Kogoro Mori and Tomoko Suzuki kissed heartily on the leather sofa, and Tomoko soon responded enthusiastically.

The fiery big hands were walking up and down Tomoko's graceful body, grabbing the full grip, while Tomoko's pair of plain hands tightly hugged Mouri Kogoro's broad back.

If Xiaolan and Yuanzi, who were taking apart the packaging of desserts at the moment, turned their heads, they would immediately see their heads tightly pressed together on the sofa.

But the two girls didn't notice any abnormalities at all. Yuanzi picked up a piece of cheese egg tart, bit into it, and exclaimed immediately: "Sgou, it's so delicious, Xiaolan, try it!"

Xiaolan also picked up an egg tart, took a small bite, her big eyes lit up immediately, she turned her head and said, "Dad, Auntie Tomoko, come and taste it!"

Xiaolan turned her head and saw Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Tomoko sitting on the same sofa, very close together, as if they were talking eagerly.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiaolan, and said, "Daddy won't eat such sweet things, you can enjoy them yourself!"

Tomoko Suzuki also said: "I'm trying to lose weight recently, Sonoko, Xiaolan, just eat it yourself!"

Tomoko Suzuki's speech was a little breathless and intermittent, which sounded a bit strange.

But the second daughter still didn't notice anything unusual, Yuanzi shook her head and said, "I didn't know who ate so much cake before, but now I'm talking about losing weight, Xiaolan, leave them alone, we'll eat ours!"

She didn't know that her mother and her favorite Uncle Maori were secretly getting together.

"Yeah!" Xiaolan nodded and picked up another egg tart.

Sitting on the sofa, Tomoko Suzuki frowned, her face was blushing, and she was scolding in a low voice: "Xiao Goro, you are too bold."

Her pair of beautiful legs were pulled on Kogoro Mori's lap, and Kogoro Mori had a smile on his face, and said, "Tomoko, what are you talking about? I just see that you are a little tired, so I can help you out. Just massage!"

Holding those two delicate little feet with both hands, he was scratching the soles of Tomoko's feet one after another, and an itchy feeling spread from the soles of the feet.

Tomoko pursed his lips, not daring to make any sound, looking extremely aggrieved!

Kogoro Mori looked at the dignified business queen who was as docile as a kitten in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

His hands were running on those beautiful legs, and the gray silk stockings were like satin, which made people want to stop.

If it wasn't for Xiaolan and Yuanzi being by his side, Mouri Kogoro might be about to raise his gun and mount his horse again.

A moment passed, and Tomoko Suzuki felt that the time had passed extremely long. She turned her head to look at her daughter from time to time, for fear of being discovered.

Nervousness, the feeling of having an affair, and the strange movements coming from the body are entangled together.

Suzuki Tomoko felt that she was exhausted physically and mentally, but she couldn't stop, staring at Kogoro Mori with purple eyes: Enemy, I'm afraid this life will be ruined by you.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi finally finished eating the soft dessert, and walked back to the sofa in the hall.

Yuanzi said, "Mom, what are you talking about with Uncle Mao Li? It's such a happy chat!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro looked as usual, while Suzuki Tomoko still had a slight blush on her face, and her breathing was a little disordered.

However, thanks to the skills she has cultivated in business negotiations over the years, she quickly calmed down and spoke.

"We are saying that since Mr. Mori became an advisor to the Flagmoto Consortium, the profit of the Flagmoto Consortium has doubled in the past few months, almost catching up with our Suzuki Consortium, so I would also like to invite Mr. Mori to be our consultant too. The advisor of the Suzuki Foundation is here!"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he rushed to Kogoro Mouri's side, his big eyes re-examined Kogoro Mouri: "Scoo, it's so surprising, what else is Uncle Maori that you don't know?" Yes!"

It is extremely difficult to double the profit of a large commercial consortium. Yuanzi naturally knows the difficulty of creating another consortium from scratch.

Xiaolan had a proud smile on her face when she heard this, and looked at Kogoro Mouri adoringly: My father is just so powerful!

In fact, in the eyes of Mori Kogoro's forty-nine points of intelligence, commercial warfare is really easy.

He easily found several pain points of Japan's current market demand, and while galloping on the bed, he mentioned the banner of Xia Jiang, and Xia Jiang quickly implemented it after hearing it.

Coupled with the help of Princess Jiazi in the political circle, the Banner consortium passed a set of business plans in just a few months, and obtained extremely considerable profits.

Although the Banner consortium is not as good as the Suzuki consortium for the time being, it is not far behind.

When Tomoko Suzuki knew about it, he was naturally a little apprehensive. She had already given herself completely to Kogoro Mori, and even transferred her unemotional husband to South America, but she didn't get such treatment, so she complained a little just now.

Mori Kogoro smiled dryly, because his original impression of the Suzuki family was influenced by his previous life: there are a lot of jewels, museums blow them up, skyships are also available, and if you have nothing to do, you can buy photos of Van Gogh, jewels of the Tsar...

Preconceived, he thought that the Suzuki family was so rich that they didn't need to add more flowers, but after hearing Tomoko's little complaints, he naturally realized that he was a little biased.

Xiaolan said from the side: "Father, you can help Auntie Pengzi!"

Sonoko also nodded desperately from the side.

Mori Kogoro said to the expectant friend, "If you want to hire me as a consultant, the 'fee' is quite expensive!"

Kogoro Mori blinked his eyes after saying that.

Tomoko instantly realized what Mori Kogoro was talking about, and she blushed, but she was very aggressive in business and still said, "Mori-kun, as long as I have something, just speak up."

Maori Kogoro smiled: "Since the madam has said so, if I don't agree, I'm afraid Xiaolan won't be able to spare me."

"Happy cooperation!" Tomoko Suzuki stood up and shook hands with Mori Kogoro.

Her little finger gently scratched Kogoro Mori's palm.

Chapter 0078 Doing Such a Thing in Front of My Daughter 2

Sonoko suddenly laughed happily: "Great, with the help of Uncle Maori, the Suzuki Foundation will definitely be able to make further progress."

Mori Kogoro said modestly, "Sonoko, you're exaggerating."

At this time, Tomoko Suzuki smiled and stood up: "In order to celebrate Mori-kun becoming a consultant of our Suzuki Foundation, I plan to cook myself and celebrate."

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