Mori Kogoro had a satisfied smile on his face.

Save people or something!Whoever you love will go!Recruiting men or something!Whoever you love will go!

These are small things, nothing like lying in bed early in the morning and sipping delicious ice cream!


The situation of everyone in the uninhabited island is not so good.

Because of the previous poisoning incident, everyone was a little nervous, and the food on the island did not dare to move any more, and everyone was so hungry.

The night passed, and except Yueshui Nanatsuki who had killed someone and avenged him, slept for a while, the rest of them stayed up all night.

Mr. Kotani and Mr. Tsuchio couldn't sleep because of the pain.

Detective Hakuba, Heiji Hattori, and Conan have been thinking about the method of this secret room, but in the end they couldn't find any way to crack the secret room. The three of them lost their vigor when they landed on the island, and each of them became a little depressed. .

At this moment, they watched the sea level outside rise gradually, and the port had been submerged, and they all frowned.

The white horse opened his mouth and said: "This is terrible. This uninhabited island was really hit by Miss Yueshui. Judging by the speed, it will definitely submerge the entire island. According to the calendar records, the tide will rise to [-] o'clock today. At the highest point, if we were still on the island at that time, I am afraid, we would not be able to survive!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned and said, "And it's two or three hours away from Tokyo Port, so even if we know how to swim, we can't swim back!"

Hattori Heiji quickly said: "In this case, we should save ourselves. I propose that we dismantle the boards of this hotel, build a boat, and row back to Tokyo together."

"It's really whimsical. It's too late to build a ship with the current time. Besides, can you build it?" White Horse Tan mocked.

"Are we just waiting to die like this?" Hattori Heiji confronted each other.

At this time, Conan on the side said: "Hatori, if what you said before is correct, we should have someone to rescue us!"

"What I said before?"

"You forgot, Uncle Maori, if Uncle Maori is really as powerful as you said, then he must have noticed the abnormality, found the captain at the port, and then sailed to rescue us!" Conan said With a smile on his face.

The few people on the side were stunned when they heard this, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also had a smile on his face: "Yes, I saw that the big detective Mori Kogoro was among the people who sent you here. He can detect the abnormality and come to save us, and, as long as he can come to the island, this strange case may be solved!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki originally thought that if he was found out after revenge, he would die with everyone on the island, but he met a mysterious Mr. V, and what he said seemed very interesting, and he was not caught by anyone. Seeing through, Yueshui Nanatsuki is naturally happy to continue living.

Baima listened to what the crowd said, and said, "I hope so!"

After that, he turned around and went upstairs.

"You bastard, what do you want to do again?" Hattori Heiji was really at odds with him, trying to find fault with him everywhere.

The white horse opened his mouth and said: "Idiot, of course we have to take pictures of the scene of the crime first, otherwise the scene will be destroyed when the tide rises. Also, you guys clean up at the bottom and then come upstairs together, the hotel The second floor should last longer!"

Then he walked up the stairs.

And at the moment, Kogoro Mori, whom they had high hopes for, was on the bed with Haibara, happily eating ice cream!

"Xiao Ai, is your mouth frozen? It's okay. Uncle has prepared hot water for you. Come on, hold on a little longer, and you'll finish eating soon!"

Chapter 0130 Human Muscle Extensibility

Haibara heard this, raised his head, turned around, and stared at Kogoro Mori with big watery eyes.

Mori Kogoro didn't mind at all, his big hands were covering Huiyuan's small buttocks, and the little buttocks were covered with red handprints.

At this time, Kogoro Mori suddenly remembered something, how strong is the extensibility of human muscles?

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help getting a little excited.

While excited, I can't help myself...

Mori Kogoro looked at the little loli in front of him, patted her small buttocks, his eyes were full of malicious intent.

It's a pity that there are still things to do in the meeting, so I can't practice my subject and verify my doubts!

Mori Kogoro could only get up, carried little Loli into the bathroom, and the two began to wash up.

Haibara has gradually gotten used to it, and now she doesn't have to brush her teeth so many times like the first time, but her big light blue eyes are still staring at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro's face has already been trained to be thicker than the city wall, he didn't care, touched Hui Yuan's little head, and said, "Xiao Ai, are you angry?"

"Hmph! Big pervert, uncle is a big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Uncle, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it if you get serious!"

Hearing these words, Huiyuan remembered something, his face flushed immediately, and he lowered his head in panic.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri felt furious again, but he could only restrain himself.

The two quickly left the room and went to the living room. Mori Kogoro immediately called the kitchen and asked him to bring breakfast.

There is a special person responsible for the demand of the presidential suite, and there is also a special person waiting for the order in the kitchen. Upon hearing the signal from here, the chef below immediately started cooking. In less than ten minutes, the exquisite and delicious breakfast arrived at the door.

And Hui Principle went to knock on Xiaolan's door, the sleepy Xiaolan got up, opened the door and said, "Xiao Ai, why are you waking up so early, it's only past six o'clock!"

Haibara told Xiaolan all of Mori Kogoro's previous speculations, and then told her to find a boat to the uninhabited island.

After hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help being anxious, she quickly washed and changed clothes, came to the living room and saw Mori Kogoro and Haibara who were eating breakfast, she couldn't help but said: "Dad, why didn't you tell me earlier, Conan and Hattori I can't get through the phone all the time, why are you still in the mood to have breakfast now!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Don't worry, it's useless to worry, the captain of yesterday probably didn't wake up so early, it's useless to find it, Xiaolan, eat first!"

Xiaolan, who couldn't hold back Mori Kogoro, could only obediently go to have breakfast.

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