Detective Baima quickly realized the key point. Someone had poisoned the stew that had been simmering for four hours.

And it is very likely to be corrosive strong acid, otherwise it is impossible to drink this little bit and corrode most of the entire tongue.

Hakuba Tan and Hattori Heiji carried Kotani Renzo into his arms, and put him on the floor outside the restaurant.

At this moment, several people heard screams again, and the screams came from Mr. Tsutsumi's room.

what!my hand!what!

Everyone rushed up and came to Mr. Tsutsumi's room, they pushed the room away, and saw a bald fat man inside, screaming and rolling on the ground, and his right hand was severed from the wrist.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but look shocked, another accident happened, they rushed up, Hattori Heiji quickly tore off a belt from his clothes, and began to take emergency measures for Mr. Tsuchio!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's pupils contracted intermittently, and this was not done by himself, could it be that Mr. V did it too?

Kotani Renzo's tongue was poisoned, Tsuchio Hiroo's hand was cut off, and there was another Tokizu Junzai who had never appeared.

Baima Tan and Conan reacted quickly and rushed to the second floor. When they came to the second floor room, Baima Tan kept knocking on the door, but no one in the room answered.

Detective Baima originally wanted to go downstairs and check the situation in the room from the window.

But soon he remembered what Hattori Heiji said before, it is indeed a matter of human life.

Without further hesitation, Detective Baima slammed into the door fiercely, knocking the door open at once. Seeing the scene inside, Detective Baima and Conan's pupils kept shrinking.

The long-haired man Toki Junzai sat slumped on the stool by the window, countless blood stains flowed from his hair, there was a depression on his forehead, and his pupils were dilated. It seemed that he was dead and hopeless!

The two hurried into the room, and after confirming Shi Jin Junzai's death, both of them were in a bad mood.

Soon the two began to carefully explore the scene. The scene was messy, and all the tools in the toolbox were scattered on the ground.

In just ten minutes, three incidents occurred, two of which were seriously injured, and one of them died. Conan and Tan Baima's expressions became extremely ugly after repeated shocks.

At this time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Hattori Heiji settled down for Tsuchio Hiroo for the time being, and went to the room on the second floor.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the expressions of both of them changed drastically, and they rushed in quickly.

Baima Tan said with a serious face, "Heiji Hattori, don't mess around, don't destroy the clues, all the locks in the room are closed, including the door and this side of the window, in other words, this is a murder case in a secret room."

Hattori Heiji gave Detective Baima a blank look: "Don't worry, I have solved more than a thousand cases, so I don't need you to remind me."

The four detectives surveyed the scene together.

Chapter 0125

The white horse opened his mouth and said: "I'm afraid this time it was not recorded by some TV station. Someone specially designed to invite us to the island. When this happened, we should hurry up and call the ambulance. It's life-threatening."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki held the phone, frowned and said, "But there is no signal on the island at all!"

When everyone heard this, they also took out their mobile phones. As expected, there was no signal at all. There was thunder outside and heavy rain fell. The island instantly became a little eerie.

Mori Kogoro walked through the rain curtain, standing on the hillside not far from the building, looking at the characters in the building, the mask on his face had a strange smile, this feeling hidden in the darkness, unexpectedly Some unspeakable enjoyment.

Looking at the figure passing by the window on the second floor, Mori Kogoro shook his head. He didn't think at all that the high school student detectives above could find out the truth.

Rolling up the black windbreaker and splashing the rain, he headed towards the shore.

Hattori Heiji looked at Tan Baima, and said, "I didn't expect that you would also choose to break in. Aren't you afraid of destroying the scene?"

Baima Tan smiled: "You were right before. The victim is indeed more important than the scene. It's just that this time it's still a step late, and he's still dead."

Conan said, "Let's bring Mr. Tsuchio, Mr. Kotani, and Sister Koshimizu to the restaurant!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Conan in surprise, and said, "Son, how do you know so much?" Conan smiled, but did not answer.

"Indeed, all three of us in the room had the opportunity to kill Junya Tokitsu, Mr. Kotani who proofread the answers to his reasoning with Junya Tokitsu at the beginning, Mr. Tsuchio who ran to get a cigarette in the middle of the meal, and Mr. Tsuchio who went to the bathroom later. For me, the three of us are likely to commit crimes!"

"Combined with Mr. Kotani's inexplicable poisoning, and Mr. Tsutsuki's right hand being cut off, it seems that my suspicion has become infinite!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and shook his head: "I knew I won't go to the bathroom anymore, and there won't be so many things happening!"

Hattori Heiji smiled and waved his hands: "Oh, we don't suspect you!"

Baima stood up and said, "Let's go, after all, there are still two injured patients, let's go together, bring the three of them to the restaurant, and then we will investigate!"

A group of people walked out of the room where Tokitsu Junya died. Hakuba Tan and Hattori Heiji came to the restaurant with Mr. Tsutsumi who had a severed hand. Mr. Kotani also woke up, looking at everyone with a pale face.

Hattori Heiji asked Mr. Tsutsuo: "Mr. Tsutsuo, do you remember who cut off your hand?"

The bald fat man was sweating all over his face, his lips were pale, and he moaned in unbearable pain. When he heard the question, he reluctantly said: "I was beaten with a sap this time, and passed out. I don't know anything. Next I I woke up from the pain, only to find that my right hand had been cut off."

Tsuchio Hiroo's voice trembled when he said this, and tears filled the corners of his eyes.

"Who on earth hates me so much that he cut off my hand? Hurry up and get the doctor to save me, otherwise I won't be able to catch it." Tsutsuo Hiroo kept holding his chopped hand in his left hand. The broken right hand, the blood had already scabbed, this scene was really scary.

Hattori Heiji saw the excited Tsuchio Hiroo, so he could only continue to ask: "I also want to contact the outside world, but you have to tell us what you know, what is going on, this is definitely not a TV program , What is your plan to summon us here?"

Hearing this, Hiroo Tsuchio, sweating continuously on his face, replied weakly: "I don't know what's going on, it's completely different from what was said in the letter. I was originally just an actor, and I received a job offer from Japan. The letter from Selling TV Station said that I was asked to act as a director, but I thought it was a project of Selling TV Station, so I came here, and all the previous content was the content of the script!"

"The deposit is [-] yuan. As long as I don't reveal my identity, I will get the remaining [-] yuan afterwards. Even if it is revealed, as long as this Koshien competition goes smoothly, I can get the remaining [-] yuan." Wan, where can such a good thing be found, of course I accept it."

Conan couldn't help asking: "Mr. Tsutsuo, when we were talking about the lavender incident, you suddenly got up and left, why is that?"

The complexion of Tsuchio Hirosheng changed, but he quickly said: "Anyway, the punishment has already appeared, and there is nothing bad to say!"

"At that time, I had some ominous premonitions in my mind, and I wanted to go to the warehouse outside to find a wireless walkie-talkie for people on shore to pick me up, but when I entered the warehouse, I found that the wireless walkie-talkie had been destroyed. "

"Then I went back to the room to get my cigarettes, but was attacked from behind. When I woke up, I found myself in this state. Alas, little devils, is there any way to contact the hospital staff? I don't want to be disabled!"

Baima Tan shook his head, and said: "I have to tell you some unfortunate news. There is no signal, no radio, and no boat on this island. We are now trapped on this uninhabited island. It may be difficult to get to the hospital in time. It's difficult!"

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