At this moment, Kaito Kuroba, no, Kaito Kidd sneaked into the castle of the amusement park. With his superb lockpicking skills, he opened the exhibition cabinet of Angel Heart.

Just as he was about to take away the angel heart on the crown, he suddenly stretched out two hands underneath, firmly grasping the hands of Kaitou Kidd.

Immediately afterwards, Police Officer Nakamori with the crown on his head broke open the paper cabinet and stood up from inside. He had been lying in ambush here for a long time.

The footsteps of police officers can also be heard outside.

Face to face like this, Officer Nakamori naturally recognized Kaitou Kidd, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Kaito, it's you!"

However, Kaito Kidd turned around and turned into Aoko Nakamori, which startled Officer Nakamori so much that he let go of his hands.

Kidd's voice-changing technique was used, and Qingzi's voice appeared: "Officer Nakamori, I know all the people around you. If you turn into someone close to you and approach you, you idiot can't even notice it!"

"How come, so you are not Kaito! No matter what, I will catch you!"

Kidd shook his head and said, "In this case, I will leave the angel's heart to you and keep it. Goodbye, Dad!"

After finishing speaking, he dropped a few smoke bombs in his hand, and the smoke filled the air, covering the entire castle in an instant.

When the smoke subsided, there was no shadow of Kaitou Kidd in the whole castle, only police officer Nakamori holding the crown tightly and a group of bewildered police officers remained.

As for the Kaitou Kidd, at this moment he is tightly sticking to the outside of the roller coaster, holding the handle of the roller coaster, watching the roller coaster start with a serious face.

Because there was not enough time to return to the theater from the castle, he was afraid that he would not be able to go back in time, so he could only take this way and return to the theater on a roller coaster that spanned the entire amusement park.

The car slid down and the speed continued to climb.

The screams continued to yell from the mouth of Kaitou Kidd, because there were no safety measures, the sound was particularly tragic, and the sound of his forehead hitting the iron rod could be heard from time to time.

At this moment, Kaitou Kidd is completely desperate, but he has no idea that the girl he desperately wants to rush back to see is in the arms of Mori Kogoro.

The movie has just played until the heroine is infected and doesn't want to become a monster, so she begs the hero to kill herself.

When the heroine died, Xiaolan and Qingzi couldn't accept it at all, and they poured tears into Mouri Kogoro's arms.

"It's horrible, how can such a good person die like this!"

"Still die at the hands of my lover!"

"The screenwriter is so disgusting, why did it come to this ending!"

The two chatted in the arms of Mori Kogoro!

Mori Kogoro put his arms around the two girls, patted their soft backs, he couldn't laugh or cry.

The old man behind leaned heavily on his crutches and snorted coldly, "The world is getting worse!"

Just when Mori Kogoro held the second daughter in his arms and comforted him softly.

Phantom Thief Kidd disguised himself as Kuroba Kaito and sneaked back to the movie theater. He saw the scene of the three of them embracing in front of him, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide, his eyes full of disbelief.

Chapter 0097

Kaito Kuroba pressed a button, and the human-shaped rubber balloon deflated instantly, and the rubber man continued to shrink.

The old man sitting in the back row caught a glimpse of this scene...his pupils kept shrinking and his mouth was wide open, he was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

Kuroba Kaito returned to his seat with his dead fish eyes on his face.

He put on the handcuffs again, but kept his gaze fixed on the three people hugging each other.

Sensing Kaito's gaze, Kogoro Mori turned his head and grinned at Kaito, a row of big white teeth lit up in the dark movie theater, it was extremely dazzling.

Kuroba Kaito's face darkened even more.

It was only then that Xiaolan and Qingzi, who were in Kogoro Mouri's arms, realized where their heads were leaning. The two girls got up quickly, looking at each other with embarrassment.

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "You little girls are so emotional, you can cry like a little cat after watching a movie."

The two girls blushed embarrassingly when they thought of their embarrassment just now.

At the end of the movie screening, the ending song began to sound, the lights of the theater were turned on, and the audience hurriedly got up and left.

Aoko Nakamori took off his glasses, turned around and saw Kaito Kuroba still beside him, and nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the suspicion of Kaito will be cleared, he is not Kaitou Kidd.

She took out the key and unlocked the handcuffs, but she didn't notice that Kuroba Kaito was looking unhappy, and the dead fish eyes kept staring at her fiercely.

Xiaolan was sharp-eyed, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Student Heiyu, why are there so many big bumps on your head, my God, it's bleeding!"

Kuroba Kaito hastily reached out and touched his forehead, it was really stinging, his hand was covered with blood when he touched it.

I just stuck to the body of the roller coaster, and as the roller coaster moved forward, I didn't know how many times my head hit the railing along the way. It's normal to be injured like this.

With blood on his hands, Kaidou couldn't help laughing dryly: "I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I ate something very hot recently, and I just got a few pimples on my head and scratched them!"

Qingzi looked at the big bulging bump, how could it be a pimple of that size!

In order to prevent the three of them from continuing to question him, Kuroba Kaito got up quickly and followed the flow of people outside.

As soon as he walked out of the movie hall, he touched the big red envelope that was bleeding continuously on his forehead, and said, "It looks like there's a lot of blood, I'll go to the bathroom to deal with it."

After saying that, Kaito turned and went to the bathroom, and Xiaolan also said, "I drank too much Coke just now, Dad, Qingzi, wait for me to drink it."

She also went to the bathroom, and for a while there were only Kogoro Mori and Aoko Nakamori left outside the cinema hall.

Aoko Nakamori glanced at Kogoro Mori with wide eyes, then quickly lowered her head, and she quietly stood a little further away.

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