Kaoru Kusano was naked, lying on the bathtub, showing A to Osamu Kenzaki and Conan without any concealment, but the wound on the neck was bleeding, which looked extremely terrifying.

Both Osamu Kenzaki and Conan were stunned, but Conan quickly reacted and rushed forward to check his pulse. Conan immediately shouted: "Mr. Kenzaki, hurry up and save someone!"

When Osamu Kenzaki heard it, he turned around and ran out and pulled a bath towel in.

At this moment, everyone who heard the abnormal noise rushed over. Seeing this scene, the girls couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Seeing this, Xiong Du, the manager, was full of panic, and immediately rushed over, picked him up, and shouted: "Xiao Xun, you must be safe!"

This Xiong Du's movements are extremely large, holding his face A and hugging Kusano Kaoru, his naked body is in everyone's eyes, Conan, the little devil's eyes straightened, Xiaolan couldn't help looking at him in disgust This little devil.

Mori Kogoro is well-informed, and besides, Kaoru Kusano is not in good shape, he is 20 years old, not half as good as Xiaolan, and he didn't think it was too strange, so he turned his face away, and Haibara was satisfied when he saw it nodded.

Mori Kogoro saw the ugly Conan, and directly hit him on the head with a burst chestnut.

A big red envelope popped up on Conan's head immediately, but he didn't dare to say anything more, and cowardly hid aside.

"Xiao Lan, quickly call an ambulance and call the police."

Xiaolan immediately picked up her mobile phone and made a call.

After Kaoru Kusano was carried out of the bathtub, Osamu Kenzaki put the towel on, and Kogoro Mori stepped forward at this moment, touched her body, and instantly found out the injury.

This wound only looks terrible, but in fact it is just a serious injury, and the limit of dying has not been reached.

Mori Kogoro naturally didn't want to use the healing technique, so he said directly: "Mr. Jianxiong, wash your hands and cover the wound on your neck, it can reduce the bleeding speed, and the ambulance will be here soon."

Jian Xiong Du hurriedly followed what he said, and then began to wait anxiously.

During this period, Conan walked along the corridor to the blood stains at the door, opened the door, and immediately called out: "Uncle Maori, there are blood clothes outside."

Mori Kogoro also went out, and saw besides the blood-stained raincoat and gloves, there was also a handkerchief and an eye drops bottle at the door.

Mori Kogoro put on his own white gloves and brought all these things in so as not to be stepped on by the medical staff later.

After sniffing the eyedrop bottle and the handkerchief, Mori Kogoro smelled the residual ether.

Soon, the medical staff from Cupido Hospital came in with a stretcher, picked up Kaoru Kusano and rushed out, Jian Xiong Du also rushed out, and the manager was crying as he walked.


After a while, officers Megure and Takagi led the team and appeared outside the apartment again.

Takagi said: "According to Xiaolan's report, the victim this time is the popular actress Kaoru Kusano, 20 years old, whose throat was cut while taking a bath at night, and is now being sent to Kuwado Hospital for emergency treatment."

Officer Mumu nodded while listening, the two knocked on the door and entered the apartment, and saw three young and beautiful female stars, one red, one green and one blue, wearing very beautiful debut costumes, their eyes widened.

Gao Mushe was even more delighted in his heart: They are all celebrities, and they will be able to ask for autographs then.

When Police Officer Megure saw Mori Kogoro, he asked subconsciously, "Brother Mori, did you find anything this time?"

Mori Kogoro pointed to the bloody clothes behind the door, and said, "There are a series of bloodstains from the corridor to the door. Conan found this pile of bloody clothes at the door, and because I was afraid of being stepped on by people in the hospital, I put them all away." Come in."

"The handkerchief and the eyedrop bottle above have the smell of ether. It should be that the murderer stunned Miss Kusano first, and then cut her throat."

Officer Megure nodded, and began to question the rest of the people.

Soon he clarified the situation: "So, at the beginning Miss Kusano said she was going to take a bath in the bathroom, and Mr. Kenzaki accompanied her to the bathroom first, and the rest of you went back to the living room to rest."

"After that, in order to prepare for the surprise, you all went to the toilet next to the bathroom to change into your debut clothes. The order is Ms. Okino, Ms. Yueye, and Ms. Hoshino."

"After that, Atsushi Mama went to the bathroom to call Ms. Kusano, and when he knocked on the door, he replaced Mr. Kenzaki. Mr. Kenzaki and Conan opened the door together, and found Ms. Kusano with her throat cut."

"Brother Maori, you just came to the party and stayed in the living room all the time. Well, you are not suspected."

Osamu Kenzaki frowned immediately: "Officer, what do you mean, does it mean that we are suspected? I said it should be the voyeur!"

Officer Megure immediately waved his hand and explained: "Mr. Kenzaki, don't be nervous, but we are still not sure whether the person in the room or the intruder committed the crime, so we must not let go of all possibilities!"

Hoshino Terumi folded her hands on her chest and said calmly, "Just search the room carefully, and if you find the most critical weapon in the room, then you will naturally be able to determine whether it was done by an internal thief. After all, no matter what the bloody weapon is Wiping also has a blood reaction..."

After Hoshino Terumi finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori, as if showing off, Kogoro Mori smiled at him.

But Police Officer Mu Mu frowned: "But if this is the case, Mr. Xiong Jian, the manager, is no longer here. If the perpetrator is him, then the murder weapon..."

Mori Kogoro said: "Don't worry, Police Officer Megure, I have already told the accompanying medical staff to take care of Mr. Kuma, and I will call you if there is any abnormal behavior, but you'd better send investigators to Kubado Hospital .”

Hearing this, police officer Muguro nodded immediately, and asked a police officer behind him to rush to Kubado Hospital.

Then he spoke again: "I'm going to search your belongings now, please forgive me."

A female police officer in uniform asked the suspect women to enter the room in turn, and began a body search.


Naturally, nothing was found during this search, and police officer Takagi reported: "We have searched the entire room in detail, checked the sewers, and all the items on the suspect, and found nothing that could be used as a murder weapon. "

"Furthermore, according to the hospital investigator's report, Mr. Jianxiong even checked his glasses, but he didn't find the murder weapon."

Police officer Mu Mu frowned and said, "In this case, the murder weapon is very likely to be thrown outside, and it is very likely that the voyeur you mentioned committed the crime."

At this time, a police officer ran over with a plush doll: "Officer Mumu, we found the bug in the victim's bedroom."

Police Officer Megure's eyes lit up: "It may be given by a fan of Ms. Kusano. He likes Ms. Kusano. He overheard the news of her engagement. He also knew that she was taking a bath by herself. He felt jealous. Just broke into the crime."

"In this way, everything makes sense!" Police Officer Megure immediately ordered the police to ask Kusano Kaoru's agency to see if there was such a No. [-] person.

Chapter 0217 Yue Yexue's Long Legs

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