It's just that it might evolve to the Shura field at any time, Mori Kogoro stopped it in time, he turned around and hugged the two beautiful police ladies, said goodbye to the righteous police officer friends present, and then returned to his desk.

The guests in the restaurant looked at Kogoro Mori, who was hugging left and right, and immediately booed.

The faces of the two girls turned red all of a sudden, while Mori Kogoro had a smug smile on his face.

The three members of the Detective Boys at the dining table looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

Ayumi couldn't help but pursed her lips: "In this case, Uncle Mori guessed it. Officer Sato's request belongs to Uncle Mori. I can't even live in the castle in Tropical Paradise!"

Yuan Tai couldn't help crying: "My eel rice is gone!"

"And my ticket to the space station!" Mitsuhiko said weakly.

Yumi Miyamoto raised her eyebrows: "Combined with the bet of the failure of the racing car just now, Mori-kun can let Miwako do any two things, wow, Miwako is so beautiful, it's exciting to think about."

Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but smirked and said: "Mori-kun, if you lend me one of Miwako's requests, I will definitely make Miwako 'want to die'!"

Mei Hezi's face was filled with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but glared at her best friend: "No, I can't lend it to others!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, turned his head to look at Ayumi and said, "Have you finished your meal? If you are full, we should catch the arsonist Ayumi saw, and save Officer Takagi by the way."

Miwako Sato couldn't help but wondered: "Xiao Goro, isn't the arsonist police officer Shiratori and they went to catch it? I don't know if they caught it or not!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "I don't know about this either, I just found the last arsonist's place, which happened to be very close to the place where Police Officer Takagi was trapped, maybe I could be lucky enough to find the arsonist there. "

Conan couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Uncle Maori, how did you know the last arson location of the arsonist?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "This is very simple."

He took out the map of Tokyo from his pocket and unfolded it, pointed to the red dot marked on it, and explained: "Look, the first arson case was at Ikebukuro Station, the second case was at Asakusa Bridge, and the third case was It was in Tianze, and the fourth one was in Yotsuya, connecting these places together is a word that is still short of the last letter of fire."

"Combining the word 'festival' that Ayumi said before, it is the same as the first festival in the world. This arsonist wanted to burn a fire in Tokyo, and the last glimpse was near the warehouse street in Shinagawa."

"I therefore presume that the last arson site was here."

Mori Kogoro pointed his index finger at a building on the map, which happened to be not far from here, and it took about four or five minutes to walk there.

When the children heard this, fighting spirit appeared on their faces.

Mrs. Yuan shouted: "Let's go, the young detective team is on the move, we are going to catch the bad guys."

Ayumi raised her little hand, and said in a cute loli voice: "I'm going to rescue Officer Takagi."

The children got up all of a sudden and ran to the door. Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto quickly got up and followed them out: "No, it's too dangerous, you children can't go."

And Mori Kogoro came to the boss to pay the bill.

Boss Ozawa, who was wearing a chef's uniform, said: "Detective Maori, don't do this, just let me treat you for today's meal. I am already satisfied to hear such a wonderful reasoning from you, how can I accept your money. "

"Besides, Detective Maori, you solved the 'Shou Si Lang incident', and you finally didn't let the righteous police officer die in vain. I will not take your money no matter what!"

Seeing Boss Ozawa's resolute appearance, Mori Kogoro didn't insist any longer, and smiled at him: "Then I would like to thank Boss Ozawa for his hospitality today."

He walked out under the reverent eyes of everyone in the hotel, while the three children outside were still arguing.

Little fat man Yuantai said with his arms crossed: "Hmph, that's the same argument again. In the end, we were not allowed to go when we found it. You want to claim the credit yourself. You adults are just so selfish."

The half-dead Mitsuhiko also said, "That's right, we are the Boys' Detective Team, who have solved many cases, so why can't we go."

Conan couldn't help covering his face and sighing when he heard this.

Ayumi, on the other hand, had a worried expression: "I want to see Officer Takagi!"

Miwako Sato looked distressed, Kogoro Mori came out and said, "It's okay, just let them go together, I will take care of them, otherwise it will be troublesome when they follow up secretly."

Hearing these young people, they quickly looked at Miwako Sato.

Miwako Sato hesitated for a while, but agreed: "Alright then!"

"Long live!" San Xiao suddenly cheered.

The little loli Ayumi ran to Kogoro Mori's side and hugged Kogoro Mori's thigh: "I knew Uncle Mori was the best!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, patted Ayumi's head, and led the crowd away.

A few minutes later, Maori and his party came to the deserted Warehouse Street.

Mori Kogoro soon saw an abandoned warehouse with the doors open, and led the crowd through.

Soon, everyone saw the blood-stained police officer Takagi, who was tied to a post with a rope, looking miserable.

Everyone hurriedly surrounded him with concern.

As soon as Kogoro Moori exerted force with his big hand, he tore the rope directly.

He patted Gao Mushe's face, and immediately found out that Gao Mushe was only slightly injured, so he gave up the idea of ​​using healing techniques.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro smelled the smell of gasoline coming from the window, so he turned and ran out, and Miwako Sato and Conan also hurriedly followed after seeing this.


Soon, Takagi She woke up amidst the shouts of the children.

He opened his eyes, saw the members of the Boy Detective Team surrounding him, and Yumi Miyamoto beside him, he couldn't help being a little confused.

But Takagi quickly remembered that he hadn't told Officer Sato the answer to the puzzle, so he searched for his phone, but couldn't find it.

He turned his head to look at Yumi Miyamoto, and said, "Officer Miyamoto, can you lend me your mobile phone, I want to call Officer Sato, I already know who the murderer of her father was! "

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