In the afternoon, Kogoro Mori drove Xiaolan to the Moriya Mansion, he stopped the car and entered the mansion with Huiyuan, who was somewhat inconvenient to move.

Although Haibara was not injured, both of her calves were weak after being tortured in the morning. Originally, Kogoro Mori planned to let Haibara rest at home.

But after going through so much with Mori Kogoro last night and morning, Haibara was not willing to part with Mori Kogoro at all and insisted on coming.

So Mori Kogoro could only hug Haibara and come to this garden party together.

Mori Kogoro chuckled from time to time, teasing Hui Yuan: "Xiao Ai, why do you keep asking uncle to hug you? It's so tiresome!"

Haibara had no expression on his face, and the little hand underneath was pinching Kogoro Mori's chest, but unfortunately it didn't hurt at all.

Because they came to the party, all three of them were dressed more formally. Mori Kogoro was wearing a blue suit, looking chic and suave.

And Xiaolan was wearing a white dress and blue high-heeled shoes, showing a pair of smooth and fair legs. She looked like a mature woman, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel a little dazed!

Xiaolan who was standing by the side asked doubtfully, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Mori Kogoro exhaled: "Xiaolan has really grown up, and she is so beautiful now!"

Xiaolan blushed a little when she heard this, but it faded away quickly.

She took a sip and went in with Mori Kogoro, but the distance between the two was about three meters.

Kogoro Mouri also had a hint of depression in his eyes, Xiaolan was no longer close to him, and used to put his arms around his shoulders when walking together!

He couldn't help but miss the previous scene, and sighed, it was also because of this that he got drunk last night.

The three delivered the invitation in the envelope to the guard at the gate, and then stepped into the grand mansion.

Architects are indeed one of Neon's high-paying professions!

The Moriya Mansion occupies a very large area, with a front yard, a fountain, a villa, and a backyard. It is more than a thousand square meters. It looks like a palace. This mansion is an incredible existence in Tokyo where every inch of land is expensive.

When Xiaolan and Huiyuan saw such a beautiful courtyard and villa, they couldn't help being amazed.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "This is a traditional [-]th-century British Stuart-style building, which can be regarded as a representative of British classical architectural style. You can see that the left and right sides are completely symmetrical."

Ran and Haibara immediately looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Mr. Moritani studied in England when he was young, so he was fascinated by the classical architectural style. His real name is Sadaharu Moritani, and he specially changed it to Teiji Moritani for the sake of symmetry!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a green suit came up. He looked very curious, his head and chin protruded like a shoehorn, and he had two raised beards. Architect Teiji Moriya.

Moriya Teiji smiled and said: "I didn't expect Maori detective to know me so well!"

He turned his head to look at the three of them, and introduced himself: "Hi, I'm Teiji Moriya, Detective Maori, it's a bit presumptuous to invite you to the party this time, but I've admired Detective Maori for a long time. Please teach me a lot!"

When Teiji Moritani said this, the look in his eyes was inexplicable. Kogoro Mori smiled, and also greeted him: "I have admired a famous architect like Mr. Moritani for a long time!"

Moriya Teiji stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture: "Three, please come inside, the party has already begun!"

A group of people followed Moriya Teiji to the back garden. The back garden is very exquisite, and it is also a symmetrical structure. There are various exquisite refreshments on the table!

The people at the party were all people from the upper class, not actors, artists, politicians, business executives, in groups of three or four, gathered together, the atmosphere was very hot.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared here, there was a burst of shouts immediately, and someone recognized him.

"Look, our strongest brain in Tokyo has appeared."

"I watched the live broadcast last week. Maori Detective's fights are so powerful, one can fight twenty!"

"What I'm more curious about is how Detective Maori has another clone. Can you explain it?"


The scene was very hot. Although all of them were celebrities, they all admired a wise and courageous character like Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan and Haibara were even more proud to see Mori Kogoro being so respected by others!

Moriya Teiji smiled and said: "It seems that I made a mistake in inviting Mr. Mori to the party. I will be sitting on the bench all of a sudden. Everyone, please don't offend the distinguished guests I invited!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but smile in good faith. Everyone was a person of status, so they restrained themselves a little.

Moriya Teiji said: "Mr. Mori, please don't mind, please enjoy this leisure time in the afternoon!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, but he didn't care. He and Xiaolan walked into the garden.

Xiaolan looked at the handmade dim sum on the table, tasted a biscuit, and immediately praised: "It's delicious!"

Moriya Teiji smiled: "It's a great honor to hear this lady's praise, and it's not in vain that I made these sandwiches and biscuits all night last night!"

At this time, a young woman in a white dress came up and asked, "Master can also cook?"

This woman's voice is as sweet as an oriole. She has long black hair tied back, revealing a white forehead, a high nose bridge, and a beautiful face the size of a palm. What is amazing is that she has a pair of Crimson eyes, excellent temperament!

"Of course I will. All the sandwiches and biscuits on display here today are prepared by myself. I just don't feel at ease if I don't make them myself!"

When Moriya Emperor Er said this, he was somewhat complacent, and the crowd gathered around when they heard this.

The woman with long black hair smiled and said: "It seems that the master has this kind of spirit of doing everything by himself to build so many beautiful buildings!"

Everyone followed suit, and Moritani Erji began to express his remarks in front of everyone with a smile on his face.

But the woman with a nice voice and long black hair turned around and came to Kogoro Mouri, and said, "Detective Maori, I'm Reiko Akiba, you may not know me, but speaking of which, I've paid attention to you I have been your fan for a long time!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help smiling: "It's a great honor to get the attention of a talented singer with an absolute sense of pitch!"

Qiuting Lianzi couldn't help but look happy: "Detective Maori, do you know me?"

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