It seemed that Kogoro Moori would get angry if he didn't do this, but she was afraid that Kogoro Moori would get angry.

Seeing Mori Kogoro appear, Shinde Akechi instantly became cautious, and subconsciously pulled his shoulders back, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Soon, Shinde Akechi stood up and said, "Since Detective Maori is back, I can leave with peace of mind. See you tomorrow, everyone."

After saying that, Shinde Akechi turned around and walked outside, the three girls surrounded by Mori Kogoro looked at Shinide Akechi's figure.

Xiao Lan said, "The new doctor is really a good person!"

The other two girls nodded quickly.

And Mori Kogoro looked at Xinchuzhi's back with a gloomy gaze, and a cold look flashed in his deep eyes.

Chapter 0175

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the girls and said, "Take your schoolbags, I'll take you back!"

A group of people walked out of the already empty school and got into the car.


Soon, Mori Kogoro sent Sumi and Sonoko home, leaving only Xiaolan in the passenger seat in the car.

Xiaolan poked her head over immediately, arching and sniffing Mouri Kogoro like a pig, but soon she frowned.

"Hmph, Dad, why do you smell of Teacher Judy's perfume?"

Mori Kogoro's expression remained unchanged, he chuckled twice and said, "Your nose is so good, Teacher Judy almost fell when she entered the office, I helped her, it must have been infected at that time !"

Xiaolan knew that there was a discrepancy in this statement, but she didn't want to worry about it too much. Instead, she asked, "Then Dad, did you finish the case you investigated last night? Are you going to use it tonight?"

"You don't know, you were not here last night, this guy Huiyuan sleeps very restlessly."

"Really, didn't she say before that she couldn't sleep alone? I'm not satisfied with sleeping with her. This kid is really difficult. "

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but laughed a few times, and said, "Last night's case has been settled, I'll stay at home with you tonight, I don't know who said to go back and make up for me just now!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan blushed, shook her head and pretended to be stupid: "Who, who said this, what compensation, I don't know anything!"

Seeing Maori Kogoro's half-smiling gaze, Xiaolan quickly gave in: "Okay, Dad, tell me, what compensation do you want, how about I help you rub your back when you take a bath tonight, I'm new I learned a technique of rubbing my back!"

Mori Kogoro almost had a nosebleed when he heard it, and he immediately asked, "When did you learn it? How did you learn it?"

Xiao Lan replied with a smile: "Yuanzi told me, Yuanzi is really good, she knows everything."

Mori Kogoro asked: "How did the garden know?"

Xiaolan turned her head sideways and said, "Yuanzi said that there are a lot of things on the Internet. It's easy to find out. She just searched and learned."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan said with emotion: "Yuanzi knows a lot of things, and sometimes he can tell some amazing reasoning like Dad!"

"But Dad, you must keep a distance from Sonoko and Sumei-senpai. Be careful not to make mistakes."

Xiaolan obviously still has grievances about what happened just now, she doesn't want her best friend to become a stepmother, so she has been whispering to Kogoro Mouri.

Xiaolan's instructions kept coming from the car, Mori Kogoro reached out and stroked Xiaolan's soft long hair, Xiaolan stopped talking and hummed comfortably.


At dinner time, at the dining table of Maori's house on the third floor, everyone had a sumptuous dinner, which was jointly cooked by Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan.

At the dinner table, Xiaolan said: "By the way, Yuanzi asked me to tell you that this Saturday she invited everyone in our family, the Boy Detective Team, and Dr. A Li to the concert hall of the Domoto Conservatory of Music to attend the inauguration concert. "

"She also said that the VIP box is coming, and it will definitely be exciting then."

Mori Kogoro frowned, there was a bomb in this concert hall, but seeing the look of expectation on the faces of Xiaolan and Haibara, Mori Kogoro didn't stop him.

That being the case, I will settle this incident by the way when I pass Qiu Ting Lianzi's side tomorrow Friday, and then I can go to the concert smoothly, and Qiu Ting Lian Zi can also sing.

Conan, who was buried in the rice, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Uncle Maori, what did you give Yuantai? Why did Yuantai recover suddenly? He called tonight and kept saying that it was the magical candy you gave him to let him eat." Can you speak?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be puzzled and said, "I didn't eat anything, just the mints I bought at the side of the road when I was buying drinks, in green packaging."

"Is Yuan too good? That's great. It seems that the doctor is exaggerating. I can't go to that Tianzhong Children's Hospital in the future. It's really inaccurate."

Mori Kogoro made a conclusion as if there was something serious about it, while Xiaolan and Haibara at the side couldn't stop laughing when they saw this. They naturally knew that Mori Kogoro used the healing technique to cure Genta.

There was only one dazed Conan in the field who couldn't figure out the situation, and didn't know what Ran and Haibara were laughing at.

After dinner, Conan said, "Uncle Maori, I'm going down to do the questions."

He went downstairs directly after eating, he was already used to it, even if he wanted to lie on it and watch TV.

Because it didn't take long for the three of them to take turns driving him back downstairs, and if it was Mori Kogoro, there would be extra tasks that made people vomit blood.

So Conan has learned to be good now, and went down consciously.

However, Conan went downstairs and did not return to his room. Instead, he ran to Mori Kogoro's desk to watch the previous cases about Domoto Music Academy.

Conan's heart was covered with a haze, and he seemed to feel that Saturday's concert was not easy.


At around [-] o'clock in the evening, Kogoro Mouri, who was sitting on the sofa, was looking forward to the new method of rubbing his back that Xiaolan said.

After being reborn in Japan, Kogoro Mori has done a good job in doing as the Romans do, just like Kogoro Mori has learned the traditional habit of helping his daughter bathe and rub his back during major festivals!

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