Akio Shigematsu immediately stepped forward and scolded: "Sakura Court, you are too rude, how could you do such a thing in front of the guests!"

The young servant named Sakuraba Yuji said: "I'm really sorry, because the master's cat ran away again, I only chased here and disturbed the guests."

The blue Persian cat in his arms struggled, broke free all of a sudden, and got under the skirt of a young woman who had just appeared beside him.

The young woman immediately panicked. She was wearing a red dress, and her legs kept moving, trying to let the Persian cat out, but the little female cat named Rhaegar couldn't come out.

In the end, the woman panicked, sprained her ankle, and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Chapter 0096

Mori Kogoro only felt a soft body fall into his arms, two soft objects hit his chest heavily, and then bounced gently.

He quickly reached out to help her up, put his hands on the woman's arms, and lifted her up.

The expressions of Xiaolan, Ye and the three daughters of Huiyuan changed slightly.

Mori Kogoro said gently to the woman, "Are you okay?"

At this time, the Persian cat named Rhaegar flicked its tail triumphantly and slipped away.

The young servant Yuji Sakuraba quickly chased after him, calling out the name of the Persian cat: "Rega!"

Only then did the woman return to normal, feeling the fiery hand on her arm, seeing the handsome uncle in front of him with a concerned expression on his face, she couldn't help blushing, she quickly backed away, and said: "It's okay, Deacon Shigematsu, this Yes?"

Akio Shigematsu introduced to both parties.

"Miss, this is the Maori detective, who is highly respected by the master."

"Mr. Mori, this is the eldest lady of the Mori Madoka family, Morizon Yurie."

This beautiful woman named Senyuan Baihejiang opened her mouth slightly: "So you are a Maori detective. I have heard of you often, because I have been living abroad, and what I hear is only the reasoning passed down by my friends, but it is also very interesting. wonderful.!"

Yurie Mori looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration in his eyes.

"That's really my honor!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, and took Haibara's little hand again, and Haibara's expression improved a lot.

Senyuan Baihejiang turned around and looked at the bride-to-be, Pian Tongfeng, and said, "You are going to marry the woman of Juren, you really have a way. Not long after you moved in, you tamed my playboy brother!"

Zhongsong Mingnan quickly said, "It was Master Juren who fell in love with Miss Feng at first sight."

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard of it." Senyuan Baihejiang shook his head, and said to Song Mingnan, "It doesn't matter, anyway, you are the one who led this marriage. If there is any problem, you will be responsible for it." All right."

Senyuan Baihejiang turned around and left after saying this.

Mori and his party came to the villa with Deacon Shigematsu, and met the owner of the villa, Mikio Morigata.

This is a middle-aged man with beards and a golden cane in his hand.

He is also the current Patriarch of the Mori Madoka family, and one of the members of the National Assembly. The Mori Madoka family has a high reputation in the political circle, and many relatives in the collateral line are also active in the political arena.

It's a pity that both of his children have no interest in political affairs. The daughter simply lives abroad after studying abroad, while the son indulges in sensuality in China, preferring to be a playboy rather than doing something serious.

Seeing Kogoro Mori, Mitsuo Mori immediately ran over with a cane: "Your Excellency is Kogoro Mori, the great detective Mori?"

"It's down."

"Detective Maori, the person I admire the most in the entire Neon is you. You are so powerful. You rescued your kidnapped wife and child alone. If I have half of your skills in four years, then I can also rescue me. Madam, this leg won’t be like this anymore.”

"four years ago?"

"Father is talking about the car accident four years ago, in which my mother died, and my father's leg was also broken." Senyuan Baihejiang reappeared with light makeup on his face and explained.

"Stop talking about this, Maori Detective, and have dinner with me tonight. I can't wait to hear Maori Detective's reasoning story!"

Mori Madoka Mikio enthusiastically grabbed Mori Kogoro's arm and invited him to have dinner together.

Mori Kogoro, who couldn't shirk it, had no choice but to accept the invitation and went to the restaurant together.

As soon as Steward Chongsong gave an order, servants continued to bring out trays of steaming dishes from the kitchen.

Looking at the exquisite tableware and sumptuous dinner, Xiaolan and Heye opened their eyes wide in surprise.

Kogoro Mori saw the satisfied expressions on the faces of the two girls, and felt that this trip was not a waste of time.

Soon, Morimoto Mikio turned to Deacon Shigematsu, and said, "Shigematsu, help me bring my camera. I want to take a photo with Detective Mori."

Steward Shigematsu immediately nodded and went to get it, Morimoto Mikio said again: "Shigematsu, after dinner later, come to my room, this time, for the sake of Chrysanthemum's marriage, you have been doing it for so long, but I I want to thank you well, what request do you have, just say it, I will definitely satisfy it!"

When Deacon Shigesong heard this, his expression immediately became agitated.

Mitsuo Morimoto turned his head to the young servant Yuji Sakuraniwa, and said, "Sakuraniwa, my cat is missing again, I will trouble you to find it later!"

"Hi!" Sakuraba Yuji nodded.

At this moment, a tall man wearing an orange top and a gold necklace around his neck pushed in the door. This is the protagonist of tomorrow's wedding, Sen Yuan Juren...

As soon as he came in, he walked behind Kaede Katagiri's seat, and said, "Darling, did you enjoy sightseeing in Tokyo today?"

Kaede Katagiri looked a little frightened.

Morimoto Mikio said with a smile: "This is Yuzi Juren, tomorrow is his big day, Mr. Mori can also come to his wedding!"

Regarding his son's rude behavior, Mori Madoka Mitsuo simply chose to ignore it.

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