This woman's emotional change is really inexplicable, and Kogoro Moori was taken aback when he saw it.

He stood aside, looking at the two young beauties on the sofa.

One is wearing a white nightgown, with brown hair down, and gold-rimmed glasses. His legs are crossed together, revealing a fair calf. The most eye-catching thing is the deep gully under his skirt, which can almost shake the soul of a person. Suck it all in.

The other is sitting cross-legged on the bed in shorts, with curly hair falling down to wrap around an elf-like face. He is wearing a simple white T-shirt and light blue shorts. He is full of girlish vibes, playful and cute, and his smiling eyes make people feel good!

Seeing the picture of these two people coexisting peacefully, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling satisfied.

At this time, Yukiko pointed at Mori Kogoro and commanded bluntly: "What are you doing standing here? Why don't you hurry up and cook, Eri and I are hungry!"

Mori Kogoro really couldn't refuse, he had to rely on Yukiko's cooperation in his future plans, so he could only obediently walk towards the kitchen.

Chapter 0134 Three people in the villa 2

Mori Kogoro has excellent hearing, and on the way to the kitchen, Yukiko could be heard proudly saying, "Eri, man, you can't let him relax, or he will do bad things whenever he has time!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Moori couldn't help vomiting blood in his heart, and secretly said harshly: You just wait for me tonight!

Mori Kogoro came to the restaurant and soon began to clean up the ingredients.

On the sofa, the two girls were having a heart-to-heart chat. In fact, the two had already talked a lot and reached a consensus, but Mori Kogoro didn't know it!

Fei Yingli said: "Yukiko, we are all like this, but what I have always wanted to ask you is, what happened to Yusaku Kudo?"

Yukiko said, "Of course it's a fake. Yusaku was a good friend of Kogoro and I. When he found out about my situation, he gave me advice. He married me in a fake marriage."

"I'm sorry! Eri, I have kept you in the dark for so many years."

Concubine Yingli asked suspiciously: "Fake marriage? But I remember that Kogoro and I attended your wedding and have seen your marriage certificate!"

"Of course that's also fake. Did you see my parents appear at the wedding? The people at the wedding are all actors I hired. As for the marriage certificate, it's also forged!"

"It's just that the fake wedding was infiltrated by reporters, and everyone knew about it, so I had to work as Kudo's wife, you know? My passport still has Yukiko Fujimine's name on it!" Speaking of Yukiko It is also sad.

Fei Yingli couldn't help frowning: "What about Yuzuo? Could it be that he has been acting with you for so many years, and he doesn't marry a wife himself?"

You Xizi approached Fei Yingli, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was going to gossip.

She came to Fei Yingli's ear and whispered: "Yingli, I tell you, don't tell others!"

"Actually Yusaku is the eunuch!"

"Really?" Fei Yingli's eyes sparkled, and the two women were extremely excited when they talked about this topic.

"Yeah, why did I lie to you! Do you still remember? The terrorist incident where I was held hostage twenty years ago was the incident when Kogoro drove to rescue me!"

"Yusaku also went, but he was really unlucky. He was shot by that blond gangster. That shot was really accurate. After one shot, chickens flew away, and there was nothing left!"

"Wow!" Fei Yingli opened her mouth slightly, looking shocked, and then said: "Then what about his mustache?"

"Of course it was stained! So Yusaku lost the idea of ​​marrying a wife and having children after that incident."

"Speaking of which, I kind of miss that incident. Kogoro was so handsome back then!" A look of nostalgia appeared on Yuxizi's face.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli put her hands on her chest and said, "That's right, save the hero, he's super handsome, and then you'll fall in love with my man, right?"

Hearing this, You Xizi couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't care about these details! Didn't we agree? Everyone has been sad for more than ten years. Life is too short, so don't care about these!"

"No, I just want to know, when did you guys get well? If you don't tell me, I won't let you into Mori's house!" At this moment, Fei Yingli looked like a big woman, with a strong momentum.

Only then did Yukiko whisper to her.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli couldn't help but sneered and said: "Okay, well, you, Fujimine Yukiko, who threw himself into your arms, I said that Kogoro would not be that kind of person!"

"Ai! Ai! Ai! I won't tell you about throwing yourself into a hug!" You Xizi pursed her lips and turned her head away.

Fei Yingli then turned his head back, and said: "Don't be angry, the last question, then your child Kudo Shinichi will not belong to you and Kogoro, then I have to talk to Xiaolan about it." what!"

You Xizi's temper came and went quickly, so she continued to answer.

"Of course not. Shinichi is a child adopted by Yusaku. Yusaku put all his efforts into this child, but this child did not disappoint. He is quite smart. He almost found me and Kogoro Relationship."

"Eri, I told you everything, so please don't say it! Otherwise, I'm fine, but I'm afraid it will hurt Yusaku and Shinichi!"

Fei Yingli waved her hand and said, "Okay, of course I understand this!"

"You bastard, you and Kogoro lied to me for so many years, if I didn't realize it back then, would you still keep hiding it!"

Fei Yingli frowned, and You Xizi could only smile dryly and said, "How come? We've been looking for an opportunity to talk to you, but there has never been a suitable one!"

At this moment, the smell of food came from the kitchen. Wearing an apron, Mori Kogoro leaned out and said, "Eri, Yukiko, dinner is ready, come and eat!"

After hearing this, the two women got up and walked towards the dining table.

The two women walked slowly, arm in arm, and seemed to be in a good relationship.

Kogoro Mori shook his head again when he saw this, he really couldn't understand a creature like a woman.

He invited the two women to sit across from each other.

The dishes tonight are very rich. With the cooking skills he learned and the perfect cooking skills redeemed with points, Mori Kogoro did his best to make extremely rich dishes.

The dishes this time are hidden murderous intentions, including leek eggs, charcoal-grilled oysters with garlic, stir-fried spinach, papaya soup, French caviar, Indian curry chicken, and chocolate dessert cake.

That's right, all the dishes are either aphrodisiac or slightly aphrodisiac.

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