Mori Kogoro said seriously: "Yukiko, aren't you the top beauty star? How can they compare to you!"

"Thick and thick!" Yukiko laughed, waved her hand and patted Mori Kogoro's chest: "Kogoro, what you said is too outrageous, how can I be so powerful!"

Conan couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this scene, it seemed that his mother and Uncle Maori were too close.

However, he also thought that the three of them had met in Didan High School twenty years ago, they were old friends, and it was normal for them to fight.

Haibara at the side saw Conan's expression, and couldn't help but look at the little detective sympathetically: "Your mother is cheating, and you can still be so calm."

Fei Yingli took the invitation card and saw the words on it.

"Detective Maori, although it was very sudden, I still wrote this letter. My former group member Kaoru Kusano planned to get married in a flash, but she said that you are the person she admires most, so she entrusted me to invite you.

She'd like to see you at her engagement party next Tuesday night, so if you're free, Māori detective, by all means, come to this engagement party.

The address is Room 802, Xinghui Apartment, Nanchome, Mihua City, and the signature is Yoko Okino. "

After reading it, Fei Yingli flicked the invitation letter with her index finger: "Tsk tsk tsk, you really deserve to be the hottest detective in Tokyo. Whether it's a foreign woman or a celebrity fan, they all rush forward. This kind of treatment , it is enviable to see."

Xiao Lan and He Ye shook their heads and said, "Foreign women?"

"Eri, it's said to be Xiaolan's English teacher. As for Yoko's invitation, it's a friend after all, so I have to show some face!"

Mori Kogoro looked at the five girls around the desk, feeling as if they might explode at any moment, so he immediately opened their mouths to separate them: "Eri, you and Xiaolan go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, the food at home is not enough, what do you want to eat?" Buy them all, and I'll make them for you."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli picked up the car keys on the table, and said, "You will order me, Xiaolan, let's go."

The mother and daughter were obedient and went downstairs to buy the ingredients for tonight.

And Youxizi looked through the rest of the letters, and the rest were letters from fans, nothing special, so she picked up Huiyuan and climbed upstairs: "Xiao Ai, tell auntie, where is your room?" , take Auntie to have a look."

The two quickly climbed up to the third floor.

In an instant, the five girls were separated, and Mori Kogoro immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Toyama Kazuha, Mori Kogoro, Conan and Hattori Heiji were left in the office on the second floor.

With only four people left, Hattori Heiji looked extremely conspicuous. Toyama and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji like a perverted stalker, standing far behind Mori Kogoro.

However, Hattori Heiji couldn't bear such gazes. With great self-esteem, he pulled Conan past him, and then rushed into the room. The door was closed and locked from the inside.

He threw Conan onto the bed, lay down on the bed himself, and sighed deeply: "Kudou, what do you think, the disguise plan has completely failed, and now Kazuya looks at me like a pervert. "

Hattori Heiji scratched the hair on his head irritably: "Oh! Why is it so difficult? Why did your mother suddenly appear here? There is no way to continue the investigation."

"Besides, if He Ye becomes vigilant when he sees me appearing, if he doesn't meet that man, his trip to Tokyo this time may be in vain again."

"Kudou, what can you do?"

Conan held his head in both hands, and said with a wry smile, "What can I do? I can't protect myself, and I can't find Xiaolan's boyfriend. You say these women are really powerful, and they are really good at hiding men." what."

"We have found so many cases, so many murderers, and so many methods in the past, but this is a mere man who doesn't even have any clues."

Two hard-working detectives who share the same illness vomited bitterness to each other on the same bed, and the two of them in the room became more and more sympathetic to each other for a while.

But it was a different scene outside the room. As soon as Hattori Heiji dragged Conan in, only Kogoro Mori and Toyama Kazuha were left in the office.

Kazuha's amber eyes lit up, and she fell into Moori Kogoro's arms in an instant.

She stood on her tiptoes but couldn't reach Mori Kogoro, so she pouted and swayed constantly, making a gesture of asking for a kiss.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri smiled, then lowered his head, and kissed the pouting mouth in one breath.

He wrapped his hands around Heye's soft waist, and hugged him tightly into his arms.

He Ye's small hands started to walk around Mouri Kogoro's body, and he even wanted to lift up Mouri Kogoro's clothes.

Mori Kogoro let go of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "He Ye, you are crazy, they may come in at any time."

He Ye licked her lips, her big eyes radiated light, she said in a long voice coquettishly: "Mao~li~uncle~uncle, this will be very exciting, let's hurry up, we won't be noticed. "

At this moment, Kazuha is like a little devil, constantly attacking Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro looked sideways at Conan's room, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

Xiaohe Ye was not afraid, how could he be afraid as an old driver.

He responded, and moved his hands over He Ye Ruannuo's body.

Chapter 0203 begging for mercy and leaves

In the room, Conan was talking to Hattori Heiji about the case he had knocked down before. He lay on the bed with his hands on his head and said, "Hattobu, I feel that there is really a big gap between me and Uncle Mori!"

"There was a case that I couldn't figure out until now. We traveled to Izu a while ago. Just above the Shinkansen, two terrorists were trading with people, and they exchanged the trading items for bombs, intending to blow them up. Shinkansen trains."

"At that time, I just overheard their transaction, and I searched for a long time in the No. [-] car with the suspect in the transaction, but I couldn't determine whose black box had the bomb in it."

"But do you know? As soon as Uncle Maori appeared, after listening to everything I said, he immediately walked up to the trader and found the bomb in an instant."

"And what's even more frightening is that after taking me back, he even found the hiding place of the two terrorists who got off the bus halfway. You must know that they have never seen each other. They are thousands of miles away. Uncle Mao Li directly Found it, he called the police officer over there, and arrested the two terrorists."

"How did he find those two terrorists? I haven't figured it out until now."

Conan told Hattori Heiji about the Shinkansen bombing that happened before.

Hattori Heiji had a look of admiration on his face, he unbuttoned his blue suit and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Uncle Mao Li is indeed a very good detective. My father always said that Uncle Mao Li's reasoning ability is far better than him. Before that, I didn't understand where you made a mistake. I always thought that Uncle Mao Li was lucky to solve the case." Yes, I don't even bother to talk about you."

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