Fei Yingli, who had changed into light orange casual clothes, appeared, with her hands folded over her chest, her domineering look was exposed, and her little face that had just been moisturized became more and more charming.

Yan Zexian said with a dry smile: "Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing, I should be punished, let me punish myself for three cups first!"

After finishing speaking, Kenzo Shiozawa poured three glasses of cold beer and drank them all in one gulp, with a satisfied expression on his round face.

Yuji Mikasa with a pockmarked face smiled and said, "I think lawyer Shiozawa wants to drink alcohol himself, so what kind of punishment is this?"

Xiaolan turned her head to look at Fei Yingli, and asked, "Mom, was Dad with you just now? I knocked on his door for a long time, but there was no sound!"

Fei Yingli sat down on her own, and said calmly, "How do I know where your father is? He didn't come to look for me!"

Li Shanlu who was on the side couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this. If he didn't find it, who was shouting from the next door just now: "Xiao Wulang, please forgive me!"

After a while, Mori Kogoro finally appeared. He had just returned to his room on the sixth floor and changed, so he was delayed for a while.

"Father, where did you go?" Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mouri with a puzzled expression.

Mori Kogoro smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just prepared some barbecue ingredients!"

He snapped his fingers, and the waiter at the barbecue restaurant will deliver four plates of meat, all of which are beef, two plates cut into steaks, and two plates sliced ​​into meat slices.

Seeing the snowflake-shaped fresh and tender beef, Kenzo Shiozawa couldn't help but exclaimed, "Could it be Kobe beef?"

Mori Kogoro nodded and said with a smile: "Lawyer Shiozawa really has good eyesight. Since we want to barbecue, how can we miss the delicacy of roast beef!"

This is exactly when Mori Kogoro heard that there was going to be a barbecue tonight, so he called and arranged to get the best front breast beef from the 5A Pole Tajima cattle that had just been slaughtered in Hyogo Prefecture, and refrigerated it and sent it over by a special plane Kobe beef.

In the end, the chef in the barbecue restaurant helped to handle it, and put it in a plate and sent it up.

Everyone watched Kogoro Mori's face change, and they all marveled at Kogoro Mori's energy.

Except for Kenzo Shiozawa, who was the oldest, who had tasted the Kobe beef, which only produces [-] kilograms a year, no one else had tasted it.

It can be said that the vast majority of people in Japan will never have the opportunity to taste the top ingredients in the world, and Kogoro Mori was able to deliver this beef from Hyogo Prefecture in just over an hour, which is really amazing .

Xiaolan and Huiyuan also looked proud when they saw the eyes of the others, and Fei Yingli showed a smile on her face.

Mori Kogoro greeted everyone to sit down, and everyone started today's dinner.

Everyone toasted together, Saku Hoshi had sharp eyes, saw that Kogoro Mori was holding juice in his hand, and couldn't help but said, "Detective Mori, how can you drink juice? You should drink alcohol, as a famous detective in Tokyo , you should never get drunk after a thousand cups, Xiaolan, pour your father some wine!"

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Because every time I get drunk, I do some extreme things, and then I promise Xiaolan and Xiaoai that I will never drink again!"

Hearing this, Feiyingli sitting on the left, Xiaolan on the right, and Huiyuan next to Xiaolan, the faces of the three girls suddenly turned red, as if they had thought of something embarrassing!

Yuji Mikasa with a pockmarked face said: "Mr. Mori is worrying too much. How can he get drunk with this kind of beer? It's rare to be so happy today. You should drink some wine!"

Mori Kogoro turned his attention to Xiaolan and Haibara, with his physical strength, it is impossible for him to be drunk by this kind of wine.

However, those who had promised Xiaolan and Huiyuan before would not renege on their promises.

Xiaolan said, "It's okay, Dad, you can drink very well, as long as you don't get drunk!"

And Huiyuan also said: "Uncle, you can drink as much as you want, at worst, if you vomit, I will clean it up for you."

Hearing what the two women said, Mori Kogoro exchanged juice for beer and clinked glasses with other lawyers.

He drank the beer in one gulp, and suddenly felt a little happy. Sure enough, barbecue should be served with beer, comfortable!

On the other hand, Kuriyama Midori, watching Mori Kogoro toast and drink, couldn't help but blush a little as his thick Adam's apple moved.

"That's right!" Mikasa Yuji and Saku's Hoshi Office applauded, and the two began to toast Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro never refused to come, and he drank every cup, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became more and more heated.

Except for the underage Xiaolan, Conan and Haibara, everyone else started drinking.

Mori Kogoro is drinking alcohol while grilling on the iron plate.

The consummation-level cooking skills were displayed. He roasted slices of fat beef with iron tongs, and sprinkled pepper, cumin, and chili powder from time to time.

Or cut the steak on the iron plate with a knife, and sprinkle it with honey, the aroma is overflowing.

Everyone couldn't help but move their index fingers when they smelled the fragrance.

When they looked at the food they baked, they also found the same material and ingredients, but why the baked food was far from that of Mori Kogoro.

Looking at the beef roasted by Mori Kogoro, Shiozawa Lawyer and the others were almost drooling.

But looking far away, Mori Kogoro didn't even have the idea of ​​letting them try.

As soon as he finished roasting, he sandwiched the fragrant beef and steak to Feiyingli, Xiaolan and Huiyuan.

Conan, who was sitting next to Huiyuan, was also full of anticipation, looking at the grilled piece of steak that was charred on the outside and inside, exuding sweet aroma: That must be what my uncle grilled for me!

Unexpectedly, Mori Kogoro put the steak into his bowl, and bit down, the sweetness was overflowing!

Watching the four of them feasting on the beef in the bowl, Conan instantly lost his balance: "Uncle Maori, where's mine?"

While chewing the beef, Kogoro Mouri said, "Conan, didn't uncle tell you? You are a man, and you are different from others. You must learn to be independent and self-reliant, and you cannot rely on others for everything."

"Come on, there is beef next to you, grill it yourself!"

After Mori Kogoro finished speaking, he started to deal with the steak he had grilled.

Conan's small face twitched: The table is overturned, believe it or not!

But being glared at by Kogoro Mori, Conan honestly picked up a piece of beef and started his own barbecue.

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