Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry: Officer Takagi, you are so big, can you stop panting when you speak!Scary!I thought you found Miwako under the table!

Miwako under the table also heaved a sigh of relief.

Mori Kogoro arched his hands on the table, put his chin on the table and smiled, "How could it be too much? Miwako is so beautiful, and her tongue is so powerful. Everyone has a love for beauty!"

When Takagi heard this, his expression seemed to be struck by lightning, and he pointed at Mori Kogoro's trembling index finger: "You, you still want a tongue kiss!"

"It's too much, Mori Kogoro, you scumbag."

"Let me tell you, it is absolutely impossible for Officer Sato to like you. I will never allow you to get close to Officer Sato in the future. I will protect her firmly. You just have to give up your heart!"

Miwako Sato under the table was extremely annoyed when she heard Takagi Tsutomu insult Mori Kogoro so much.

Her feelings towards Officer Takagi became extremely bad in an instant, and if it wasn't for the wrong timing, she would have stood up and scolded Takagi She.

Mori Kogoro's expression became extremely serious in an instant, and he shouted: "Takagi Tsutomu, listen to me, who Miwako likes is her freedom, and you, Takagi Tsutomu, can't control it!"

"I'll tell you plainly right now, Meihezi is resolute and resolute, she hates evil like a vengeful, she is innocent and charming, she is a little cute and childish, and she is so good-looking."

"I like her very much, and she will be with me in the future. You are the one who needs to quit. Now, get out of Miwako's office for me."

Hearing Kogoro Mori's arrogant words, Takagi She couldn't help being impatient, turned around and walked out of the office with a cold snort.

But Miwako under the table was very satisfied.

Chapter 0137

Miwako Sato also worked harder. She has a very high level of comprehension in this area, and she quickly grasped the key points.

Mori Kogoro, who sat on the office chair with his thighs spread apart, looked at the angry Takagi Tsutomu who was going away, feeling more and more comfortable.

He was about to bow his head when a man walked in from outside the door, it was the big fat police officer Mumu.

Police officer Meguro closed the door behind him when he came in, and when he saw Moori Kogoro, he immediately smiled in surprise, "Brother Mouri, why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro was taken aback, straightened up in an instant, and said, "I came to the Metropolitan Police Department today, and I want to know about a few cases."

Officer Mu Mu pulled away the stool opposite, sat down and said, "Speaking of which, Brother Maoli, I have to thank you very much!"

"If it wasn't for your help today, the arsonist wouldn't be caught so easily, and the murderer who killed the justice police officer wouldn't be arrested so easily."

Mori Kogoro smiled: "This is what I should do. If it breaks down, I have to take care of it. Besides, Officer Sato is also my good friend!"

Officer Megure laughed heartily. He looked around the office and asked, "Speaking of which, where did Officer Sato go? Hey, Brother Mori, why are you blushing so red? Are you okay?"

Police officer Megure looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise, in his impression Kogoro Mori had always been calm.

Mori Kogoro grabbed the skirt of his shirt, ventilated, and said, "It's okay, maybe it's too hot here."

"Officer Sato should be going to press for the material of the 'Koushiro Incident'. But Officer Megure, why are you looking for Officer Sato?"

Police officer Mu Mu pondered for a moment, and said: "It's okay to tell you. There have been several vile incidents of serial attacks on women in the past few days. Those women who were dressed exaggeratedly were attacked from behind."

"So I'm going to ask Officer Sato to disguise himself tomorrow, and try to see if I can catch the murderer."

"It seems that Tokyo is not peaceful. There are a lot of cases these days!" Mori Kogoro expressed emotion.

Police Officer Mu Mu also sighed: "That's right! Cases are one after another. The crime rate in Tokyo has increased significantly in the past year. Fortunately, you have the help of Brother Mouri, otherwise we will be even more desperate."

"Anyway, life is going to pass, brother Maori, do you remember coming to my house for dinner tomorrow night?"

Mori Kogoro smiled when he heard the words: "Of course, how could I forget Officer Megure's invitation."

"By the way, Police Officer Megure, I came this time to learn about the case related to the Domoto Conservatory of Music. Next week, a soprano singer Reiko Akiba invited me to attend the concert rehearsal."

"However, I feel that this Conservatory of Music seems to be a bit strange, so I want to know about the recent case of Domoto Conservatory of Music."

Police Officer Mu Mu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Qiu Ting Lian Zi, that famous beautiful singer, it seems that brother Mao Li is very lucky!"

"Ouch!" Mori Kogoro's face twitched, and he suddenly showed pain.

Police officer Mumu immediately expressed concern: "What's the matter, brother Maoli?"

"It's okay, my foot suddenly cramped, it's okay."

"Brother Maori, you still need to pay attention to rest. Speaking of this Tang Ben Conservatory, there are indeed some cases related to it these days. I asked Police Officer Chiba to make a summary. He should know."

Officer Megure opened the door and called Officer Chiba to come in.

Soon Police Officer Chiba walked into Miwako Sato's office with relevant materials.

Police officer Mumu turned his head to look at Kogoro Mouri, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Mouri, why are you sweating so much? Are you really okay?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "It's okay, the case is more urgent, Police Officer Chiba, please tell me about the case related to the Domoto Music Academy!"

Officer Chiba pushed the materials of the case to Mori Kogoro, then opened the police handbook and began to introduce it.

"In these two weeks, there were three cases related to Domoto Conservatory, which we named as the 'Flute Serial Murder Case', because part of the flute appeared at the scene of the crime in these three cases."

"First of all, there was an explosion in the piano performance rehearsal room of Domoto Conservatory of Music last Thursday. In the incident, a bomb exploded under the floor of Shuikou and Liancheng, killing them on the spot. Miss, is the violinist who was scheduled to play at the concert."

"Miss Hebian Zenzi was blown into a coma, and the body of the white flute appeared in this explosion."

"The second case happened last Sunday in a bar on Kubado Street. The owner of the bar, Osamu Shida, ignited a match and caused an explosion. Because the gas equipment in the bar was damaged and filled with propane gas, the owner died on the spot. The flute of the white flute appeared in the explosion."

"And the third case happened the day before yesterday. Sonone Hisao, who was doing extreme sports and flying with a paraglider, fell into the sea in mid-air and finally drowned. We found that someone had cut the wing of the paraglider. and found the last verse of the flute, the headpipe, in Hisao Sone's car."

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