"Choose! You two! Only one can live!" Mori Kogoro said the cold words, with a playful smile on his face, he sat on the sofa and looked at the two quietly.

Hearing this, the pupils of Kirihara Ryoji and Karasawa Yusho kept shrinking, and they both looked at the knife on the carpet in the middle, motionless.

Mori Kogoro then said: "I'll give you some time too, if you don't get a result within five minutes, then go to hell for me!"

The words are firm and cold, not like fakes!

Time passed slowly, and Kogoro Mori was not in a hurry.

One minute...two minutes...three minutes...four minutes...

The two moved at the same time and rushed towards the dagger, but in the end it was Tang Ze Xuesui who grabbed the dagger.

Mori Kogoro laughed immediately, and it was exactly as he expected, the tacit understanding between the two is really perfect, Kirihara Ryoji has already decided to die, otherwise how could he not get the dagger with his actions .

Sure enough, Tang Zeyusui stabbed Kirihara Ryoji's heart with a dagger in his hand without hesitation, killing him with one blow.

A look of relief flashed in Kirihara Ryoji's eyes.

And Tang Ze Xuesui showed joy on his face, and turned his head to look at Kogoro Mouri: "I won! I survived!"

Mori Kogoro smiled gently. He took out his cell phone, and directed V. The cell phone immediately received the signal, and played the scene of Haibara shrinking from Miyano Shiho to Haibara, and then gave Tang Zexue Spike look.

"Here's an interesting video for you!"

Seeing this scene in the video, Tang Ze Xuesui couldn't help shrinking her pupils, and muttered, "Impossible!"

"This girl likes me, and I like her too. Because she took the poison and shrunk her body to what she looked like ten years ago, that's why the picture you saw appeared. If you can really see my gaze, why didn't you I could tell she was looking at me."

"I've told you so much just to make you understand."

Hearing this, Tang Ze Xuesui immediately panicked.

Mori Kogoro said to himself: "Since the choice is wrong, they are already white ghosts, so let's go to hell together to be ghosts!"

The gunshot rang out, and the golden bullet instantly pierced Tang Ze Xuesui's head, and a cloud of blood blasted out from behind his head.


In fact, the choice given by Kogoro Mori to the two of them also has an implicit choice of happiness. That is, neither of them will move. After these five minutes, it proves that they still have a conscience. Unfortunately, neither of them chose. !

The black Bentley disappeared into the night like a ghost. Building 307 in Jingqiao Villa District of Mihua City was ignited with raging flames.

Chapter 0083 fake daughter

When Mori Kogoro returned to the office, it was already past five o'clock in the morning. It was almost morning, and he was still full of energy after not sleeping all night.

As a famous detective, he is familiar with all criminal methods and can naturally create the most perfect crime.

The murder weapon was a golden desert eagle whose bullets would automatically disappear. The gloves and hats he wore when committing the crime were bought separately on the road, and they were all burnt up after use. A quick fire burned it all up.

With his strong five senses, he was not captured by any camera at all. In the end, the black Bentley luxury car was erased by Mori Kogoro and sank into the river. All evidence was wiped out.

The only Princess Kako who could possibly know the truth is her own person, and what Princess Kako knows is only Saburo Akama, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Political Affairs. of.

No one would have thought that Mori Kogoro, who suffered a horrific kidnapping incident today, immediately found the murderer at night and carried out crazily revenge.

Even if Kudo Yusaku and Hattori Heizo, two people with strong reasoning ability, appeared, Mori Kogoro was sure that they would not be able to reason that he was responsible for this case.

This homicide and arson case in the Jingqiao villa area of ​​Mihua City is destined to become an unsolved case.


Mori Kogoro returned to the third floor. The doors of the three rooms on the third floor were closed tightly. Everything was exactly the same as the scene before he left. Mori Kogoro walked in lightly and then entered the bathroom. He simply wanted to wash a bath.

After taking a shower, Kogoro Mouri pushed open the door of Xiaolan's room and walked in.

Looking at the peaceful smile on Xiaolan's face, he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and said softly, "Xiaolan, don't cry, Dad has already taught those who hurt you a lesson."

For Xiaolan, what does it matter if she turns into a devil!

Kogoro Moori didn't disturb Xiaolan's sleep, he walked out of the room soon after, went back to the living room outside, walked to the window, the sky outside gradually brightened, Kogoro Moori watched the light of the morning sun slowly appear In Skyrim, the mood is very peaceful.

The night has passed quietly! ! !

At this moment, the door of the room in the middle originally belonged to Mori Kogoro opened, and the sleepy Eri came out. She woke up feeling parched and wanted to drink some water.

At this moment, Fei Yingli didn't wear glasses, and her brown hair was not tied up, but let down naturally, adding a touch of style to her at this moment.

What's more, she didn't realize that her clothes were loosened a few times after waking up, exposing the two huge white blobs, shaking and trembling as she walked, instantly attracting Kogoro Mouri's attention.

Fei Yingli saw Mori Kogoro standing by the window, and couldn't help being surprised: "Why did you wake up so early, didn't you used to sleep until eight or nine o'clock?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "I'm protecting you!"

Fei Yingli gave Kogoro Mori a blank look, and then walked towards the dining table. The water dispenser was next to the dining table, and Kogoro Mori followed.

Fei Yingli picked up a paper cup to take a cup of warm water, raised her head slightly, and drank it in small sips. Her Danfeng eyes looked at Mori Kogoro, and she was not alert at all when she was still asleep.

A malicious smile suddenly appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and he said, "Eri, let me feed you!"

After finishing speaking, he snatched the paper cup, drank the warm water in it in one gulp, aimed at Fei Yingli's red lips, and took a breath, and the warm water passed over in an instant.

Fei Yingli stepped on the ground in panic with her bare feet, the pupils in her eyes kept shrinking, and her small hands kept pushing Kogoro Mori's strong chest, really wanting to push Kogoro Mori away.

To deal with the queen-like Eri, he should be domineering or domineering, Mori Kogoro's big hand wrapped around Fei Eri's waist in an instant, and with his arms, he hugged her.

The full thirty-six E instantly pressed against Mori Kogoro's strong chest, it was extremely soft, it was a long-lost touch!

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