Mori Kogoro walked out of the hotel, the hotel owner hadn't come back since last night, presumably he was ashamed to see Mori Kogoro again.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, all the girls on the beach greeted him when they saw him coming out.

Xiaolan, Sonoko, Sumei-senpai, and Haibara with short legs, the four girls rushed towards Mouri Kogoro.

Conan in the back almost gnawed his back molars when he saw this scene, why?Why don't you get treated like this?

Jealousy made Conan's little face distorted beyond recognition!

And Kyogoku, who was lying on the beach, watched the excited girl rush towards an uncle, while he was lying on the ground in embarrassment, unable to get up.

Heartache, he just felt his heart ached!

Kogoro Mouri was surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan within a few steps, and the breath of youth came to his nostrils.

Xiao Lan said angrily, "Father, why did you wake up so late? Did you do something bad last night!"

Sumi Tsukamoto looked excited: "Master, I defeated Maya Kyogoku with the Bengquan you taught last night!"

Sonoko cheekily grabbed Moori Kogoro's arm: "Uncle Mouri, we have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department today!"

And Haibara at the bottom tugged on Kogoro Mori's pants, looking at Kogoro Mori eagerly with his pale blue eyes.

This feeling is cool! ! !

Mori Kogoro picked up Haibara and said to Conan, "Conan, come here quickly, we're leaving after breakfast!"

Conan got up from the beach, he was in a very bad mood at the moment with dead fish eyes, and he didn't want to get close to Mori Kogoro at all.

And Haibara, who was held in the arms of Mori Kogoro, glanced disdainfully at the three girls next to him, and there was a smug smile on Xiaomeng's face.

Where few girls could see, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and gently scratched Tsukamoto Suumi's small waist.

Tsukamoto Sumi's face turned slightly red, but everyone didn't notice it at all.

Because she had already commanded her good apprentice last night, she behaved very normally today, almost the same as usual.

Of course, when Mori Kogoro made such a request at the beginning, Sumi Tsukamoto, who had a strong self-esteem, was of course unwilling. She also wanted to promote her sovereignty in front of Sonoko.

But the result was naturally very bleak. Under Mori Kogoro's stick education, Tsukamoto Sumi, who was not an opponent, finally succumbed.

Mori Kogoro and others went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast, then went back to the hotel to pack their luggage and left.

Kyogoku, who was at the front desk, looked at Suzuki Sonoko's disappearing figure. He raised his hand, but finally he didn't stop her.

Everyone got into the car called by Yuanzi again, and then headed towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

Chapter 0073 Shopping with Xiaolan

Mao Li and his party were respectfully sent out of the Metropolitan Police Department by police officer Henggou.

Police officer Henggou continued to invite from the side: "Detective Maori, you have helped me solve so many troubles. There are three cases in total. Let me do my best as a landlord at noon. Treat you to a meal!"

Mori Kogoro declined and said, "It's really unfortunate, the ticket has already been booked, there is no way to change it, it seems that we can only wait for the next time!"

Police officer Henggou said with a cheerful smile: "Okay, I will treat you well when Detective Maori comes again next time!"

Everyone said goodbye to the curly-haired police officer Henggou, and then took a bus to the Shinkansen station.

After a two-hour drive, Mori Kogoro and his party returned to Tokyo!

Walking out of Tokyo Station, Sonoko stretched his waist and said, "If I hadn't met that pervert who wanted to assassinate Miss Ben, this trip would have been perfect."

Sumi Tsukamoto on the side smiled gently: "Xiaolan, Sonoko, thank you both for inviting me this time, these two days are the happiest two days of my life!"

Although Tsukamoto Sumi didn't speak to Mori Kogoro, but he said it to Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan heard senior sister Shumei thanking her so earnestly, and quickly said: "It's nothing, I also want to thank senior sister for accompanying me in training!"

And Yuanzi was keenly aware of the abnormality, the happiest two days?Could it be because of Uncle Maori!

It's horrible, I didn't expect that the "Strategy Uncle's Battle Plan" carefully planned by my Miss Yuanzi would attract a new rival in love.

Tsukamoto Sumi said, "Xiaolan, we have to work hard for Wednesday's game, we must win a championship and come back!"

"Hi!" Xiaolan nodded confidently.

Immediately afterwards, Tsukamoto Sumi came to Mori Kogoro's side, looking at Mori Kogoro with purple eyes, his eyes seemed to have a lot of meaning: "Master, I'm going back."

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "Well, if you are free these few days, call me, your half-step Bengquan has not been fully understood, the master should 'teach' you well!"

Hearing this, Sumi Tsukamoto blushed again, and nodded obediently: "Hi!"

Then she moved her legs and headed towards the boarding area, accompanied by an ant-man robot that was hard to spot with the naked eye!

Sonoko couldn't help but glanced at his mouth, and looked at Sumi Tsukamoto who was going away speechlessly: "It's just going to learn boxing, why are you blushing!"

Immediately afterwards, Suzuki's car also appeared.

Yuanzi pulled everyone into the car, and then asked the driver to drive Maori and his party home.

The car soon arrived at home, Sonoko reluctantly said goodbye to Kogoro Mori.

Seeing her best friend Yuanzi also leave, Xiaolan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the threat was finally gone for the time being.

Of course Xiaolan understood what was going on in the garden during this trip, so she strictly guarded against it along the way.

Seeing him leave at this moment, a smile appeared on Xiaolan's face immediately, and she took Mouri Kogoro back to the office on the second floor.

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