"Maybe justice just remembered me and scribbled on the police handbook, and you misunderstood."

"How can someone like me, who has lived so poorly for most of my life and has only gotten better in recent years, be a murderer who robbed a bank? If yes, I would have become a rich man a long time ago. They also know about these butterflies. There must be some misunderstanding."

I have to say that Lu Yexiu's speaking skills are really good, his three old friends were all shaken by this, and the onlookers were also a little shaken.

Miwako Sato said excitedly: "Why, you have refused to tell the truth until now. Obviously, the prosecution period has passed, and no one can do anything to you. I have been searching for eighteen years, and you are not even willing to tell the truth." tell me?"

At this time, Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Miwako's shoulder, stroking and comforting.

He said, "Mei Hezi, he won't plead guilty, because for him, the prosecution period hasn't passed yet."

"According to the law, if the prisoner goes abroad during the prosecution period, the prosecution period will be automatically suspended. Mr. Luye has lived in Italy for three years."

"I checked the time when Mr. Lu Ye returned to China. For him, the prosecution period will end tomorrow, which is his fiftieth birthday."

"Therefore, before that, he will never plead guilty..."

Hearing Mori Kogoro say this, Shikano Shuji showed a bewildered smile on his face, and he no longer concealed his expression as he was approaching freedom.

Seeing this smile, the guests in the hotel immediately understood that the man with the long nose was the murderer. Everyone watched a murderer about to escape from the punishment of the law. This feeling was extremely aggrieved.

Zhu Wumanxiong, Saruto Hidero, and the bird Diezi looked at Shikano Shuji's smile, and their expressions suddenly changed. They couldn't believe that their old friend who had known him for decades turned out to be a murderer.

"...Unless conclusive evidence can be found!"

The second half of Mori Kogoro's words instantly touched the hearts of everyone present, and everyone looked at Mori Kogoro with concern, hoping that he would be able to turn the tide and arrest the criminal at this last moment.

When Shikano Shuji heard this, his frantic smile froze immediately.

And Miwako Sato's star eyes lit up immediately, she stared closely at Kogoro Mouri, and said, "Kogoro, can you find the evidence? You just need to help me convict this man, and I will listen to whatever you say in the future." yours."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro suddenly smiled brightly, and his eyes lit up.

Shikano Shuji said arrogantly: "Impossible, the case has been going on for eighteen years, how could you find the evidence, I am not a criminal, and it is none of my business if you find the evidence!"

He was determined by Kogoro Mori. All the tools used to commit the crime eighteen years ago had been destroyed. How could there be evidence!

At this moment, Kogoro Mori wore a mysterious smile on his face: "Mr. Shikano, the evidence of the murder case eighteen years ago seems a bit difficult to find, but the evidence for the crime you just committed is not difficult to find at all!"

Shuji Shikano's pupils contracted immediately: "What crime? What did I do? I didn't do anything!"

Mori Kogoro sneered and said, "Look at your sleeves, is it stained with blood?"

Shikano Shuji looked down, and quickly covered his sleeves to pretend to be obvious.

"You don't think it's such a coincidence that when you go outside, you bump into a police officer just passing by, and that police officer just happened to say that he solved the mystery of the 'Shou Si Lang Incident'?"

Mori Kogoro's aura is extremely frightening, yes, he is bluffing at this moment!

Shikano Shuji's body began to tremble, and his lips began to tremble.

"That's right, the evidence from eighteen years ago has disappeared with time, but the crime eighteen years ago has become the deepest nightmare in the prisoner's heart."

"I can't find evidence, so I can only send someone to talk about deciphering the words of 'Chou Si Lang' in front of the suspect I guessed."

"At this time, only the terrified prisoner who is afraid of the crime being exposed will start a new crime in order to keep the secret."

"That is to say, the person who ambushed Officer Takagi outside, that is, the robber eighteen years ago, was you, Shuji Shikano! What else do you have to say!"

When Shikano Shuji heard this, he immediately collapsed on the ground. He pointed at Mori Kogoro with trembling fingertips: "You, you are despicable, you actually use tricks! Damn it! Just a day away! Just a day away!"

Only then did Miwako Sato know that Officer Takagi was attacked, and she didn't pay attention to hearing that Officer Takagi was attacked on the phone just now.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Mori Kogoro adoringly, with a smile on her face: "Mori-kun, is your trick called 'leading the snake out of its hole'?"

Everyone in the young detective team exclaimed: "Squeaky!"

Ayumi looked at Mori Kogoro with tiny stars in his big eyes.

When Kogoro Mori said this in the hotel, they all looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration: You are so smart!

Mori Kogoro had a calm smile on his face: "Leading the snake out of the hole" is just a bluff. I didn't expect this old guy to have such a poor heart, so he was scared out of him all at once.

Shikano Shuji collapsed on the ground, looked at Mori Kogoro and sighed deeply: "Okay, Mori Kogoro, you really deserve your reputation. I knew that after you appeared, I had an ominous premonition in my heart. I didn't expect you to be the one with the best skills in the end." .”

"Hehe! Hehe! Losing in your hands is not wronged!"

Shikano Shuji raised his head and laughed.

Hey!Old man, have you watched too many TV shows?Don't pretend to be a good match, okay?

If you are recruited after being bluffed, there is no one like this. It is difficult for you to be able to hide for eighteen years!

Kogoro Mori couldn't help complaining about Shuji Shikano seeing this look!

Chapter 0131 My Maori Detective

Kogoro Mori looked at Shuji Shikano who was not up to date and wanted to pretend to be aggressive, he was really speechless.

When Miwako Sato heard that Shuji Kano had confessed, she rushed forward, grabbed Shuji Shikano's skirt, and lifted it up.

"After you robbed, why did you kill? Why did you kill my father? You are such good friends!"

Hearing this, Shikano Shuji quickly explained: "I didn't kill Zhengyi, Miwako, listen to me, I was just thinking of robbing the bank, and when the security guard came up, I just wanted to repel him. "

"How did I know that the butt of the gun hit his vitals all at once and killed him."

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