Conan yelled repeatedly: "Slow down, drive slowly, Officer Sato, we are already far ahead!"

But Yuantai's face was pale, and he was holding on to the handlebar with his fleshy hands, refusing to let go, and his body was constantly shaking.

Miwako couldn't help frowning and said: "You are boys, you should be stronger, I don't want to lose this game!"

Although Miwako Sato said so, she saw that Kogoro Mori was not seen in the rearview mirror. In order to take care of the three little boys, she slowed down a bit.

She reduced the speed from one hundred and four to ninety.

But at this moment, a galloping black behemoth appeared in the rearview mirror, and the black behemoth kept approaching.

The pitch-black Lexus overtook countless vehicles, passed Miwako Sato's red Mazda in an instant, and quickly pulled away a long way.

Miwako Sato couldn't help opening her mouth, she looked at the Lexus going away with an expression of disbelief.

How can it be so fast?

She gritted her teeth lightly, stepped on the accelerator again, her little face was full of seriousness, and began to chase desperately.

The alarm sounded, and the red Mazda raced wildly again. The pointer continued to climb from ninety to one hundred and four, and then climbed over...

Mei Hezi drove the car more and more dangerously, and the three children in the back seat screamed again and again.


Three minutes later, when Ayumi counted to one hundred and eight, Lexus stopped steadily at the entrance of Qiqu Hotel.

If someone else drove this journey, it would take at least [-] minutes to [-] minutes, but Kogoro Mori did it in three minutes, and the car was unscathed.

Mori Kogoro had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't think it was a big deal.

Yumi Miyamoto, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Kogoro Mori.

At this moment, her heart was beating extremely fast, her face was flushed, her body seemed to be sweating, and her proud chest was constantly rising and falling, which was very eye-catching.

Yumi Miyamoto let out a long breath. Stimulated by the adrenaline, she unfastened her seat belt, turned over, jumped over the clutch lever, and sat on the driver's seat, Kogoro Mori.

The delicate little face approached Kogoro Mouri again, and she kissed Kogoro Mouri on the mouth.


Tolerable or unbearable!

Mori Kogoro pulled out the car key with one hand to turn off the car, and unfastened his seat belt with the other.

Then he hugged Miyamoto Yumi's waist, and directly turned against the guest, pressing her on the steering wheel, and kissed her pink lips fiercely.

His fiery hands then covered his delicate body, and kept walking on that soft body.

And Ayumi in the back seat heard the sound, although she felt a little strange, she was still counting obediently.

"210, 211, 212..."

Miyamoto Yumi kissed wildly, but was severely suppressed by Mori Kogoro. If it weren't for Ayumi being here, the two of them would have staged an eighteen-ban scene in an instant.

Time passed by Ayumi's counting second by second.

"278, 279, 280..."

Mori Kogoro pulled his big hand out from the lapel of the blue traffic police uniform, he was panting heavily, his eyes were full of red, but he gradually restrained himself.

He let go of Miyamoto Yumi's small mouth, and gently approached her ear, whispering softly like a lover.

When Miyamoto Yumi heard what Mori Kogoro said, a trace of shame flashed across her face, her originally red face softened, and the eyes looking at Mori Kogoro were full of water.

Kogoro Mori let out a long breath, opened the car door, and patted Yumi Miyamoto's buttocks.

Only then did Miyamoto Yumi get up and walk out of the car, but she soon leaned against the car.

Just now, Yumi Miyamoto's body was a little weak after being too lingering.

"298, 299, 300."

Ayumi opened her eyes and immediately found that the car had changed places.

The redness in Moli Kogoro's eyes faded away, and he smiled gently at Little Lolita: "Bumei is amazing, counting to three hundred is exactly five minutes."

The little loli burst into a pair of smiling eyes when she heard the praise: "I'm super accurate in counting seconds!"

"Okay, just order whatever Ayumi wants to eat later, uncle will buy it for you, let's get out of the car!"


Mori Kogoro and Ayumi got off the bus together, and the three of them stood in front of the Qiqu Hotel, and the street in front of them turned to Shinagawa Station.

Mori Kogoro said to Miyamoto Yumi: "Yumi, I left it to you to let this Lexus run the red light just now!"

"A piece of cake!"

Miyamoto Yumi took out her mobile phone and made a call, and all the records of more than [-] red lights she passed along the way were erased.

Two minutes later, the red Mazda drifted beautifully behind the Lexus, the door opened instantly, and Miwako in the driver's seat came out quite frustrated.

Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Conan in the back seat got out of the car as if fleeing.

Mori Kogoro had a wicked smile on his face, his eyes inspected Miwako's exquisite figure from bottom to top, and said, "Miwako, in this case, you owe me a request!"

Miwako Sato said with an angry face: "I don't know how you drive, this broken car can go so fast, you can't even catch up with it."

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