Mori Kogoro hugged Qingzi again, kissed her blushing little face, looked at his pretty face and said seriously: "Sorry, Qingzi, uncle has a lot of cases these days, and I went to take a light trip in between. Izawa, I don't have time to look for you."

Hearing this, Qingzi also forgave Kogoro Moori after hearing this and the news he saw yesterday, but he snorted arrogantly.

At this moment, the door of Xiaolan's room opened, and Mori Kogoro immediately let go of Qingzi's body, and distanced himself from Qingzi.

Both Yuanzi and Xiaolan came out, and they had already changed their clothes.

Xiaolan was dressed in a black robe, like a witch.

On the other hand, Sonoko disguised herself as a man and wore knight clothes.

Xiaolan saw Qingzi who looked rather weird in the living room, she couldn't help but cast a suspicious look at the two, and said, "Dad, why are you here too?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and said, "Since it's Xiaolan's performance, of course I have to care about it."

Yuanzi on the side said, "Great, since uncle is here, let uncle play the role of knight for Xiaolan. Xiaolan's acting skills are really bad, and she just kept laughing."

Xiaolan immediately complained: "What! It's obviously Yuanzi, you are too exciting to play the knight, and you always make those funny expressions."

Mori Kogoro asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Didn't it mean that the princess transformed into a queen heroine drama? Why did knights appear again?"

Hearing this, Yuanzi laughed immediately: "Of course we need to add a knight, and the drama needs to be a little more romantic, otherwise, how can I show my Miss Yuanzi's director ability."

"If you fall into a witch, you must have a knight to save it. In the end, the knight was besieged and killed by the enemy in order to rescue the witch princess. Only then did the witch begin to awaken and embark on the road of resistance, and finally transformed into a queen."

"Uncle Maori, look, there are so many tears, it must be very touching, and in the end, I used montage techniques to make the queen and the princess in my memory appear on the stage at the same time. The two look exactly the same, which must be completely shocking People's hearts."

Mori Kogoro twitched his cheeks after hearing this, and asked involuntarily, "Then who will play the knight?"

Yuanzi immediately said, "Of course Miss Yuanzi will do it herself!"

Xiao Lan said from the side: "Originally we planned to invite the new doctor to help, but the new doctor refused."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly.

The new doctor, the guy who was disguised by Belmode in the original book, unexpectedly appeared in Didan High School.

I just don't know whether the current new doctor is the original new doctor or Belmode. It seems that it is really necessary to go to Xiaolan's school to investigate.

If this Belmode still has bad intentions, then Mori Kogoro will definitely not be polite this time.

Xiaolan held her chin and said, "There is one more thing I almost forgot, Dad, Senior Sister Tsukamoto seems to have mentioned it, she seems to have a request for you to help, and I should tell you later!"

This is the first time Kogoro Mori heard about this, and it seems that he has to wait for Sumi to contact him.

Sonoko felt uncomfortable when she heard Sumi Tsukamoto's name, and immediately said: "Stop talking about it, the rehearsal is important, and the performance will be on the weekend, so why are you in no hurry."

Sonoko immediately downloaded the script, then dragged Mori Kogoro into the room, and asked him to change into the knight uniform.

Chapter 0156

"The person who has helped me one after another recently is you. Who the hell are you? The nameless knight wrapped in black. If you are willing to fulfill my humble wish, then please take off the mask that is as dark as the night." , face me with your true colors!"

"If this is really your wish, I would like to let this face with ugly scars be displayed in front of you under the bright moonlight, and I hope it won't scare you!"

Mori Kogoro read the lines in a magnetic voice, and then took off the mask, revealing a handsome face with an OK bandage disguised as a scar.

He looked at Xiaolan softly with his eyes.

Even though she was acting, Xiaolan couldn't help but blush a little on her face.

Sonoko and Aoko on the sofa looked closely at Kogoro Mori, their faces were full of nympho, and Kogoro Mori was so handsome when he dressed up as a knight and took off his mask.

There was a look of excitement on Yuanzi's face, and he shouted softly: "Kiss down, kiss down."

Qingzi hurriedly pushed Yuanzi, and said, "Yuanzi, why are you adding drama, this is not in the script!"

Yuanzi immediately pulled Qingzi over and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice down, you see that both of them are getting into the drama, and they should kiss at this time."

"It's art. It's a super romantic drama directed by Miss Yuanzi herself. Besides, they are father and daughter, so it doesn't matter if they kiss each other."


Qingzi pursed her lips, she didn't want Uncle Mao Li to kiss her on the mouth just now, and then ran to kiss someone else, even if it was Uncle Mao Li's daughter, she didn't want to.

Qingzi immediately turned his head and looked at the two actors with concern.

Mori Kogoro was kind, and quickly grabbed Xiaolan's shoulders dressed as a priestess, hugged her into his arms, and pointed at the cherry mouth, about to kiss him.

But Xiaolan seemed to notice the gazes of Yuanzi and Qingzi next to her, a look of shame flashed across her face, and she couldn't help laughing.

"What! Xiaolan, you really don't know how to act, such a good atmosphere, you can't continue to act."

Sonoko complained immediately.

But Qingzi breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon a ghostly smile appeared on Yuanzi's face: "It seems that I still want to let the director of Yuanzi play the role, and show you Xiaolan, Uncle Mao Li, let me play the witch, Xiaolan, look carefully Already!"

"No!" ×2

Xiaolan and Qingzi immediately sensed Yuanzi's sinister intentions and refused in unison.

Yuanzi pouted involuntarily, and said, "Stingy, no, what are you doing, Qingzi? Could it be..."

Yuanzi frowned, looking at Qingzi maliciously.

Xiaolan also frowned.

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