On the side, Kuroba Kaito glanced at his mouth disdainfully.

Mori Kogoro ignored Nakamori Ginzo any more, he waved goodbye to Qingzi: "Qingzi, come to Uncle's office to play when you have time, let's go first!"

Aoko who was pulling Nakamori Ginzo also waved goodbye.

The Lexus whizzed out and drove towards Kuroba Kaito's house.

The Kuroba Kaito family is a luxurious white villa. After all, two generations of phantom thieves have accumulated theft, and the family property is more than one rich.

The car was parked outside the big white villa, and Xiaolan couldn't help exclaiming: "Kaito, I didn't expect your house to be so big."

Kuroba Kaito laughed twice: "My father bought this. He used to be a famous magician in the world, but he passed away eight years ago!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "If you say that, Kaito, your magic skills should be quite deep!"

"It's okay! I'll just do some magic tricks!"

"I seem to remember that Phantom Thief Kidd can also perform magic tricks. I don't know which one is better than Kaito?"

Hearing that Kuroba Kaito's heartbeat speeded up in an instant, looking at Mori Kogoro's deep eyes, he couldn't help standing upright, he quickly unbuttoned his seat belt, laughed dryly, and said, "He must be better, Mr. Mori, thank you for today Your hospitality, I will go back first!"

Kuroba Kaito really doesn't want to get along with Mori Kogoro at all, he always feels that Mori Kogoro knows something.

Just as Kuroba Kaito stepped out of the car, he heard a woman's call.


Mori Kogoro turned his head, and saw a woman in a purple dress, dragging a small suitcase, with light makeup on her delicate face, and a pair of dark blue eyes with mature charm under her lavender hair.

Wearing an emerald necklace on her white neck, the whole person is like a blooming violet flower.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily, this woman's demeanor was rather mysterious.

"Mom, when did you come back from America?"

"Isn't it obvious that you just arrived?" Chikage Kuroba walked over gracefully, following her steps, a section of her fair calf was looming.

She stood gracefully beside Kaito Kuroba, and said, "Who brought you back?"

Kaito Kuroba was about to introduce him, but Chikage Kuroba instantly recognized Kogoro Mori, and said in surprise, "Detective Mori, I didn't expect it to be you, but I've seen your reasoning abroad, it's really amazing Awesome, you are worthy of being the number one detective in Japan!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, and with his title of expression master, it was natural to see that Chikage Kuroba did not admire him...

On the contrary, she still has a bit of disdain for herself in her heart, and her enthusiasm is just her disguise.

This strange lady thief is very proud!

"Madam has a great reputation, but she is only a small name, so nothing to worry about!"

Mori Kogoro then said: "Since Madam has just returned to China, don't bother me, we will go back first!"

After finishing speaking, he said goodbye to the mother and son, and the car drove home.

Kuroba Chikage looked at Mori Kogoro who was going away, without thinking too much, left the luggage directly, and then walked to the villa.

And Kaito behind him dragged his luggage and walked into the house with his dead fish eyes.

The car was galloping on the straight road, Xiaolan in the back seat said, "I never thought Black Feather had such a beautiful mother!"

Mori Kogoro interjected: "That woman is not as simple as it appears on the surface!"

"Not easy?" Xiaolan looked puzzled.

Mori Kogoro joked, "Maybe she's a witch!"

Hearing that Xiaolan had obviously misunderstood, she looked unhappy: "I knew Dad, you thought that woman was beautiful and wanted to get her attention."

"It was the same in the car just now, Qingzi looked at Dad strangely."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stepped on the brake, the car drifted, and stopped on the shoulder of the road in an instant. He put down the seat, unfastened the seat belt, and quickly climbed into the back seat.

Mori Kogoro pressed on Xiaolan's body. At this time, no other words were needed, only a domineering kiss was enough, and he kissed Xiaolan's pink lips in one breath.

After a long time, the heads of the two separated. Kogoro Mori looked at Xiao Lan who was about to melt from being kissed, and said firmly with his eyes: "Lan, you just need to know that the person Dad loves the most is you!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and stretched out her arms to hug Mori Kogoro tightly.

Chapter 0099 Father control!Uncle control!

Maori Kogoro turned Xiaolan over, and patted Xiaolan's buttocks with his big hand: "You little girl, you really have a lot of thoughts, will you be jealous next time?"

Xiaolan shook her head and said coquettishly, "Father!"

Another slap was made, and Mori Kogoro continued, "Dad said that Ms. Kuroba means that she is not as simple as you seem on the surface, you know?"

"not simple?"

"Yes, people can't be judged by appearances. If you meet her, you should be more vigilant. Okay, let's go home. Xiao Ai and Conan are still waiting for dinner!"

Mori Kogoro didn't explain too much, got up and returned to the driver's seat, then adjusted the seat, and the car drove towards his home.

When the two returned home, Conan hadn't come back yet, and the little Lolita Gray on the sofa looked like he was waiting to be fed.

As soon as Xiaolan came back, she repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry, Huiyuan, I was delayed on the road just now, that's why I came back late?"

And Mori Kogoro went straight to the kitchen and cooked dinner for the two kids.

Huiyuan looked at the two people's clothes, and couldn't help asking suspiciously: "Where did you two go today?"

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