Ritsuko Usui was dumbfounded again when she heard this, she looked panicked, she opened her mouth but couldn't speak.

Her heartbeat suddenly became extremely fast, and her big red and watery eyes looked at Kogoro Mori, coupled with her milky white skin, she looked like a little rabbit.

Mori Kogoro let go of Ritsuko's face, and said with a smile, "I'm kidding, so much happened today, go back and rest obediently."

But after hearing this, Ritsuko Susui still stood where she was, without moving, her little face was tangled.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little surprised.

Ritsuko's expression changed for a while, and finally she seemed to have made up her mind.

She trembled slightly, and said softly: "Mr. Maori, I can't stay in my room anymore. Moreover, the hotel manager said that there are no spare rooms. Can I stay with you for one night?"

After Ritsuko finished speaking, she seemed to be relieved of a heavy responsibility, but her eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori, her face was tense, as if she was afraid of hearing the voice of rejection.

This is obviously a lie. When the police asked for assistance before, the room could be vacated for the statement, so why change the room now?

But Mori Kogoro didn't expose it, his brows were raised, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The girls have already talked about this, how could Kogoro Mori refuse again, the anger that had just subsided instantly ignited again.

Mori Kogoro said: "Of course it's okay to live here, but the 'room fee' is not cheap!"

After saying a word, Mori Kogoro kissed Usui Ritsuko's small mouth in an instant, and put his big arms around her waist.

Ritsuko Usui's face and the skin around her neck flushed instantly, her breathing became heavy, and she began to respond awkwardly.

Mori Kogoro's fiery big hands moved up and down the white body, and quickly reached in from the hem of his dress, grabbing the existence that he had just stared at for a long time.

After the kiss was over, Ritsuko Usui wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, with water in her eyes, she said, "Mori-kun, is this the 'room fee' you want?"

"This is just the beginning, Ms. Ritsuko, I'm going to charge you next time!" Mori Kogoro grabbed Usui Ritsuko's thigh with his big hands, picked her up, threw her down on the big white bed, and bullied her. He leaned forward and kissed him again.

Soon, a moving movement sounded in the room.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

At around eight o'clock the next morning, Huiyuan woke up from her sleep and immediately felt a little difficult to breathe. She realized the things around her, and her mood suddenly became very bad.

Both Feiyingli and Xiaolan were sleeping sideways to Huiyuan, and the soft breasts on the left and right pressed against her small face, which almost made her suffocate.

What a hateful big cow!

Little Loli struggled to get up from Feiyingli and Xiaolan's arms, looked at the mother and daughter who were still sound asleep, Huihara moved carefully without making any sound, got out of bed and opened the door directly, and walked downstairs .

Soon Huiyuan came to the door of Mori Kogoro's room, and she knocked on the door of Mori Kogoro's room.

After a while, the door opened, and Kogoro Mori, who was already dressed, came out and hugged Huiyuan.

"Xiao Ai, why do you get up so early, let's go and accompany uncle to have dinner."

Mori Kogoro closed the door, hugged Hui Yuan and walked towards the elevator, and the two quickly took the elevator downstairs.

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Haibara, heaved a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, the old driver was a good driver and never overturned. Just now he noticed the movement of Haibara, talked to Ritsuko on the bed, took a shower and changed clothes, then opened the door and left come out.

Not long after the two left, Kogoro Mori's room was opened again, and Ritsuko Usui carefully observed the corridor, seeing that there was no one else, she hurriedly evacuated from the room holding the sheets.

An hour later, in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, everyone gathered for breakfast.

Ritsuko Usui changed into a gray suit, looking capable.

She pushed away the milk and took a glass of fruit juice instead. There seemed to be a special look on her white face.

The fat man Shiozawa Kenzao said, "So, Ritsuko, are you really not going to continue this lawsuit? It's a pity, you have already gained such a big advantage, and it should be easy to win in the final trial. And isn't your new partner, Lawyer Lin, ready too?"

"Riko, don't think about it. Such a good opportunity, if you win, your reputation will improve a lot."

Ritsuko Usui smiled: "Senior Shiozawa, I have already thought about it, let's try to reach a settlement between the two parties, besides, Lawyer Saku lost his life for this matter, if I really win this lawsuit, destroy If I lost the hometown of Lawyer Saku, I am afraid that even his spirit in heaven will not forgive me."

"For this public nuisance case, I'm really sorry for causing so many things!" Ritsuko Usui apologized to everyone.

"It's only now that I understand that some things are actually more important than lawsuits."

When Ritsuko Usui said this, she glanced at Kogoro Mori next to her.

Yan Zexian obviously misunderstood, and said with a smile: "If you think so, then you are right!"

Kogoro Mori nodded in satisfaction. After four hours of serving the magic vessel last night, Ritsuko Usui was finally taken to sleep, and no longer set her goal of winning the lawsuit and defeating Fei Yingli.

Looking at this serious Ritsuko Usui, Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face.

He really understood the true meaning of the phrase 'women are made of water'.

Chapter 0122 Xiaolan's Exploration

Last night, Ritsuko Usui was crying directly, her face was full of joy, but the tears flowed out involuntarily, crying so much that the pear blossoms were raining, her pitiful appearance was really exciting and unbearable.

Kogoro Mori looked at Ritsuko Usui who looked like a Legally Blonde in a suit and skirt at the moment, and couldn't help feeling that the difference was quite big.

Fei Yingri, who was sitting next to Mori Kogoro, frowned and said: "This happened, it seems that our vacation cannot continue, two people in the firm have an accident, let's go back and assign the cases of lawyer Mikasa and lawyer Saku .”

The fat man Shiozawa Kenzo nodded: "Okay then, let's go back to Tokyo directly after breakfast, but in my opinion, there are two people missing at once, and our office needs to absorb some fresh blood, otherwise we won't have enough staff. enough."

Mori Kogoro looked at Midori Kuriyama with a troubled expression on his face, and said to help: "Eri, I think Midori is quite capable. How long has she been with you, you can put some cases for her to try!"

Kuriyama Midori's eyes lit up immediately, and she gave Mouri Kogoro a thankful look.

Fei Yingli looked at Kuriyama Midori who looked expectant, nodded, and said, "Xiaolu, I'm going to be busy next time, is it okay?"

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