She quickly got out of the car and walked out with a swaying figure.

Stretching out of the car door was a pair of beautiful white legs in high heels.

The flesh-colored stockings were torn by Mori Kogoro, so there was no way to wear them anymore.

The graceful and charming Fei Yingli set off a burst of fragrance when she walked, Mori Kogoro closed the door of the car, and hurriedly followed, and the two came to the door of the villa.

Fei Yingli couldn't help but said: "Detective Maori, do you have anything else to do? It's almost ten o'clock, if you have nothing to do, go back!"

With such a great opportunity today, how could Mori Kogoro go back? He rubbed his belly and showed his acting skills: "I must have eaten something wrong tonight. Let me go in and use the toilet!"

Hearing this, Consort Eri glanced at Mori Kogoro, but didn't say much, she took out the key, opened the door, and the two entered the villa.

As soon as Fei Yingli entered the villa, she went to her room on the second floor. There was a full-length mirror in her room on the second floor. Although she had seen the small mirror many times, she wanted to confirm it again.

Soon, Mori Kogoro heard a series of joyous laughter from upstairs.There was also an involuntary smile on his face, and he walked up following the laughter.

Mori Kogoro came to a door that was half-hidden, pushed it open gently, and saw a young nude figure, Hieiri, who was completely naked, turning around in front of the mirror, with a satisfied look on her face. smile.

Even after watching it for a long time, Mori Kogoro still finds it amazing!

Fei Yingli, who heard the sound of pushing the door, immediately turned around, covered her body, and scolded: "You bastard, didn't you mean to go to the toilet? What are you doing here? Go away!"

Mori Kogoro rubbed his nose and said, "I'm an old couple, why should I be ashamed!"

He shook his head, closed the door again, and walked downstairs.

Chapter 0116 alone with Eri 2

Kogoro Mori came to the kitchen on the first floor, turned on the light and opened the refrigerator. The refrigerator was full of ingredients, all bought by Yukiko. Yukiko likes to go to the supermarket and buys a lot every time she buys, so the refrigerator is always full.

Although both Yuxizi and Feiyingli don't like cooking very much and usually order takeout, Yuxizi likes to stuff the refrigerator to the brim, saying that only in this way can she feel safe, even if there is an earthquake.

After more than three hours of exercising, Mori Kogoro also felt hungry, so he picked out suitable ingredients from the refrigerator and started cooking.

Although Fei Yingli liked to cook dark dishes in the past, in fact, she also has food that she likes to eat.

For example, Sukiyaki, this Japanese delicacy, was a delicacy that Fei Eri would always order every time she had a date when she was in school.

Mori Kogoro put on an apron, processed the ingredients, and began to wash all kinds of vegetables, including onions, konjac shreds, artemisia stalks, cabbage, radish, kelp, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and tea tree mushrooms, and began to slice the beef into thin slices with a knife .

Put in the oil, first fry the old tofu, then fry the onion and beef, then add water to boil, pour all kinds of ingredients into the pot, match with various cooking wines, and soon, the rich aroma will come out of the pot.

While Mori Kogoro was busy in the kitchen, Fei Yingli, who had already finished her bath, was wearing a white suspender nightgown and walked down the stairs slowly following the scent.

When she saw Mori Kogoro in the kitchen, her eyes were full of surprise. Fei Yingli, who had been married to Mori Kogoro for many years, had no idea that he had such a skill.

Hearing the sound, Mori Kogoro turned around and saw a sexy woman, the silver necklace shining in the deep ditch, the smooth milk-like skin seemed to be shining under the light, and the blow-dried brown hair After it was handed out, there were all kinds of styles. At this moment, Eri was not wearing glasses, walking barefoot on the clean floor, with a graceful figure.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he said, "Eri, you must be hungry, you can eat soon!"

Mori Kogoro sped up his hands and feet, shoveled the last beef and tofu out of the pot into the big pot, and a delicacy was completed.

There are vegetables, soup, and meat in this dish, which is rich in nutrition. There is a whole big pot, which is brought to the table by Mori Kogoro, and it exudes an amazing fragrance. God, one is on the ground.

"It's really rare. I didn't expect the majestic Mori detective to be able to cook. It's unbelievable!" Fei Yingrisu clapped her hands, this time she really admired Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro smiled, looking at this delicacy, his acting skills exploded in an instant, and his face showed a look of nostalgia: "I didn't know how to cook at first, but sukiyaki is my favorite dish for women. I like to eat delicious food. I once accidentally lost my favorite woman, and I couldn’t find it. At that time, I was walking on the street and wandering endlessly, feeling like a big piece of emptiness in my heart .”

"I happened to see a poster of this delicacy on the street, so I asked the master to learn this delicacy. I was clumsy, and it took me a long time to finally learn it. I wondered if I could have a chance to cook it for my favorite woman. taste!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's touching words, Fei Yingri felt her heart tremble!

"Ah! Stop talking, Eri, come and try my handicraft!" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand, his acting skills exploded completely, he sucked his nose, and it seemed that the glittering water could still be seen in his eyes. A dejected but pretending to be nothing.

Seeing Kogoro Mori like this, Fei Yingli's heart softened, her eyes gradually softened, and at this moment she really wanted to embrace Kogoro Mori in her arms.

Mori Kogoro turned around and came behind Feieiri. He put his hands on Feieiri's white and smooth shoulders, and pushed her to the table to sit down.

At this moment, Fei Yingli showed no resistance, and sat on the stool obediently, watching Mori Kogoro busy serving the meal, and then sitting opposite her, her eyes were full of happiness.

Mori Kogoro sat across from Fei Yingli, the two looked at each other, and said at the same time: "It's started!"

After talking, the two laughed, and then enjoyed the food, just like the scene at the beginning of the wedding!

A fascinated look appeared in Fei Yingli's eyes, and she was also in a trance. The Mori Kogoro looked very young in front of her, and she had also regained her youth. This picture was almost exactly the same as when she was newly married.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yingli finally showed a smile on her little face that had been frozen for a long time.

Mori Kogoro inhaled the storm, and soon he was full, because he felt that eating would delay his appreciation of Fei Yingli, so he speeded up...

After three bowls of rice drenched in soup, he put down the bowls and chopsticks, and began to admire the young beauty opposite.

Feiyingri sipped the food, and had to say that the dish made by Mori Kogoro was simply the most delicious food she had ever tasted in her life, but Feiyingri's face remained calm.

Mori Kogoro looked at Fei Yingli's beautiful face, her snow-white swan neck, delicate collarbone, fat-free forearms, and elegant figure after shedding the coldness!

Soon a smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, he took off the slippers he had put on, and slowly poked his big feet over, and soon touched his silky slender legs.

Fei Yingli, who was immersed in drinking the soup, stopped for a while, but soon she continued to drink the soup without any reaction, and her calf did not shrink back.

Mori Kogoro's big feet gently draped Feieiri's calves, or reached down to fight with her little feet.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, startling Mori Kogoro, he became unsteady and almost fell to the ground, and his big foot slipped off Eri's lap.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yingli couldn't help laughing out loud, but soon her laughter stopped, her expression returned to normal, she pretended nothing happened, and then drank the soup.

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