"Detective Maori, teach me how to play the song "Flight of the Bumble Bee!"

Seeing such a bold Akiba Reiko, those crimson eyes are particularly attractive, Mori Kogoro nodded with a light smile.

The lively tunes in the practice room were spread out.

Chapter 0160

Music is magical. Even if the two in the practice room do not speak, they can communicate through music alone.

Four hands were flying on the black and white keys, and the two played with four hands.

No matter what music Akiba plays, Mori Kogoro can keep up.

The melodious piano sound pours out, sometimes sad, sometimes joyful, sometimes quiet, sometimes uplifting...

In the sound of the music, the emotions of the two seem to blend together, smiling and curling their lips at the same time, and the two even frown at the same time because of a misaligned black key on the piano.

An unspeakable tacit understanding circulated between them.

Mori Kogoro turned his face to the side, and saw Reiko Akiba beside him looking at him, and a smile appeared on his face at the same time.

"Flight of the Wild Bee" was played again by Mori Kogoro with both hands, but this time the wild bee seemed to be much tamer, not as violent and fast as the previous playing.

The speed of the piece slowed down, and Qiuting Lianzi also played "Flight of the Bumble Bee".

It seems that two bees can be seen in the sky above the practice room, chasing each other and circling constantly.

But soon, there was only the sound of a wild bee.

"Detective Maori, if you hold my hand like this, then I won't be able to learn."

Akiba Riko looked at Mori Kogoro with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Maybe we have more important things to do!"

Akiba Reiko's small hands are soft and slender, making Kogoro Mori reluctant to let go.

Looking at the pretty face so close to him, the red lips seemed extraordinarily alluring, and those crimson eyes looked at him without any retreat.

Mori Kogoro's head was gradually moving forward, while his left hand was still playing the music, the rhythm was getting faster and faster, the speed of the wild bee's flying seemed to be getting faster and faster, and the heartbeat of Qiuting Lianzi was also getting faster and faster.

With a kiss on the red lips, Mori Kogoro immediately launched an offensive.

At some point, the sound of the piano changed to "Castle in the Sky", a piece of music that has never appeared in this world.

Listening to this fantastic and pure and flawless music, Qiuting Lianzi seems to have fallen into the quiet and elegant beautiful sky.

Such beautiful music and romantic atmosphere can only be reciprocated with a deep kiss.

Qiuting Lianzi also responded enthusiastically.

After the song "Castle in the Sky" was played, the two let go of each other's mouths, and a ray of crystal seemed to hang in the air.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's eyes were full of water mist, her delicate melon seeds had a blush on her face, her body was trembling uncontrollably, she frowned slightly, and said, "Detective Maori, why haven't I heard this song before?"

With Qiuting Lianzi's musical quality, she has heard most of the classic music in the world. If such pure and beautiful music really appeared, then she must have heard it, but in fact, she has no impression of it at all.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Do you like it? Give it to you."

Anyway, there is no Hisaishi Joe in this world, and Mori Kogoro directly takes it for himself.

Qiu Ting Lianzi immediately had a touching smile on his face, and his little face was full of joy.

For her, the most touching love story is not as real as a beautiful piece of music, especially this piece of music is composed for herself, she is overjoyed.

"I want to hear it again."

"Listen again and kiss again."

Mori Kogoro laughed, put his left hand back on the piano, and started playing again.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's face was slightly red, but she also acquiesced.

When Mori Kogoro kissed Akiba's small mouth again, Akiba's jade arms wrapped around Moori's neck.

And Mori Kogoro's right hand hugged Akiba Reiko's soft waist.

The city in the sky in the practice room rang a few times, and the two kissed on the piano chair a few times.

In the end, Akiba's lips were red and swollen from the kiss, and Mori Kogoro stopped the music.

Akiba Reiko had already collapsed in Kogoro Mouri's arms, her soft and plump chest was pressed against Kogoro Mouri's chest, the touch was very beautiful.

However, it seemed that the music had the effect of cleansing people's hearts. Kogoro Mori didn't make any other movements with his hands, but just quietly hugged Reiko Qiuting.

At this moment, Qiuting Lianzi's mobile phone rang, instantly breaking the wonderful atmosphere between the two.

Soon, Pieko Qiuting sat up straight from Kogoro Mouri's arms, answered the phone, and it was Domoto who called, notifying Pieko Qiuting that rehearsal was about to begin.

After hanging up the phone, Reiko Qiuting said to Kogoro Mori: "Detective Mori, come with me to the concert hall and listen to our rehearsal."

"No problem at all!"

The two stood up together, but as soon as Qiu Ting Lianzi stood up straight, her legs fell back down again, and her body was a little weak from the moment of kissing.

Mori Kogoro immediately stretched out his hand to hug him, but the position of his big hand seems to be inappropriate, just covering the soft chest, the touch is wonderful, it is really unexpected!

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Miss Lianzi, do you want me to help you?"

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