Chapter 0094

As soon as Xiaolan heard this, a worried expression appeared on her face, she was so sympathetic: "This sounds very painful."

Hattori Heiji touched his head, and said, "Oh, it didn't hurt much, it's just that my mother was too lazy to run away, and I happened to have something to come to Tokyo, so she asked me to be a representative to attend this wedding. They are getting married tomorrow. To hold a wedding banquet, it will be fine to just go over there and go through the motions."

Conan on the side asked, "Brother Heiji, apart from attending the wedding, what else do you want to do in Tokyo?"

Hattori Heiji squatted down, squeezed Conan's small face, kneaded it into a pancake shape, and said, "Invited by a program on Nikmai TV, they invited high school student detectives from all over the country to hold a Detective Koshien Activity."

Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at Xiaolan, smiled with two rows of big white teeth and said, "Maybe Kudo will go too!"

Hearing the word 'Kudo', Xiaolan turned her gaze towards her father, her little face seemed strange: "Xinyi?"

"Counting it all together, I haven't seen him for several months since the beginning of school last year, and I almost forgot about it!"

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Conan's expression turned bitter, and Hattori Heiji looked at him sympathetically.

Conan also returned a sympathetic look.

【You guy, what right do you have to sympathize with me? Your childhood sweetheart has long since broken up with you, and now she would rather talk to Uncle Mao Li than you. 】

The eyes of the two people intertwined, and they felt the same feeling immediately, and both of them immediately became dejected.

At this time, Xiaolan took Heye's hand and said, "Heye, you came here to care about me this time. I'm really touched. I didn't expect Heye to be such a warm-hearted person!"

Toyama and Ye couldn't help but smile awkwardly when they heard this. In fact, she came here this time mainly to visit Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan turned her head to look at the two of them, and then said: "In that case, you can stay at my house. Anyway, there is plenty of room at home, so you don't need to stay in a hotel."

"He Ye, let's sleep together at night!" Xiao Lan invited, looking at the distant mountains and Ye Ye with her eyes wide open.

Mori Kogoro on the side also said: "That's right, you have finally come from Osaka, so let me treat you well, I will take you around Tokyo in the afternoon, and stay at my house in the evening, Kazuha, Just sleep with Xiaolan, as for Heiji..."

Kurotanto Hattori Heiji held up Conan and said, "I'll sleep with Conan tonight!"

Conan's exclusive dead fish eyes immediately appeared on his face, and he was about to refuse.

Mori Kogoro made a decision at once: "Okay, it's decided like this."

Conan looked at the smiling Hattori Heiji behind him with resentment.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said in surprise: "I didn't expect Heiji to have such a temper with Conan, it's incredible!"

When Toyama and Ye heard the decision made by Mori Kogoro, they smiled sweetly and nodded.


In the afternoon, Mori Kogoro led the crowd into the extremely cool Lexus car, and they still sat in the same way.

Conan was hugged by Hattori Heiji, feeling the lump behind his buttocks, he was extremely upset, but Hattori Heiji didn't seem to feel the slightest bit of embarrassment.

In the back seat are Xiaolan, Heye, and Huiyuan.

Seeing Conan and Haibara at the side, Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Conan, and Haibara, isn't today Thursday? Why don't you go to school, and you can go sightseeing with us."

Conan in the front seat immediately turned his head and said, "We have already asked for leave, because too many things have happened at home in the past two days, and Teacher Xiaolin is also worried about other accidents, so let the two of us study at home."

Haibara in the back seat said, "It's Conan's excuse to ask for leave, and I simply don't want to go to school!"

Hearing Haibara's dismantling, Conan immediately retracted his head and returned to Hattori Heiji's arms.

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Then Huiyuan, why don't you want to go to school?"

"That's because I heard that when I was in school, Uncle Mao Li had many beautiful female friends come to visit him. I was very curious about this matter, so I asked for leave to take a look!" Gray Hara glanced at Kogoro Mori, and said with a cold expression, a single sentence had an outstanding effect on Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro's back immediately broke out in cold sweat, and the complexion of Toyama Kazuha beside him also seemed to be a little unwell.

At this moment, Xiaolan laughed softly: "Hui Yuan, you actually care about this. Those are all good friends of my father, and many of them were people who helped me when I was handling the case, because my father has been working hard to solve the case and serve people well." Wash away your grievances, that's why you are loved by many people!"

Hearing what Xiaolan said, the expressions of Yuanshan, Ye and Huiyuan immediately softened.

Mori Kogoro wished he could stop the car immediately to pick up his precious daughter and kiss her a few times. As expected, he was worthy of his caring little padded jacket, and the explanation was too timely.


Because Kazuha wanted to go to Shibuya to buy clothes, the car drove to the pedestrian area of ​​Shibuya, and then everyone got out of the car.

Kogoro Mori is leading Haibara in the front, Ran and Kazuha are happily discussing what kind of clothes to buy in the middle, while Heiji Hattori and Conan are at the back.

Conan said in the tone of Kudo Shinichi at the moment, "How is the relationship between you and your childhood sweetheart?"

A gloomy look appeared in Hattori Heiji's eyes, and he forced a smile and said, "Hey, girls' minds are really unpredictable. I don't know what I did wrong. Kazuha hasn't spoken to me for more than a month!"

Hattori Heiji shook his head, and then asked: "Don't mention these annoying things, I said Kudo, Xiaolan still doesn't know your identity? When I mentioned it just now, she said that she almost forgot about you, It can't go on like this!"

Conan's head was lowered so that people could not see his expression: "I also know, but the dark organization hides too deep!"

Hattori Heiji frowned: "I also helped you investigate after the New Year, but it seems that the organization has never been active in Osaka, and I haven't found any clues."

"Forget it, don't worry so much, no matter how dark the organization is, it will surface one day, but let me tell you, Kudo, have you really not received the invitation letter from Nikmai TV's Koshien event?"

"I've said it several times, if you haven't received it, you haven't received it!" Conan gave Hattori Heiji a blank look.

Hattori Heiji grinned and laughed: "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that my Hattori in Kansai is more famous in China, and that's right, it's normal for Kudo to lose his reputation after he disappeared for nearly half a year."

Xiaolan and Heye turned their heads to see Hattori Heiji and Conan who were joking behind, Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "I really didn't expect that such a naughty kid like Conan would be liked by someone!"

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