And Conan only knew that the bomb would start after [-]:[-] and explode at [-]:[-], and that the black suitcase would also explode ten seconds after being violently shaken.

After analysis, he had already identified the target of the man in black's transaction as one of the four passengers on the second floor of carriage No. 7.

They are the irritable programmer catching up with the program, the white-bearded grandfather dozing off with headphones, the quiet and elegant middle-aged lady, and the gangster with a golden necklace around his neck.

Each of these four people has a black box, which means that the bomb is in these four suitcases.

It was almost [-]:[-] now, which meant that the bomb could be found in less than ten minutes.

Mori Kogoro frowned, and immediately realized that this was the Shinkansen explosion.

Sure enough, Conan is a complete disaster star. Cases happen everywhere he goes. If he is not careful, he almost makes trouble again!

Once the bomb explodes on the Shinkansen, it will be a large-scale accident involving car crashes, and Mori Kogoro can't guarantee that he can save everyone.

He didn't hesitate anymore, he gently picked up Hui Yuan, put him on the seat, and said, "Uncle went to the toilet and will be back soon."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, passing by the three women, their expressions were as usual.

The automatic sliding door of the first-class compartment opened, and Kogoro Mori stepped out, increasing his speed.

He walked quickly, without any panic, and the passengers only felt a gust of wind passing by.

Soon Mori Kogoro walked from the No. [-] first-class car to the No. [-] car, and then went up the stairs, and saw Conan leaning against the wall, thinking hard.

As soon as he met Mori Kogoro, a popping chestnut greeted Conan's forehead: "You little devil, it takes so long to go to the toilet, what are you doing here?"

A big red envelope appeared on his head, but Conan's face was very happy.

He had had enough of suffering just now, and he told the conductor on the train about the bomb on the train.

But all the flight attendants thought it was a child's prank, and ignored him at all.

The flight attendants here don't know that Conan is the little boy who follows Mori Kogoro.

Afterwards, Conan worked hard to find the black suitcase containing the bomb in different compartments, but wherever he went, he was disliked by others, and he got the title of a bear boy.

Now the savior is here. As soon as Uncle Maori with strong reasoning ability appears, Conan tells everything.

Mori Kogoro pretended to hear it for the first time, and looked at Conan suspiciously.

"Uncle Maori, you must believe what I say!" Conan looked excited. If the train really exploded, many people would die!

Mori Kogoro nodded, and said, "I believe it, but I believe it. It's just you, a child, how can you know so much?"

Conan couldn't help sweating when he heard this, he rubbed his head and laughed dryly: "It must be because I was with Uncle Maori, watched too many cases, and learned a little bit about it!"

"Really?" Mori Kogoro smiled.

Conan's complexion changed, and he stuck tightly to the wall behind him, not daring to speak: Could it be that he was going to be seen through.

Seeing that Conan was almost frightened, Kogoro Mori's face recovered, and he said earnestly: "Okay, but uncle doesn't want you to learn to be a detective, uncle still hopes that you can be a mathematician, you have an extraordinary talent in mathematics, no It's a pity to learn!"

"How about this, go back to my uncle and enroll you in a class for you, Conan, don't be so naughty in the future, or you will be sorry for your mother who is mining in South Africa!"

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face.

Hearing Kogoro Mori say this, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched and his forehead twitched.

The mother of mining in South Africa, I am afraid she is enjoying it in the mansion!

No, report to class, pills!

Conan was about to refuse, but Kogoro Mori had already entered the No. [-] carriage.

He could only observe quietly from behind.

Children can only go round and round around these four people, but when Kogoro Mori appears on the stage, it is quite different.

The man in black's transaction partner didn't know that the box in his box was a bomb, and thought it was information related to gold, so he could sit safely in this car.

Kogoro Mori walked past the carriage with more than a dozen people, his gaze passed over the four people, and all the information was captured instantly.

At this moment, he is like Charlotte of the BBC, with 49 points of intelligence, just look at it casually, and all relevant information automatically emerges from his mind, very relaxed!

According to the original anime, Mori Kogoro should be going to that elegant and intellectual lady at this moment, asking her for the black suitcase, but this is the real world, and he has his own judgment.

The strong man with a golden necklace around his neck and a flowered shirt is a member of the underworld society, and his rank is not low.

It can be seen from his tattoos that the tattoos leaking from his neck to his lower back echo each other, which shows that he has tattooed his entire back.

Tattoos in Japan represent people who are expelled by society, and full back tattoos are only eligible for high-level gangsters.

Japanese tattoo artists are very particular. A traditional full-body tattoo costs about one million yen, which is almost [-] in RMB. Members of clubs without economic strength cannot get tattoos at all.

It's a pity that these five big and three rough gangsters are completely perverted!

A section of panties can be seen on the edge of the back waist of the shorts of this brawny man due to his obesity. They are lace-trimmed, and they are a pair of women's panties.

Moreover, the hair on the legs of this strong man was attached to the two thick legs obediently. Naturally, this kind of sign could only appear when wearing women's silk stockings.

It is very likely that this strong man just took off his stockings before getting into the car.

Moreover, he even painted his nails, and Kogoro Mori noticed that he didn't remove them cleanly.

This burly man holds the brochure of Akihabara Manga Exhibition in his hand.

God, it's hot eyes!

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