"The victim in the second case is Ms. Hitomi Endo. Ten days ago, she came out of the toilet in the park and was attacked from behind."

"The victim in the third case was Ms. Ishiguro Luzi, who was attacked when she walked out of the phone booth the night before yesterday."

"Fortunately, none of the three were killed, but all suffered head injuries, but none of them saw the attacker's face."

Mori Kogoro carefully looked at the photos of the three young ladies who were attacked. They were all very boldly dressed, with exaggerated makeup, and they all looked like black people.

It is specially tanned to this extent!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro felt a head on his shoulder suddenly.

Sonoko pretended to be looking at the photo, leaning his head on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and Conan the Kid came over to look at the photo.

Sonoko's outfit today looks very beautiful, full of the youthful vigor of a girl.

She was wearing a blue blouse, a short black skirt, a yellow coat, and thick-soled white boots that reached her knees.

The white trousers between the black skirt and over-the-knee boots look quite attractive.

I have to say that the women's university has changed eighteen times, and the garden has become more and more beautiful.

Yuanzi looked at the photo and said, "Hey, isn't this look the look of a 109 hot girl?"

Miwako Sato saw Sonoko getting so close to Mori Kogoro, her eyes suddenly became unfriendly: "109 hot girls?"

"109 hot girls, specially perm-dyed a head of tea-colored hair, a black face with exaggerated white eye shadow and silver lipstick, as well as super high platform shoes and super short mini skirts."

"This is a dress that has only recently become popular. These women are all painted black!"

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to these, and he didn't know very well: "Then what does 109 mean?"

Sonoko's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Wow, so there are things you don't know about, Uncle Mori. 109 is the name of a store in Shibuya, and it was there that this kind of dress became popular."

"I don't know about women's makeup, isn't it normal? What about Xiaolan, didn't she come back with you?"

Yuanzi immediately said: "Xiao Lan, she said she went to the bathroom, and asked me to bring this little devil to you."

At this moment, Kogoro Mori's cell phone rang, and Kogoro Mouri picked it up when he saw that it was Xiaolan's call.

Immediately, Xiaolan's exclamation came from the phone: "Dad, come to the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, there is a girl covered in blood lying on the ground!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Police Officer Megure, Police Officer Chiba and others suddenly became serious, and everyone rushed out of the coffee shop immediately, and Officer Chiba, who was left behind, helped to check out...


Soon, everyone came to the underground parking lot.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, the panic-stricken Xiaolan immediately threw himself into Mori Kogoro's arms, and many people were already watching.

Mori Kogoro hugged his daughter tightly, and gently stroked Xiaolan's back with his big hands to comfort her.

He looked at the attacked lady, her head was covered with blood, her eyes were wide open, and her pupils were dilated. It seemed that she would not survive.

Officer Mu Mu rushed up, checked his pulse, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Seeing that the situation became serious and there was a murder, Officer Mu Mu immediately took out his mobile phone and asked for support.

Seeing Xiaolan in Kogoro Mouri's arms, Sonoko rolled her big amber eyes, and immediately followed suit.

She hugged Mori Kogoro's back tightly from the beginning, and a pair of small crispy breasts were tightly pressed against Mori Kogoro.

Yuanzi pretended to be terrified, and said, "Uncle Mao Li, it's too scary, he's dead!"

Conan couldn't help his face twitching when he saw this, while the veins on the forehead of Police Officer Sato kept jumping up.

Even Xiaolan in Kogoro Mouri's arms couldn't stand it anymore, she pulled Yuanzi's little ears and walked aside.

Yuanzi couldn't help but said, "Xiaolan, what are you doing? I'm really scared!"

"I know! I'll go and 'comfort' you!" Xiaolan smiled gently, but Yuanzi felt a chill stabbing her back.


Mori Kogoro shook his head involuntarily, and stepped forward to examine the corpse.

Soon, police officers and personnel from the forensic department arrived at the scene, and the parking lot was cordoned off.

Because of the vicious murder incident in the cup door mall, the broadcast soon sounded in the mall.

"Dear customers, there was an accident in this shopping mall today, and we are temporarily closed. Please leave the shopping mall within [-] minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."

"Dear customers..."

As soon as the broadcast sounded, the customers in the mall were confused, but they all left in an orderly manner.

Chapter 0144

The outside of the cordon of the underground parking lot was already surrounded by guests.

Because this case happened in Cuphu Shopping Mall, a high-end shopping mall with a high traffic flow, it caused a great impact, and the reporters outside formed a circle.

Police officer Chiba had already investigated the identity of the deceased, so he spoke from the side.

"The name of the deceased this time was Aizawa Duohui. She was 20 years old. She was an employee in this shopping mall, but she was fired a year ago and has not yet found a job. Her fatal injury was a blunt object attack on her head. wounds."

Police officer Mu Mu slammed his fist on the car with an angry look on his face: "Damn it, I didn't expect the fourth case to turn into a murder. This prisoner is getting more and more rampant."

He turned to Kogoro Mouri: "Brother Maori, have you found anything?"

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