"What about Mr. Kotani?"

Kogu Lien-san quickly wrote: "I was also hired, I don't know if there is a boat?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but frowned: "This is very difficult. If the dead Junya Tokitsu is behind the scenes, then only the dead will know if there is a boat to pick us up."

"Hey, Baima, didn't you arrive half a day earlier than us today? How did you get to the island? Is someone going to pick you up by helicopter tomorrow?"

"You will be disappointed with this. Although I arrived half a day early, I went to the island on a ship that transported supplies to the island. I spent a lot of money and didn't tell anyone else, so there is no one on my side. Someone came to pick him up!" Tan Baima shook his head.

At this time, Yueshui Nanatsuki said: "Don't you find it strange? This uninhabited island felt very strange when I came up. The whole uninhabited island is very humid, and the plants outside are all salt-tolerant. Plants, lots of sand on the ground."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

The white horse opened his mouth and said, "What do you mean?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki said: "I have seen this kind of terrain, and it will happen in those lands that are flooded by sea water."

"In other words, if the tide rises tomorrow morning, I'm afraid the situation will become very bad, and the entire island may be submerged!"

Chapter 0128 Waiting Xiaolan

Mori Kogoro returned to the lobby of Bo Hua Hotel at this moment, he was talking with Fei Yingli on the phone: "Eri, I encountered something here today, I can't go back tonight, you should have a good rest!"

It took a long time for a voice to come from the phone: "Yeah!"

Mori Kogoro heard the disappointment in this voice, and quickly said: "It's all the fault of that kid Hattori. He went to an uninhabited island to participate in a Koshien competition. He won't be back until tomorrow morning. I can only stay with Xiaolan and the others nearby." stayed at the hotel."

"But don't worry, I will definitely go back to accompany you tomorrow!"

Fei Yingli's young female voice came from the phone: "Tch, it's none of my business whether you come back or not?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He was very courageous who didn't face Fei Yingli at the moment, and said directly: "It seems that the lesson from last night is not enough, Eri, you wait, wait for me When you go back, you'll know if it matters!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, speaking of it, last night's feeling was really wonderful!"

"Mori Kogoro, you bastard, shameless person, taking advantage of others, I tell you, don't even try to enter my house again!" Fei Yingli on the other side of the phone became furious and cursed directly.

Hearing the scolding, Mori Kogoro was not afraid at all, with a smug smile on his face, he was in a very happy mood.

Soon, Fei Eri, who scolded Kogoro Mori, hung up the phone directly.

Lying on the bed at this moment, her face was slightly red, and she couldn't help but patted her buttocks lightly. When she recalled the previous scene, she was really scared.

Mori Kogoro heard the blind tone from the phone, and put the phone away.

He came to the elevator and went up to his room.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the trip to the uninhabited island in the afternoon took him four or five hours.

On the island, Kogoro Mori came back after finishing what he had planned in advance.

He took the key to open the presidential suite. Only the living room was lit, and the rest of the room was dark.

The TV in the living room was turned on, the sound was very low, and Xiaolan, who had been waiting for Kogoro Mori, was already asleep on the sofa.

Xiaolan was wearing the pajamas provided by the presidential suite, and was lying on the sofa, her black hair hanging down, looking like a begonia sleeping in spring, only a pair of delicate little feet were exposed.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro slowed down, slowly changed his shoes and walked over. He saw that one of the rooms had closed the door, and it seemed that Huiyuan had already rested.

Mori Kogoro came to the sofa, looked at Xiaolan who was curled up on the sofa, and couldn't help but sighed, it seems that he will have to tell Xiaolan when he comes back later, otherwise it would be bad if she had to wait every time up.

The window was open, and the night wind kept pouring in. Xiaolan didn't even cover her with a quilt, and Kogoro Moori was worried that she would catch a cold.

Then he turned off the TV, then stretched out his hand, grabbed Xiaolan's leg with one hand and her neck with the other, and hugged her up.

Although the movements were gentle, Xiaolan, who was sensitive, was awakened immediately. She looked at Mouri Kogoro and subconsciously smiled, and said sweetly, "Dad, you are back!"

But soon Xiaolan's smiling face gradually subsided.

Mori Kogoro said gently: "Don't wait next time, Dad has a lot of things to do, if you don't come back at night, you should go to bed first, you know?"

Maori Kogoro was about to rub Xiaolan's head, but the daughter in his arms struggled and fell to the ground. Xiaolan said, "Dad, I'm already this old, why are you hugging me!"

Mori Kogoro didn't care either: "I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so I want to hug you into the room to rest! Besides, no matter how you grow up, you're still my precious daughter in my father's eyes!"

"Come on, go back to your room and rest!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she turned around and walked towards the room without saying anything.

Mori Kogoro watched Xiaolan enter the room and close the door, he sat slowly on the sofa, poured a glass of boiled water and drank it.


Soon after taking a shower, Mori Kogoro put on his pajamas and opened Huiyuan's door.

The little loli in the room was sleeping soundly, and she didn't notice Kogoro Mori coming in at all.

Mori Kogoro lifted the quilt and lay down.

The little girl in her sleep seemed to sense a reassuring atmosphere, and unconsciously approached Mori Kogoro, and finally fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

Seeing the little loli's complete reassurance towards him, Mori Kogoro put a slight smile on his face, slowly put his big hands on the little loli's soft back, and also closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.


The three people in the presidential suite all fell asleep in a sweet dream, but everyone on the uninhabited island did not.

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