Ritsuko Tsuisui said, "Mori-kun, why did you do that just now?"

Mori Kogoro smiled when he heard this, wiped his hands clean, and said, "Ritsuko, didn't you take the initiative just now?"

Ritsuko Zuishui couldn't help but whispered: "But you are all behind Mao Li-kun, and you are moving, and the concubine is beside you?"

Usui Ritsuko also wiped her hands clean.

Kogoro Mori pulled Ritsuko Susui over, leaned against her body to the wall behind, and stopped the chattering little mouth in one breath, and instantly climbed onto the soft mass with his big hand.

People may come to this bathroom at any time.

Ritsuko Susui's pupils kept shrinking, and her body tensed up.

Looking at Ritsuko Usui, who is completely a rookie but overestimates her ability to seduce her, Mori Kogoro kept attacking with a smile on his eyes.

After a long time, Kogoro Mori let go of Ritsuko Usui.

Ritsuko Usui's face was flushed, and she kept panting heavily, looking at Kogoro Mori's handsome face, her eyes were full of fascination.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Because I think Miss Ritsuko is pretty, I want to do it. How about it? Is this a good reason?"

Chapter 0109 Maori, I want it!

"Mori-kun, you are so bad!" Ritsuko Usui licked her lips, looking at Kogoro Moori with a blushing face.

Wow!Seductive technology advances rapidly!

Seeing Ritsuko Usui pushed against the wall, Kogoro Mori had a strange smile on his face: "You haven't seen anything worse!"

After finishing speaking, he kissed again, one hand poked in along the hem of the blue dress, and the other hand grabbed the silky thigh underneath.

The two of them were on the wall outside the bathroom, tossing and lingering, and people passing by couldn't help but look sideways.

It took about five minutes before Mori Kogoro let go of Ritsuko Usui, who was already a little unsteady on her feet.

Mori Kogoro had a narrow smile on his face, he helped Ritsuko Usui who was about to collapse, and said, "Miss Ritsuko, is your foot still hurting? Why can't you stand still!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted Ritsuko Usui's white right leg, which had been pretending to be injured all day, and hugged the bend of the leg. The touch was excellent!

Ritsuko Usui panted heavily, her eyes filled with mist: "Mori-kun, you are so bad, let me go, it's time to go back!"

Ritsuko Usui reached out to push Kogoro Mori's chest, and Kogoro Mori put his thigh down, and then the two returned to the dining table one after the other.

As soon as I got back, I saw that there were many people missing at the dining table. Fei Yingli, Xiao Ran, and Haibara were all gone. Only Kenzo Shiozawa, Hoshi Saku, Midori Kuriyama, and Conan the Kid were present.

And Mikasa Yuji's bag is gone too!

Mori Kogoro asked, "Where are they?"

Conan, who was gnawing on the steak with his head down, said, "Aunt Eri, sister Xiaolan, and Haibara went out for a walk and said they needed to digest and digest. After Mr. Mikasa sobered up and came back, he said that he couldn't hold on anymore, so he took his bag and went back to rest. !"

Hearing Kogoro Mori nodded, he and Ritsuko Usui sat back in their seats.

Mori Kogoro continued to barbecue. He was just focusing on feeding the three girls and drinking, so he didn't eat much.

Not long after, Usui Ritsuko got up from her original seat holding her wine glass, and then came to Mori Kogoro's side, and sat in Hieri's seat.

Ritsuko Usui smiled all over her face, and said softly, "The food Moori-kun just leaned on smells so delicious, I wonder if you can bake a piece for me?"

Hoshi Saku, who was opposite, saw Ritsuko Usui's appearance, and a sneer flashed across his face.

When Li Shanlu saw this, she raised her wine glass and walked over in a similar manner, sat in Xiaolan's position, clasped her hands together as a beggar, and said: "The smell of the food just now is really touching, I really like it." I'm really curious, Maori Detective, for the teacher's sake, let me try it, please!"

Unexpectedly, Kuriyama Green is still a foodie, and the appearance of pouting and begging looks extremely lethal.

Conan Mori Kogoro on the side was surrounded by beauties again, couldn't help but feel jealous, biting his skinny steak fiercely.

There's no reason for this, what's so good about a lecherous uncle, why do these women surround him one by one!

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Of course it doesn't matter, just wait!"

The fat man Shiozawa Kenzo quickly said, "Detective Maori, don't favor one person over another, after smelling the fragrance for so long, I want to try your handicraft too!"

Fushi Saku smiled and said, "That's right, let the Maori detective be our chef tonight."

Naturally, Kogoro Moori didn't have the heart to cook for the two elders, so he directly refused with a smile: "That's too unfortunate, my cooking has always been only for beauties!"

Hearing the refusal, Shiozawa Kenzo and Saku Hoshige showed disappointment on their faces.

Kenzo Shiozawa smiled and said, "Detective Mori, I'm going to tell Eri about this!"

Of course Kogoro Mori was not afraid, he also smiled and said: "Lawyer Shiozawa, you are such a cunt, but it doesn't matter if you tell Eri, Eri is very generous, it's just cooking, she won't mind!"

Yanze Xianzao saw that it was not enough to ask for delicious food, so he led the crowd to drink continuously.

He knew that Mori Kogoro had an excellent drinking capacity, so he turned his finger on Ritsuko Usui and Midori Kuriyama full of resentment.

If you want to eat good food, drink more bars!

In the interplay of toasts and cups, the atmosphere on the wine table was heated again.

Mori Kogoro roasted the last half plate of Kobe beef, and Kuriyama Midori, who was slightly drunk from drinking, quickly raised his chopsticks and sent the steaming grilled fatty beef into his small mouth.

The sauce burst instantly, spicy, delicate, sweet and various tastes reverberated in his mouth.

Kuriyama Midori immediately hugged Mori Kogoro's arm, her soft chest pressed tightly against Mori Kogoro.

She excitedly said, "It's really delicious. Tonight, eating the food cooked by you, Mr. Maori, is called the completion of your merits and virtues!"

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