"Master Chuanjiu, you read it wrong!"

"No, I think that woman appeared three days ago. You see, this is the earring clasp I found under the tatami." Conan showed the earring clasp wrapped in a handkerchief in his hand.

Monk Chuanjiu immediately said pleasantly: "Yes, I remember that woman had earrings on her ears."

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up: "In this way, what Chuanjiu saw is true. It's interesting. Someone really committed suicide here, so the bloodstains that disappeared!"

Hattori Heiji saw the only bronze statues in the empty room, and a smile appeared on his black face.

He rushed to the bronze statue, knelt down, opened the glass cover, and lifted the bronze statue up and said, "The bloodstain must be under this bronze statue."

But seeing the empty scene below, Hattori Heiji's kneeling feet couldn't help but toppled, and he was almost unsteady holding the bronze statue.

"Ah! How could there be no such thing!"

Hattori Heiji hastily put down the bronze statue of King Tamon in his hand, ran to another room, and picked up another bronze statue.

"Not this one either!"

"still none!"

"Not at all!"

In the end, Hattori Heiji returned to the crowd in frustration, his head was lowered after his reasoning failed, and Conan couldn't help frowning.

Host Shi Lian smiled and said: "The earrings you found should belong to Lin Jiu and Wen Jiu who served in the temple before. They left the temple a month ago because they didn't abide by the rules of the temple. It's just me and Chuanjiu."

"In addition to adopting Chuanjiu, our temple also adopted other children, namely Lin Jiu and Wen Jiu, but they are different from Chuanjiu. After so many years, they are still very naughty. They often escape from the temple and go outside to play. In order not to reveal their status as monks, they even disguise themselves."

"I don't know where to get a wig, earrings, trendy clothes, disguised as young people outside, they used this room before they left, I think this keychain is what they dropped when changing clothes Bar!"

Shi Lian presided over the explanation very methodically.

Mori Kogoro ignored Shi Lian's host, instead he turned his head and walked outside, narrowing his eyes slightly.

This courtyard is surrounded by bamboo forests. It took thirty minutes to walk from the temple on the mountainside, and it was even further away from the cherry blossom pedestrian street at the foot of the mountain.

Covered by the bamboo forest, you can't see the scenery below the mountain at all. This is a quiet and hidden place.

Mori Kogoro looked down at the floor. The building in this other courtyard is in the shape of a wooden frame and a grass roof, and the floor under his feet has long been lifted.

Mori Kogoro stepped on the board, shook his head, turned around and walked into the room.

Chuanjiu in the room said excitedly: "But I really saw that woman collapsed in this room, believe me, I really saw it."

Host Shi Lian sighed and shook his head: "I have to talk about the matter now."

"Actually, no guests came to this temple at all that day. Chuanjiu, you just had hallucinations because you missed your mother."

"How is it possible?" Chuanjiu looked in disbelief.

Host Shi Lian shook her head: "Because I missed your mother who fostered you here eighteen years ago, and Lin Jiu and Wen Jiu both left the temple, there were only two of us left in the whole temple, Chuan Jiu was too lonely to come here. Hallucinations appear in the mind."

"Three days ago, I heard Chuanjiu say that. I thought it was someone who was lost in the mountains who was injured and accidentally broke into this other courtyard. I came over to take a look. The room was empty, and there was nothing Chuanjiu said. There was a woman lying in a pool of blood."

"Later the police came. Seeing how excited Chuanjiu was, I couldn't help but cooperate with what he said, saying that there was a female pilgrim visiting, but the female pilgrim left early in the morning."

"Hey, how pitiful is Chuanjiu who has such hallucinations!" Host Shi Lian looked at Monk Chuanjiu with pity.

Chuanjiu lowered his head, his expression was gloomy, he had already begun to believe what the host said, thinking that he was really hallucinating.

Hattori Heiji pulled the straight hat to one side, and said, "What are you doing! It turned out to be an illusion, it's a waste of everyone's time!"

At this moment, Maori Kogoro said, "Xiao Lan, call the police!"

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Mori Kogoro in surprise, all eyes focused on him.

Especially when Shi Lian was hosting, his pupils continued to dilate. Contrary to the calmness he had shown before, he was actually a little flustered at the moment.

Yuan Shan and Ye said excitedly: "Uncle Mao Li, did you find something?"

Hattori Heiji responded, "Isn't this a hallucination of Chuanjiu? Why did you call the police?"

And Xiaolan obeyed Mori Kogoro's words, and immediately took out the phone to call Police Officer Megure.

Mori Kogoro said, "Of course it's not a hallucination, a woman did die here three days ago!"

Chapter 0111 The Box of Evil Thoughts

Host Shi Lian regained his composure, and said, "Detective Maori, what did you say? Didn't the black-skinned boy say it just now? There is no blood in this room. Chuanjiu is actually because of loneliness. It's just a fantasy born of missing my mother!"

Hattori Heiji's cheeks twitched involuntarily when he heard Host Shilian address him like that.

"The earrings are left by two other incompetent monks, Lin Jiu and Wen Jiu. Isn't that all explained?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Shi Lian with a playful smile on his lips, and said, "I'm afraid there are still places we haven't looked for!"

Host Shi Lian hurriedly dragged Mori Kogoro out of the room and went to the outside of the courtyard.

Everyone in the room watched the two go out in surprise.

Host Shi Lian twirled the rosary in his hand, with a look of compassion on his face, he let out a long sigh, and then said: "Detective Maori, I know you are a famous detective in Tokyo, and you will definitely be able to see through the strangeness in this room."

"Then let me tell you the truth. Earlier in the evening, a middle-aged lady did visit unexpectedly. She hoped that I could return to her the son I abandoned at the gate of the temple eighteen years ago. She is Chuanjiu's mother. .”

"The lady also said that she secretly came to the temple every year to watch her child's growth!"

"I thought that was the case, so I showed the lady the photos of the monks practicing in the temple and the photo albums of the monks from childhood to adulthood, but what was surprising was that the lady couldn't recognize which of them was her child, and even more so. She didn't recognize Chuanjiu who was serving tea at the back, it was her son, and finally burst into tears."

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