When Miwako heard this, a bright smile appeared on her face immediately, and the whole office became very bright, and she gave Moori Kogoro a wink: "It's the ordinary Obasan!"

Kogoro Mori edited and sent a text message to Xiaolan, saying that he would not go back for dinner tonight, so he walked out of the office with Miwako Sato...

The two walked out of the office and walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department along the corridor, which attracted many people's attention.

One is the flower of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the other is a famous detective.

The two look the same, standing together almost like a pair of people.

It's just that the couple were stopped by a piece of black charcoal.

As if smelling the special atmosphere, the police officers couldn't help but look sideways at the three of them.

Police officer Takagi came to Miwako Sato with the transcript of the arson case in his hand. He completely ignored Kogoro Mouri, and only Miwako Sato was in his eyes.

"Officer Sato, this is the transcript of the prisoner in today's arson case, don't you want to read it?"

At this moment, Sato Miwako's complexion was by no means pretty, and she didn't have the slightest affection for Takagi Tsutomu.

She said in a cold tone, "Put this transcript on my desk, and I'll read it tomorrow."

Gao Mushe couldn't help being stunned, he didn't know what he did wrong, his goddess had such an attitude towards him.

The two ignored Gao Mushe and walked towards the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Looking at the figures of the two, Gao Mu couldn't help but said: "Officer Sato, are you going out with Detective Mori?"

Hearing this, Miwako Sato stopped and turned around.

Her face was covered with frost, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and she had an expression that was not to be trifled with at all.

"Officer Takagi, what I want to tell you is that it's off-duty time, and who I'm with has nothing to do with you."

"Besides, Kogoro is my friend, I hope you can show him some respect."

"Another point is that besides business, I hope you don't bother me when you have nothing to do."

Because there were too many police officers onlookers, Miwako Sato didn't say too much.

But even so, Gao Mushe still looked deeply shocked, he was as if petrified.

But Miwako Sato ignored Takagi Tsutomu who was behind her, and she and Mori Kogoro walked out of the police station together and got into their own cars.

The black Lexus followed the red Mazda towards Miwako Sato's house.

Chapter 0139 Double-Kill

Xiaolan who was eating at home frowned when she received the text message.

Hui Yuan at the side immediately saw the information from Xiao Lan's face, and frowned, "Isn't Uncle Mao Li coming back for dinner today?"

The atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly dropped.

Conan, who was grilling rice, was delighted when he heard this. It would be much easier not to see Uncle Maori.

But Xiaolan turned her head and smiled gently at Conan: "Conan, Dad said in the message that you can start studying advanced mathematics, and he wants to see the spot check when he comes back."

"I really didn't expect Conan to be so talented in mathematics that he could learn mathematics knowledge in college. It's really amazing."

When Conan heard this, he immediately looked hopeless. He thought he could have a relaxing Saturday, but he didn't expect it to be impossible.

Huiyuan beside him couldn't help but chuckled.

Of course I have talent, I was originally a high school student's mind, so of course I can learn these things quickly.

Haibara despised Conan more and more every time he saw Conan being tossed about by these questions.

As a genius who has self-taught all the courses in the university and has profound attainments in biological sciences, Haibara looks at Conan with the same gaze as a top student looks at a scumbag.


Lexus and Mazda are parked under an apartment building above Miwako Sato's home.

Standing in front of the Lexus, Mori Kogoro was still a little nervous.

Miwako Sato couldn't help laughing secretly when she saw this, she stepped forward and put her arms around Kogoro Mori's arms.

Mori Kogoro said: "Miwako, it's too impolite to visit empty-handed like this. If Auntie likes something, let's go buy some first, how about it?"

Miwako Sato smiled lightly and said, "Xiao Goro, my mother doesn't value these things, so let's go up quickly."

Having said that, Miwako dragged Mori Kogoro to the stairs of this apartment, and soon, the two came to the door of the apartment on the sixth floor.

Sato Miwako took out the key, opened the door, and the two walked in.

Kogoro Mori, who had changed his shoes, was standing in the living room. Miwako's house was quite big, but the decoration was quite old. The home appliances seemed to be more than ten years old, and the TV was a desktop.

This is also normal. Masayoshi Sato was a police officer back then, and he was considered a high-level officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, so he could naturally buy this big house.

However, after Masayoshi Sato died in the line of duty, the Sato family had no source of income, and relying on Masayoshi Sato's allowance and the work of Miwako's mother, life was naturally difficult.

Miwako went home and went straight to her room, not knowing what she was doing.

Mori Kogoro stood in the living room for a long time, but he didn't see Miwako Sato's mother, maybe he went out and hasn't come back yet.

There were no chairs in the living room, so he sat on the tatami mat in the living room and waited. Not long after, the door of Mihe Zi's room opened.

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