Xiaolan didn't know why, but seeing Mouri Kogoro so happy, she also became happy.

Mori Kogoro put Xiaolan down, and kissed Xiaolan's pink lips.

After a long time, the two let go, and Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan, and said, "Xiaolan is already dressed, wait for me, I will change my clothes and go to the tropical paradise!"

The two walked into the living room, and Mori Kogoro returned to his room, changed his clothes slightly, and put on a hat and glasses.

Because he is a celebrity after all, it is still a little inconvenient to go out, especially with so many people in the playground, if he doesn't put on a little disguise, he may be recognized by others.

When you are surrounded by crowds, you can't have a good time.

But Kogoro Mori's cross-dressing can still be seen by those close to him, so it doesn't matter.

Mori Kogoro didn't wear his suit, but put on light blue casual clothes, a hat and glasses. On the contrary, he looked younger, and after wearing glasses, he showed a bit of elegance.

As soon as Xiaolan came out, Xiaolan's eyes lit up, she put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's arm, and turned her head to look at her father who looked very different.

The father with this appearance is so handsome. If the two mustaches are removed, he will look like a butter niche.

Xiaolan put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's arm, with a smile on her face, she couldn't help tiptoeing and kissing Mouri Kogoro: "Dad, you look so handsome!"

Then Xiaolan took Mori Kogoro and ran downstairs, and the two soon took a car to the tropical park, which is the direction of the Tarobika Paradise that was just built last year.

Dorobiga Land is the largest theme amusement park in Tokyo. The mascot inside is a squirrel. The entire amusement park is dominated by pink tones, which is very dreamy.

The weather was just right, and the car was parked outside Dorobiga Paradise. After getting off the car, Xiaolan saw the pink castle, lively atmosphere, and various amusement park facilities. The light in her eyes almost overflowed.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "It's so beautiful!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little strange: "Xiao Lan, haven't you been here before?"

Xiaolan shook her head and said, "I've never been here before! Yuanzi has always said that he would come, but he never had the chance to come, but this time is just right, it's best to come with Dad!"

Xiaolan put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and rubbed her small face on his shoulder.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised. According to the anime, Kudo Shinichi was poisoned after he separated from Xiao Ran in the Tarobika Amusement Park. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ran never came.

Where did Shinichi Kudo get smaller?

Xiaolan pulled Mori Kogoro and was about to enter the queue entrance.

However, Kogoro Mouri grabbed Xiaolan, took out his VIP card under the envious eyes of other tourists, and entered through the exclusive passage beside him.

Since he brought Xiaolan to play, he naturally wouldn't waste all his time waiting.

The Qiben Consortium has business relations with Dorobiga Paradise. The Ferris wheel here was built by the construction team of the Qiben Consortium's subsidiary, so it naturally has a VIP card.

With this card, you don't have to queue up, and you have priority in whatever you want to play.

"Squid, Dad, I didn't expect you to be ready!" Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mori admiringly, but soon she was attracted by the magic clown.

She showed the vigor of a girl, and pulled Mouri Kogoro towards the clown.

Affected by this, Mori Kogoro also felt much younger.

The two took a pirate ship around the river in Dorobega Paradise. In the observation deck, they snuggled together and looked at the beautiful scenery, ate the sweet cotton candy together, and chased the flexible dolls. When he was tired, Kogoro Moori picked up Xiaolan on his back...

The silver bell-like laughter attracted many envious eyes.

Mori Kogoro dragged Xiaolan across the place that looked like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, ran down the stairs, and came to a blue circular square.

Xiaolan's expression was a little confused. The square was empty, and she looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

Mori Kogoro said: "There are still five seconds, five, four, three, two, one"

A series of circular water curtains shot out from the circular square, and the sound of fireworks bloomed in the sky.

The fireworks are colorful, and they are still very beautiful during the day.

Xiaolan looked at the sky and the fountain in surprise, and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

The circular water curtain was formed from the outer ring to the inner ring, and finally a circular fountain water curtain with a height of three meters was sprayed two meters away from the two of them, surrounding the two of them.

Mori Kogoro pulled Xiaolan who was beside him, and kissed her pink lips, this time the feeling was extraordinarily beautiful.

The fountain that lasted for a minute slowly descended, and Kogoro Mori let go of Xiaolan, who was already a little limp, and pulled her to rush outside.

The two passed by the haunted house, and Mori Kogoro smiled: "Xiao Lan, do you want to play with this?"

Xiaolan was a little scared when she saw the head of the fierce ghost on the haunted house, and hurriedly dragged Mouri Kogoro to the side, not daring to enter the haunted house.

The time in the amusement park seemed to pass very quickly, and it was soon afternoon.

There is no need to line up, the two of them have played most of the activities in the entire amusement park. The two of them are sitting on the Ferris wheel, eating ice cream, watching the sunset, and just want time to stop at this moment.

However, the Ferris wheel returned to the ground.

As soon as the two arrived, they heard someone say hello.

"Xiaolan, are you dating someone?" An energetic voice sounded, it was Qingzi, and Kuroba Kaito followed behind her.

Mori Kogoro took off his glasses and said, "Qingzi, don't you know me?"

"It's Uncle Mori! Why are you here?" Aoko Nakamori immediately exclaimed in surprise.

Kaito Kuroba behind him immediately frowned: "It's unlucky, it's already sad enough, and I also met this uncle detective, what should I do?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Yesterday Xiaolan won the championship of the National Martial Arts Competition. Let me take her to the amusement park to relax!"

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