Yuanzi immediately cried out in pain: "Hey, Xiaolan, I found that you are getting worse and worse, and even used violence against me. You are no longer the gentle and virtuous Xiaolan I used to know!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan rolled her eyes. Of course, her father must be guarded by herself, and the fat and water will not flow to outsiders.

When the class bell rang, the two girls stopped fighting and went into the classroom.


At this moment, Kogoro Mori was driving to the Metropolitan Police Department, he yawned, recalling how he felt last night, his body still couldn't help but feel hot.

This girl, I haven't seen her eating any weird things. How come she has developed so well, she is already almost as big as Yingli to the touch, and her elasticity is even better!

This is really against the sky, she is not yet an adult, if she continues with this posture, will she let other girls live in the future!

Recalling last night, it was really tormenting, Mori Kogoro hugged a flawless girl's body, the girl was still tightly wrapped around him, but he did Liu Xiahui once in a lifetime.

It was suffering to the extreme, the smooth skin, the smooth and slender legs draped over him, and the guilt that kept surging in his heart, if Kogoro Mori hadn't tried hard to restrain himself, he might really have become a beast!

Mori Kogoro sighed, stepped on the accelerator, and the car accelerated again.

The car he was driving was a Lexus that had just been repaired. As for the black car that arrived at the door yesterday, his subordinates had already driven it away.

Mori Kogoro parked the car at the entrance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, then got out of the car and entered the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

There was a busy scene in the Metropolitan Police Department, and there were family members of the deceased sitting quietly at the door outside. As soon as Mori Kogoro walked in, the police invited him to a room to wait.

Not long after, Miwako Sato came in holding the notebook.

She was wearing a gray suit and skirt, but it had already been stained with a lot of dust. Her little face was haggard after staying up all night, and her big eyes were bloodshot and tired. Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw it.

Seeing Kogoro Mori, Miwako Sato's eyes lit up, her face was filled with joy, and she said, "Kogoro, you're here!"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward to hold her little hand, with a concerned look on his face: "Miwako, didn't you rest last night? It looks ugly."

Miwako Sato said, "There's no way to rest. Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department and Fire Department worked all night to save people. A total of [-] people were killed in this explosion. The situation is too serious. All the people outside are relatives of the deceased." , are putting pressure on us.”

"Xiao Goro, it's just in time for you to come. We are all waiting for your transcript, and we will bring it to the press conference to talk about it later. Come on, tell me what happened yesterday!"

Miwako Sato was about to walk across to Kogoro Mouri, but Kogoro Moori grabbed her.

With a big hand, he hugged Mei Hezi into his arms, and then he held a small bottle close to Mei Hezi's mouth, and said, "Open your mouth!"

Seeing this, Miwako Sato opened her mouth obediently, and poured a small bottle of diluted Immortal Spring into Miwako Sato's mouth.

Seeing that Miwako Sato didn't hesitate at all, Kogoro Mori would drink obediently if it was an aphrodisiac potion, and he couldn't help being very satisfied.

Miwako's condition improved instantly, her physical strength also recovered a lot, and her skin became more supple.

This is the magical effect of the Immortal Spring discovered by Mori Kogoro. Dilute it and drink it, it can exert the same effect as the water of life and restore the state.

Seeing this scene on the monitoring screen, Takagi and the police officers in the monitoring room couldn't help but widen their eyes, and some even shouted: "Let go of Officer Sato."

As soon as the police officers nearby heard that it was Officer Sato, they quickly put down what they were doing and gathered around them. They leaned in front of the small screen and saw Kogoro Mori hugging Officer Sato, each of them looked hideous and gritted their teeth. ...

At this time, a strong man stood up and said, "No, I have to rescue Officer Sato."

"You're crazy, that's the big detective Maori, we're still waiting for his confession!" Several people nearby hurriedly grabbed the strong man.

Gao Mushe's face was full of bitterness, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his fists were clenched tightly. Although he knew it a long time ago, he was still extremely unwilling.

"I kissed you! I kissed you!" The police officer sitting in front shouted, and the strong man and the few people who stopped him quickly let go of their hands and moved back to the surveillance screen.

Miwako Sato in the room opened her mouth in surprise when she saw that her condition had fully recovered.

Kogoro Mori saw the lips covered with light purple lipstick, which looked like jelly, and immediately felt attractive, so he bit it.

Miwako Sato opened her eyes slightly, and couldn't help but respond when she smelled the familiar masculine breath, but she quickly realized that the small hand holding the notebook pushed Mouri Kogoro's solid chest muscles, and said: "Kogoro, Don't stay here, there are surveillance cameras!"

Mori Kogoro also reacted, he hugged Miwako, the two looked up at the monitor, and Mori Kogoro waved his hand to greet the person on the monitor side.

Takagi Shepherd and the group of police officers looked at the Sato police officer who showed no resistance at all, and the Maori detective who waved proudly. They all looked like they had lost their parents, and they looked sad.

The flower of the Metropolitan Police Department was picked by a divorced middle-aged man. At this moment, countless heartbroken voices resounded in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Kogoro Mori and Miwako Sato finally sat down to give their statements.

He already had a draft in his heart, so he said everything he had thought before.

He pushed all the bombings on Moriya Teiji.

Regarding the bombing of the Kubato Building, Kogoro Mori did not say that Teiji Moritani wanted to blow up his concubine Eri and Ran as a means of revenge, but said that Teiji Moritani made a last-ditch effort after his identity was seen through.

In the end, he even wanted to take Mori Kogoro to die together, but died in an explosion in his mansion.

Because there was a candid video as ironclad evidence, the confession was quickly recorded, and Xiaolan and Yingli had nothing to do with the case, and she even got it clean.

Miwako Sato left in a hurry after recording her statement. She wanted to send the statement to the public relations department for them to write a draft, and then hand it over to the Matsumoto Police Department for release at a press conference.

Chapter 0039 Xiaolan doing housework

As soon as Mori Kogoro walked out of the monitoring room, he saw police officers not far away glaring at him one by one, wanting to eat his flesh.

He quickly reacted, a smug smile appeared on his face, revealing a row of big white teeth.

The group of police officers was even more angry, and some even wanted to come forward excitedly.

At this moment, Police Officer Mumu came over and shouted, "What are you doing? What are you doing here!"

Everyone left like birds and beasts.

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