sixteen years of love that is as deep as the sea, the power that erupts like that is simply terrifying to the extreme.

This night, from two o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the morning, was a full four hours, and it was the most dangerous battle Mori Kogoro had ever encountered.

Kogoro Mori didn't even perform healing on Yumi, and she still stayed with her all the way to the end. If Kogoro Mori hadn't exploded with all his strength in the end, he really couldn't take this woman down.

In the end, Yumi was exhausted and fell asleep on the messy big bed, and Moori Kogoro left the room after treating her.

He came to the hot spring pool by himself and washed away the traces of his body.

Facing the morning sun, all the minor injuries on his body disappeared. He walked out of the hot spring pool, changed into the bathrobe he asked for from the uncle at the front desk, and walked towards room 208.

Open the door, the pink sweet dream in the room is still going on, the person on the bed is still in a sound sleep, Mori Kogoro lies back on the other bed refreshed, looking at the white ceiling, yesterday's old classmate What happened had no effect on him at all.

It is said that those who stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you, will become demons over time.

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