But at the moment, Police Officer Megure, who was also completely drunk, was hugging Conan, rubbing Conan's dog's head violently with his hands, and there was a strange smile on his face that Kogoro Mori couldn't see through at all.

Conan has been calling Yayong, Yayongdie, but unfortunately no one pays attention to him.

Why does this picture have a particularly peculiar sense of sight!

Mori Kogoro quickly shook off the dirty picture in his mind, touched Xiaolan's soft thigh to adjust his mind.

It seems that I can't count on Police Officer Megure, but since it's a matter on the wine table, of course it must be done with the contents of the glass.

Looking at Xiaolan's well-filled wine glass, Mori Kogoro raised his glass and said to Mu Mulu: "Mrs. Mu Mu, I didn't expect you to drink so well. Come, let me toast you."

There was a hint of displeasure in Mu Mulu's eyes, as if he was upset to be interrupted.

But when she saw that it was Kogoro Mori, a strange look flashed in her eyes, she let go of Miwako's shoulders, and raised her glass as well.

The two clinked glasses and drank it down at the same time, their expressions remained unchanged.

Mu Mulu also seemed to be aroused to fight, and took the wine bottle to help Mori Kogoro fill it up, and the two began to drink together.

This is exactly what Mori Kogoro wanted. With his forty-nine points of physique, Mori Kogoro never underestimated anyone in the matter of drinking, let alone a mere twilight green.

Seeing Kogoro Mori and Midori Megumi seemed to be moving for real, Miwako, who was between the two, couldn't help but get excited, and she yelled for cheers.

It's just that this guy's butt was completely on the wrong side, and she actually shouted: "Come on, little green! Come on, little green! Let Xiao Wulang know how powerful we women are!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help vomiting blood, and looked at Miwako with unkind eyes: Just wait!Miwako, next time I don't make you beg for mercy, my surname will not be Mori.

It's better to be my own daughter, listening to Xiaolan shouting from the side.

"Dad, drink slowly, don't choke!"

This voice is like a clear spring in my heart.

And Mu Mulu became more excited when she heard Miheko's cheering sound, and she became more heroic when she drank the wine, looking like a rainbow.

Chapter 0151 The Hero of the Women's Middle School

A bottle of foreign wine was quickly finished in the confrontation between the two.

Mori Kogoro had a calm expression on his face.

And Mu Mulu was in the middle of his drunkenness, and he didn't seem to be drunk at all.

She got up quickly, walked to the cabinet, and stretched out her hand to pull the cabinet away.

The entire wall cabinet is full of various types of fine wine, most of the wine bottles are opened, and the amount of unopened fine wine is also extremely considerable.

Obviously, this is really drinking, not bought to pretend.

Xiaolan opened her mouth wide, with a look of surprise on her face, Mouri Kogoro also raised his eyebrows, and was quite surprised in his heart.

Police officer Mumu spends a lot of time outside handling cases, and this wine cabinet is obviously owned by Mumulu.

I saw that Meguro took two foreign wines that were the same as before in the wine cabinet, and then took two large goblets, and then sat down on the tatami mat again.

She said domineeringly, "Detective Maori, I've never met anyone who can drink better than me. I hope you won't let me down later."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "Coincidentally, I have never met anyone who can make me drunk, but I hope Mrs. Meguro will give you some strength later."

The eyes of the two intersected, and sparks shot out.

Mu Mulu smiled coquettishly, opened the wine bottle, poured fine wine, and soon the two goblets were filled with red foreign wine.

One person picked up a glass, and then there was a crisp clinking sound.

The two soon began the second round of fighting.

This time it was a fight between gods and gods. The cup kept being emptied and filled again, and the cycle went on and on.

Miwako Sato and Xiaolan stared blankly, staring at the two with open mouths.

The two drank like drinking water, without frowning.

Hey enough! ! !

Soon, the two newly brought [-]ml foreign wines were drank by the two of them, one bottle for each person, completely empty.

Mori Kogoro was still calm and relaxed, and there was a look of appreciation in his green eyes.

This level of drinking capacity is completely considered a heroine among women.

Mu Mulu's face was redder even more, her eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, but her eyes became colder and her mind was very clear, obviously she could continue.

She put a few empty wine bottles back on the cabinet, then brought two more bottles of white wine, opened them on the table, and was about to have the third round with Mori Kogoro.

But at this moment, her mobile phone rang, and Kogoro Mouri could see the side face of a strange woman on the screen of her fruity mobile phone.

The woman in the screen photo has straight black hair, and just a side face has an extremely fierce aura and is extremely beautiful.

Mori Kogoro immediately remembered that face.

But he quickly realized that it was no wonder that Mumulu had unreasonable intentions towards Meihezi.

Because Miwako has done too much police work, she also has an extremely fierce aura on her body. It must be this aggressive aura that attracted Mu Mulu.

Mu Mulu said to Mori Kogoro: "I'll excuse you first, answer the phone, we'll have a drink later, we must compete with you today."

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