"What's even more strange is that these supernatural events always only happen in the morning."

"I heard people say that two years ago, a student came to the school early in the morning, but died unexpectedly. Everyone suspected that it was the ghost of that student."

"So Dad, can you please take the time to come to the school to investigate before this weekend and see if there are really ghosts."

Xiaolan clasped her hands together and begged Mori Kogoro.

High school ghost story? ? ?

Looking at Xiao Lan who is superstitious and afraid of ghosts, Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but flicked her nose with a smile.

But it happened that I could go to Didan High School to find that Zhu Di and ask what happened to the new doctor. It is best to test the true identity of the new doctor.

"how about tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face was immediately filled with joy, her hands tightly hugged Kogoro Mouri's arms, and Kogoro Moori's arms were wrapped around her soft chest.

"Dad, you agreed, that's great, but tomorrow won't work on Tuesday or Wednesday. We have appointments after school. Dad, you can go on Thursday!"

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "No problem, since it is Xiaolan's request, of course Dad has to agree, but Xiaolan, there are no ghosts in this world, so don't scare yourself."

Xiaolan pursed her lips and said, "I've been telling myself that there are no ghosts in this world, but when I think about it, I still feel terrible."

Kogoro Maoli gently stroked Xiaolan's hair, and said with a smile: "Next time, if there is anything you want Dad to do, just tell me, don't make it so complicated, as long as Xiaolan says it, Dad will agree."

Xiaolan's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said immediately, "Dad, we haven't bathed together for a while, let's wash together tonight, and I'll rub your back for you."


Kogoro Mori couldn't help but coughed twice, what else could he do? After all the words had been said, he couldn't slap himself in the face, so Kogoro Mori could only "reluctantly" agree.

What to do if you are afraid of being discovered by Huiyuan, then you can only use the psychedelic talisman!Why don't you take Hui Yuan to do some experiments first, and let her fall asleep before taking a bath.

Kogoro Mori, who agreed, began to plan for tonight.

This night is bound to be long!


Time passed, and soon it was Wednesday, and Kogoro Mori drove to the entrance of Domoto Conservatory of Music.

There was a slender figure waiting at the gate of the Conservatory of Music, it was Qiu Ting Lianzi, she was still carrying a bag.

Qiu Ting Lianzi was wearing black trousers, which outlined her legs full of lines. She wore a white top on her upper body, revealing a plump bust. Her jet-black waist-length curly hair was tied up with a yellow headband.

Even in casual clothes, her demeanor was extremely noble and elegant, and the students who came in and out couldn't help but look sideways at her.

Qiuting Lianzi looked anxiously at the time on her phone.

At this time, after seeing a black Lexus stop, Mori Kogoro got out of the driver's seat, and she immediately greeted her with a smile on her pretty face.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car and said, "Miss Qiuting, you have been waiting for a long time!"

Qiuting Lianzi looked at Mori Kogoro with her crimson eyes, and said with a smile: "It's not a gentleman's act to make a girl wait for you for so long..."

"That's my rudeness!" Mori Kogoro chuckled.

"Just kidding, Maori Detective is a gentleman in my eyes. This is the last time Maori Detective you borrowed my suit. I have washed it for you, and now it is returned to the original owner."

Mori Kogoro took the bag over, put it in the car, and then entered the Domoto Conservatory of Music with Akiba Reiko.

The onlookers saw the goddess walking with a handsome man, and they couldn't help but go crazy with jealousy.

Someone also recognized Kogoro Mori, a famous detective in Tokyo, and excitedly took out his mobile phone to take a sneak shot.

A famous detective, a famous singer, both of them are well-known figures, so attention is naturally indispensable.

But after entering this Conservatory of Music, these situations became much less.

Mori Kogoro felt his eyes light up as soon as he walked in.

This Conservatory of Music was established by the internationally renowned musician Domoto Yiqi. The architectural style of the entire academy is European-style, which looks very elegant.

There is a music atmosphere everywhere in the college, and from time to time on the green grass, an orchestra composed of several people can be seen playing various instruments and singing various songs.

Although Kogoro Mori, who has a master singing ability, heard their singing is mediocre, but being in this kind of place really makes people feel happy.

Mori Kogoro was walking with Akiba Lianzi in the music academy, he said, "Actually, I'm curious, Miss Lianzi doesn't need to come to the muddy water of Domoto Academy."

"Including the Riverside Sonata, who was unconscious by the bomb last time, and two other cases, a total of four students from the Tangben Conservatory of Music died. Miss Lianzi is so smart, she should know that it is extremely dangerous, so why bother to agree? Come and sing!"

Qiuting Lianzi smiled: "Maybe it is because many international masters will come to appreciate the inauguration ceremony of the concert hall. It is a rare opportunity, so I agreed to come down!"

However, Kogoro Mori knew that Reiko Akiba was not telling the truth. With her reputation, she was considered a well-known soprano singer in the world. Participating in such a concert would not benefit her reputation.

The two soon walked into the practice room.

Chapter 0159

The practice room was empty, but there were a lot of sundries, and there were two pianos facing each other in the middle.

Sitting on the piano chair, Qiuting Lianzi said, "Because there was an explosion in the practice room of Building A two weeks ago, all the things over there were moved here. It's a bit messy here. Detective Maori just sit down."

Lianzi Qiuting began to play, and when the piano sounded, Kogoro Mori was a little surprised. This is the exaggerated piece that he has never really sung, and he really composed it.

The whole piece was exceptionally powerful and smooth, and Mori Kogoro, who was sitting by the side, gradually became engrossed in listening to it.

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