Mori Kogoro obviously heard that her heartbeat became disordered and her breathing became uneven, so he naturally knew that she was pretending to sleep.

He and You Xizi looked at each other, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and smiled silently.

How much Feiyingli wishes she could be an ostrich at this moment. If there is sand at this moment, she would rather bury her head in it than face Mori Kogoro and Fujimine Yukiko!

Although she drank too much last night, her memory was not lost at all.

Fei Yingli couldn't believe it at all, the woman who cheated last night turned out to be herself.

Although she had already decided to make peace with Yukiko and the two of them would be together with Kogoro Mori, she never thought that the three of them would wake up in the same bed.

And Feiying ideally remembered what she did with Youxizi last night, all of which made it difficult for her to face this best friend.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Eri was too tired last night and hasn't woken up yet, but I remember that today is Monday, and Eri has to go to work!"

"Without her, I don't know what the law firm would be like!"

Although Fei Yingli's heart was moved when she heard this, she didn't pay attention to it. It doesn't matter about work or anything, it's better to be a sleeping ostrich with peace of mind.

She was motionless under the quilt!

Yukiko said from the side: "Xiao Goro, how about asking for a leave of absence for Eri, just saying that Eri worked too hard last night and didn't wake up?"

"Looking at this posture, I really won't wake up for a while, it seems that I really have to call Midori to ask for leave!"

Even though Mori Kogoro said so, Fei Eri still didn't respond.

You Xizi sneered at the side: "I didn't expect Yingli to look very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a candle head with a silver gun."

Although Fei Yingli was angry, she still didn't get up, she just thought to herself: You Xizi, you wait for me, you arrogant guy, after Kogoro walks away, I will let you see how hard I fell over the shoulder!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's big hand started to move around Fei Eri's body.

Mori Kogoro said, "Anyway, I'm going to ask for leave today. It's such a good opportunity, and Eri hasn't woken up yet. I might as well do it again!"

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, Fei Yingli suddenly panicked. Last night, Mori Kogoro's fighting power really scared her.

She immediately opened her eyes, lifted the quilt, and slapped Mori Kogoro's big hand away with a pair of bare hands. Danfeng said with anger in his eyes, "Did you all know that I woke up and were teasing me?"

"What? Eri, why would you think that way!" At this moment, Mori Kogoro and Yukiko pretended to be stupid at the same time.

At this moment, there was a blush on Fei Yingli's face that could not go away, and she didn't dare to look at You Xizi who was beside her, and You Xizi was also quite embarrassed, and didn't dare to look at Fei Yingli!

After waking up from the wine, both of them felt a little embarrassed, while Mori Kogoro, who was hugging left and right, had a mean smile on his face...

After the plot succeeded, he naturally knew the importance of keeping a low profile at this moment, so he didn't speak anymore!

Fei Yingli sighed, the matter has come to this point, so she can only accept it.

She couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Moori in embarrassment, then pulled Yukiko up and said to Kogoro Moori, "You just stay on the bed!"

After saying that, the two women walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing this scene, the two girls were taking a bath together, and Mori Kogoro hurriedly chased after him, but was turned away.

Fei Yingli's voice came from the bathroom: "Go get us a change of clothes!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's speed exploded, and soon he was holding two sets of clothes in his hands.

He knocked on the glass door of the bathroom, and said repeatedly: "Eri, open the door quickly, I'm bringing you clothes!"

There was a bell-like laughter from Kiko inside: "Kogoro, put the things on the ground, then you can go, go downstairs and prepare breakfast! Eri and I are hungry!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel depressed. It seemed that there was really no way to take a bath together. He comforted himself and said: Anyway, the future will be long, there will always be a chance!

Mori Kogoro turned around and left this room, and went to the bathroom in the next room to take a shower. Men always take a shower much faster than women.

Soon after taking a shower, Mori Kogoro wore loose casual clothes, went down the stairs, came to the kitchen on the first floor, and started preparing breakfast.

At this time, Kogoro Mori remembered Xiaolan's goodness. When he was at home, his precious daughter got up early to prepare breakfast every time, and the dishes he made were very suitable for his own taste.

It's not like the two prodigal wives upstairs.

A concubine Yingli only knows how to cook dark dishes, and she never changes her mind to cook creative dishes every day.

The other You Xizi ordered takeout every day, but she was too lazy to do it, a little lazy woman.

It's still the best for my baby girl!

Thinking of these things, Mori Kogoro's hands and feet are not slow at all, picking vegetables accurately, and knife skills are sharp.

Soon the smell came from the kitchen.

Chapter 0137 The proud concubine Yingli

And in the bathroom on the second floor, the two prodigal girls whom Kogoro Mori called were playing and playing in the bathtub, and the two frankly met each other and quickly washed away the embarrassment between them.

The two women who belonged to the same trench last night now have some special "combat friendship".

After taking a bath, the two girls came to Yukiko's room and looked at the collapsed bed. The messy things on the bed were exuding a surprising smell.

The faces of the two girls were reddish, and they quickly started tidying up. After tidying up, some sweat broke out on the foreheads of both of them.

You Xizi said in distress: "I already bought the most expensive bed, but it still collapsed unexpectedly. It seems that I really need to find a manufacturer to customize it."

After hearing this, Fei Yingli also nodded.

Yukiko threw away all the sheets and torn pajamas, and the two girls went down the stairs.

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