Mori Kogoro's eyes narrowed slightly, and he also got up...


In Shinagawa Station, which was a block away, Takagi Tsubasa and Shiratori Police Officer were both sitting on a bench out of breath.

Just after a while of chasing in the station, the arson suspect that Police Officer Megure said was caught.

The security personnel in the station helped suppress the suspect, but the suspect kept saying that he did not set the fire and that he was just a thief.

Officer Shiratori called Officer Megure to report all this.

At this moment, Takagi Shinobu, who was sitting on the bench, had a flash of inspiration, and he seemed to know the meaning of "Chou Si Lang".

Takagi immediately ran outside the station, away from Officer Shiratori, and then took out his cell phone from his pocket.

He turned away from the station, turned a block, trotted onto a side road, and called Miwako Sato.

At this moment, Takagi's face was filled with a smile: Great, I have solved the puzzle, and I can let Miwako leave that lustful detective!

Miwako, just wait, I will rescue you!

Police officer Takagi running in the sun is chasing his unattainable dream!

The call is connected.

"Hmm...Officer Takagi...Ah...what's the matter with you? Has the arsonist been caught?"

Takagi Tsubasa didn't hear the abnormality in Sato Miwako's voice at all, and he quickly said: "Officer Sato, the arsonist has been caught, and I have completely figured out what 'Yu Sirou' means!"

"Yes, I have figured out the robbery where your father died eighteen years ago. The culprit should be someone the justice police officer knew."

Takagi was so happy that he didn't even notice a man standing in the vending machine on the side of the street.

Hearing this, the man's face became extremely gloomy, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes, staring closely at Gao Mushe's back.

Takagi continued to run and said, "That prisoner is..."

boom! ! !

There was a sound of a brick being slapped on the forehead, and the phone call came to an abrupt end.

"Officer Takagi? Officer Takagi?"

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Miwako Sato pushed Moori Kogoro, who kept making trouble with his big hands, who was hugging her.

Miwako said coquettishly, "Kogoro, stop playing, tell me who the prisoner who killed my father is, Officer Takagi stopped halfway through talking."

Chapter 0129 Sato's Kissing Technique

Next to the bathroom, Mori Kogoro propped Sato Miwako against the wall, grabbed Miwako's beautiful legs with his right hand, and wrapped his left arm around her soft waist.

Just before Gao Mushe called, the two were leaning against the wall and kissing deeply.

Under the interference of Mori Kogoro, Miwako Sato didn't notice the sound of bricks and the sound of falling to the ground from Takagi's phone. She didn't even know that Takagi had been attacked.

After hanging up the phone, she pushed Mori Kogoro's solid chest, and said coquettishly, "Kogoro, stop playing, what does 'Shousirou' mean? And who killed my father? "

It was related to the cause of his father's death, the fascination in Miwako's eyes faded away, and her purple eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori's eyes.

Mori Kogoro kissed Miwako's white face, and said with a smile, "Wow, Officer Takagi almost answered first."

"Miwako, but in this case, you owe me two demands!"

Mei Hezi was full of anxiety: "If you owe it, you owe it, just say it!"

Only then did Kogoro Mouri open his mouth and said: "Actually, 'Chou Si Lang' is not a name, the whole sentence your father shouted at the crossroads was 'You surrender yourself', because 'Currently surrender' and 'Chou Si Lang' are spoken in Japanese. It looks very similar, so the rescuers at the time misheard."

"The reason why your father said such things to the robber is also very simple. The robber is someone your father knows."

Hearing this, Miwako showed joy on her face, and continued to ask: "What do those two katakana, KAN, O mean?"

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face, and said, "Miwako, kiss me and I'll tell you!"

A look of shame appeared on Sato Miwako's face, but she didn't hesitate, and kissed Mori Kogoro's mouth with her pink lips, and then she opened it immediately.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Not enough!"

Miwako Sato couldn't help being slightly annoyed, then put her arms around Kogoro Mori's neck, and kissed him again.

Her body was tightly pressed against Mori Kogoro's body, and this time it was a deep kiss!

It took a long time for Miwako to let go of her hands, her eyes were full of water, and her little ears turned red.

"This time is enough!"

Kogoro Mori pursed his lips in satisfaction, and said with a teasing smile, "Miwako's kissing skills are very good, but I still can't tell you!"

"Hmm!" Miwako Sato immediately stared, his eyes full of unkindness.

how!Take advantage of it, and then don't talk about it!

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and he said, "Miwako, don't you wonder why I chose to come to this Qiqu restaurant? This restaurant happens to have a gathering of your father's friends?"

Hearing that Miwako Sato's face changed suddenly, she gradually became serious, her purple eyes shrank, and she had a faint suspicion in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro's expression became serious, he put his arms around Miwako Sato's slender waist, and walked out with her.

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