Kaoru Kusano turned around the corridor and walked into the bathroom, while Osamu Kenzaki quickly chased after him.

Seeing the disappearance of the two people's backs, Yue Yexue complained from the side: "Xiao Xun's temper is always like this!"

Hoshino Terumi turned around and looked at Okino Yoko: "Please, do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, otherwise why did you call sister Hui over this time!" Okino Yoko smiled.

And Terumi Hoshino glanced at Mori Kogoro again, feeling ashamed in her heart, but for the sake of her good sister, she had to sacrifice a little.

Terumi Hoshino pretended to be calm and said, "Then Yoko, go to the bathroom to prepare first, and we'll go to the living room to watch the drama."

Mori Kogoro and his team also followed into the living room. The living room of this apartment is huge, connecting the dining area and another area, like three compartments pieced together.

There were various decorations and collectibles in that compartment, including the trophies obtained by Kaoru Kusano, and many interesting things, which immediately attracted Hui Yuan to pass by.

The living room has obviously been decorated, and it has a somewhat festive feel, with various colored ribbons hanging from the ceiling.The coffee table is full of all kinds of drinks and food, and there are rich food on the side table, which fits the atmosphere of tonight's engagement party.


Not long after, Osamu Kenzaki returned to the living room, and when he saw his work on the LCD TV, he sat on the sofa and watched it with great interest.

Then, Yoko Okino opened the living room door and walked in from the outside.

At this moment, Yoko Okino is wearing the clothes they had when they first debuted, black vest, black shorts, red gauze skirt shawl and apron, revealing a small waist and fair thighs.

White boots and white gloves, especially conspicuous because there are two antennas hanging from the headband on his head, with two stars dotted on them.

Wearing this kind of clothing is really a bit more playful and cute.

Standing in front of Mori Kogoro, Okino Yoko blushed.

"Hey, I remember seeing this costume in Dad's video."

Xiaolan opened her mouth in surprise, and Yoko Okino blushed even more.

Cough cough cough!There is no need to talk about this kind of black history, after all, the taste has changed now, and he is no longer the old star chasing uncle.

Mori Kogoro praised: "It's still very beautiful, Yoko, praise!"

Hearing this, Yoko Okino immediately smiled brightly.

Osamu Kenzaki turned around, saw this outfit, and asked in surprise: "Are you really going to do this?"

Yoko Okino nodded, and said, "Of course, it's a long-awaited plan to dress up as if you just debuted, sing a debut song for Xiaoxun, and celebrate her engagement today."

"Okay, Axue, it's your turn to go to the toilet."

The tall and sexy Yue Yexue walked out of the living room with her bag in her hand: "Now it's time for me to rejuvenate."

As soon as Yue Yexue stood up and left, Hoshino Terumi, who was originally separated, saw the handsome side face of Mori Kogoro, and his relaxed body tensed instantly.

On the side, Osamu Kenzaki chatted and said: "To be honest, I am a little envious of Detective Mori, my fans are only close to [-] million, and Detective Mori has almost [-] million fans, which is more than the average Artists are still hot."

"If you come to the showbiz to hang out, then we have nothing to do with you."

The fan support club is about to hit [-] million, but Mori Kogoro didn't notice, he has been focusing on solving the case.

It's just that every time a case is solved, it will be collected by the paparazzi, and then published in newspapers and even on some programs.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's not a good thing. Now it's a little inconvenient for me to travel and investigate, and I have to change my bottoms every time."

Hearing the same distress, Osamu Kenzaki also laughed, and soon he turned his head to look at Hoshino Terumi: "Huami, isn't your interview program doing detective topics recently? Detective Maori is right next to you, Why don't you interview me when you have a great opportunity? Don't you wonder how the Maori detective deduced the truth?"

Terumi Hoshino's small face became a little panicked when she heard this, and she simply refused: "Detective Maori solves all kinds of murder cases, which involve too much privacy, and my interview is not suitable!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "It's nothing inconvenient. In fact, there are some cases where no one died. You can talk about those."

Hoshino Terumi's eyes lit up, and she resumed her style of interviewing others on the show, and began to ask questions to Mori Kogoro.

When the two talked, they completely ignored Kenzaki Osamu.

Seeing this, Osamu Kenzaki pursed his lips, turned to watch TV and continued to appreciate his demeanor, with a narcissistic smile on his face.

As for Huiyuan, the little loli looked at a cabinet, her eyes shining brightly.

Hermès' out-of-print bags in 04, Chanel's crystal princess shoes, and Fusae's exclusive royal wallet also appeared...

Little Lolita was so busy climbing up and down the stool to pick up those brand-name items that she completely ignored the situation on Kogoro Mori's side.

Conan, the little devil, and Xiong Du, the pockmarked manager, were eating at the dining table, and they were the only ones present who were hungry.

Xiaolan is helping Yoko Okino to prepare the blessing card, and the two are working together to paint on the back of the card.

0215 - Naked Female Body

Mori Kogoro and Hoshino Terumi talked for a long time, and the conversation between the two became more heated. Hoshino Terumi's body slowly moved between the sofas, and unconsciously approached Mori Kogoro.

Listening to Hoshino Terumi's continuous questioning, Mori Kogoro was rather surprised.

Terumi Hoshino is indeed a good visitor. As expected of the host who has interviewed the Prime Minister of Finland and Queen Diana, she has a solid background in knowledge.

No matter what topic Mori Kogoro talked about, she could pick up quickly.

Such women are rarely encountered in life.

At first they only talked about the case, and then they gradually talked about the world, and the more they talked, the more enjoyable they were.

The two talked about Les Miserables to identify the age of red wine, from the development of Japanese shrines to the religious revolution in Europe, from the latest artificial intelligence technology to reality TV shows.

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